




10.16517.     AR AR

Those people who do not like themselves, on the contrary, love themselves very much and therefore over-love.  Unable to withstand the heat of their own love, they close themselves off like a blank wall.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.16643.     AR AR

Fear can be overcome either instantly, or by exhausting it, by repeatedly thinking about it and asking yourself – how can I overcome fear?

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.16724.     AR AR

The more effort is made to achieve the goal, the less good it will do.  The effort should be constant and moderate.  Overkill will drain your strength and break your constancy.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.17790.     AR AR

The world is perfect and sickly sweet.  The world is a hell where there is nothing but pleasure.  A perfectly imperfect person is necessary for the world to save it from an overdose of beauty and turning it into pain.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.17853.     AR AR

Anyone who strives for super-control should remember that the jug, although solid, is empty. 

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.17914.     AR AR

I like everything...  as long as it is in moderation... Everything is good, as long as it is not too much and not too little…  For he who is too many is a murderer, and he who is too few is a dead man.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19402.     AR AR

From an overabundance of joy and pleasure  A person's ego swells and he loses humility, becomes arrogant and aggressive.  The Bible says about this:  pride goes before a fall.  So I recommend that you avoid complacency.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19453.     AR AR

Truth is moderation, because immoderation is greed, which will quickly exhaust the truth and turn it into a lie.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19478.     AR AR

Passion and too much love for a long relationship are not suitable, because exhaustion quickly occurs and insufficiency comes.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19497.     AR AR

Perpetual motion is a metaphor for restraint.  The problem with any entity is going over and over.  If the sheep eat the grass by the roots, it will die.  You should approach your sources of joy with moderate restraint.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19514.     AR AR

Fear is pride, too much fear or pain creates a very big pride in a person.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.19516.     AR AR

Vice kills itself by its greed.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21536.     AR AR

Pride is false love.  Pride is too much.  Too much fear, pain, pleasure, hope, faith... that is, haste, impatience, greed, greed, etc.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21721.     AR AR

A lie is anything that is exaggerated or downplayed.  The devil is either big or dwarfed.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21827.     AR AR

Too much attention is, in fact, the same inattention, because by focusing on one thing, we begin to not notice many things.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21898.     AR AR

A faith the size of a mustard seed moves mountains, and a faith the size of a large one is called pride and arrogance.  Pride goes before a fall.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21914.     AR AR

The devil is all words with the prefix "too".  The devil is immoderate.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.21975.     AR AR

Proud people are hungry for love and want to do good, and they want to be grateful for it.  On the other hand, too much gratitude creates complacency and emotional overdose in them.  Overdose is withdrawal, fear, aggression, etc.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.22087. Negative universe.     AR AR

The truth is that the good must be limited to grow, and the bad must be given freedom to destroy itself.

Tựa: NeuronNet


10.22187.     AR AR

The proud man longs for candy, but God does not give it to him out of love for the unfortunate.  The proud man is greedy and cannot control himself.  Too much candy is a terrible poison that makes your teeth hurt.  If a proud man is given what he wants, nothing can save him.

Tựa: NeuronNet


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