




10.9429.     AR AR

Winged angels and heaven on the verge of death.  The fish swims to the edge of Nothing, and, gasping with delight (the air is poison), waits with delight for death.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.9567.     AR AR

When you want to destroy something (for example, your life), start creating something.  The thirst for creation and destruction is essentially the same thing: when a person does not create, he wants to destroy.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.9606.     AR AR

Nervous energy is either used for movement and creation, or it is destructive.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.11412. Suicide.     AR AR

There is a huge problem with self-rejection.  When a person doesn't love himself, he tries to kill his bad half, half of himself.  But you can't kill half of yourself.  If you kill half of yourself, you will die entirely.  Therefore, this person is suicidal, and falls into fear and paranoia, which is expressed in hatred and fear of the real world.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.11533. The illusion of death.     AR AR

It is a big problem for a person to be ignored.  This causes existential anxiety, the fear of not being yourself.  A person begins to feel that he is not there, that he is dead.  Starting to die, a person becomes ill and begins to suffer.  The dying person tries to attract attention to himself with all his might, and if he succeeds in doing so, he begins to think that the disease is a cure.  Attracting attention to the disease, a person ceases to die.  "You should all pay attention to me, because I'm sick," the man says.  "I'm special because I'm sick."  Suffering and complaining, a person attracts attention and is happy.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.12774. Suicide of the world.     AR AR

The idealist's ideals are lies, and he is a liar.  His beliefs overwhelm him with fear and pain.  From the pain, the unfortunate man becomes angry and wants to destroy the world.  From pain, the unfortunate falls into panic attacks, wanting to self-destruct.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.14017. The killer's dilemma.     AR AR

The main question of a suicide is whether to kill yourself or destroy the world.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.15949.     AR AR

People who have been in Paradise (Nirvana, bliss) are prone to suicide, because they want to return to the realm of their Paradise illusions.  Any return to reality from Paradise causes shock and suffering.  The body is weaned from you, the body ceases to obey.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.16336.     AR AR

The one who commits too much pleasure or suffering will automatically want to die.  Suicidal tendencies are always too much suffering or pleasure.  Having exhausted the joy of life, these people seek pleasure in death.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.18798.     AR AR

Suicide is an act of denial of reality, when the subconscious mind, accustomed to its illusions and dreams, wants to find eternal sleep.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.18799.     AR AR

Suicide is always cowardice, or rather fear.  Fear that there will be no more pleasure and power.  Fear is when there is no love.  A coward is a proud man and a liar who denies that the world is beautiful.  A coward is an idolater who prays on several idols, and the rest of the world considers it a sewer.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.18802.     AR AR

A proud man is a man whose greatest desire is to strangle himself with his own hands and die of pleasure.  The reason is banal, he is intolerant of suffering and is averse to the real world.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.18803.     AR AR

All addicts tend to commit suicide, because against the background of their addiction, reality appears to them as a hell in which it is unbearable to live.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.18804.     AR AR

The main reason for wanting to commit suicide is pride.  Pride comes from ignorance and illusions.  Other things being equal, pride is a dependence on pleasure and a thirst for power over the sources of pleasure.  At risk are drug addicts, alcoholics, gamers, abandoned lovers, artists, managers, people who abuse Masturbation, lust and food.  In fact, we are talking about any method of sorting out pleasure and power.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.19156.     AR AR

Suicide is a very thankless task.  As a rule, suicides die long and painfully.

翻译: NeuronNet


10.20007.     AR AR

The repression of pain and fear outside of oneself generates panic attacks and loss of self.

翻译: NeuronNet


