




10.19059.     AR AR

According to science, self-deception is called anosognosia.  This is a severe mental illness that completely deprives a person of hearing and vision in all that concerns his sins and vices.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19161. The proportions are preserved.     AR AR

In someone else's eye we see a speck, but in our own log we do not notice this is a proverb about self-deception.  Especially well their sins are visible in other people, but in themselves are not visible.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19083.     AR AR

The most important symptom of pride is self-deception, which deprives a person of sight and hearing.  Pride is generated by ignorance and paralyzes all the tools of knowledge in a person.  You can only treat a proud person with pain and depression.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19131.     AR AR

Vices are always self-deception, the product of fear and lies.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19147. Victim of deception.     AR AR

The drug gives a person a false sense of wholeness.  An addict is a person who lacks integrity, this person constantly feels the lack of love.  After taking the drug, it seems to be assembled entirely from some ridiculous pieces... Alas, this feeling is false.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19250.     AR AR

Self-deception is the voice of fear.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.20631.     AR AR

Guilt tells you that you must ... but the debt is red.  Now that everyone around you is owed money, the situation becomes very tense and contradictory.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.20728.     AR AR

All these ideal people are catastrophically unhappy inside themselves.  Self-denial creates fear and a desire to escape from reality.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21482.     AR AR

Pride (neurosis and depression)  this is a clever drug lie (self-deception), when the mind, dependent on pleasure, specifically fills the world with suffering and pain, in order to turn pleasure into a pea, to enjoy it as much as possible.  Pleasure concentrates are a very powerful drug.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21645.     AR AR

Idun this sad proud to June no faith.  Faith is the force of the motion, and Idon doing everything I could not to move.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21650. Don't believe it…     AR AR

The purpose of the devil's temptations is to deprive you of your faith... that is, to restrict your movements.  The devil undermines your faith with doubts.  The devil tempts you with pleasure and rest... " Why should you go anywhere?  - says the devil... - lie down, rest, and let it make itself.  I'll give you everything, just wait."

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21757.     AR AR

Before you fall in love with the illusion of feelings or are afraid of them, try to compare this situation with the movie.  You're smart enough not to fall in love with movies and go crazy with horror movies, aren't you?  You should treat all your other emotions in the same way.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21772.     AR AR

Don't believe the screams of fear, fear always lies.  However, complacency and euphoria lie no less.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21787.     AR AR

The main deviation from the truth is wishful thinking.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.21933.     AR AR

A cunning subconscious mind can rigidly substitute a dependent, cowardly or lazy person who for some reason does not want to work and realize their dreams.  The body can get sick to give the mind an excuse that it is not able to implement its ideas.  This vile lie must be stopped at the root and ignored.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.22089.     AR AR

Your problem is that you think freedom is when you become a slave to vices.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.22237.     AR AR

Remorse can be deceived.  Wake up early in the morning, do your business, and then sleep as much as you want.

翻译: NeuronNet


