


5.819.     AR AR

A barrel with a spoon of tar is a symbol of beauty and truth.

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5.818.     AR AR

In   a   barrel   of   honey   with   a   spoonful   of   tar,   honey   is   the   solvent   and   tar   the   medicine.   This   very   aroma   of   beauty   is   poison   in   larger   quantities   and   a   medicine   and   beauty   in   small   ones.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


2890.     AR AR

The  ability  to  create  the  new  results  from  the  essence  of  chaos. 
But  in  order  to  create  beauty  it's  necessary  to  use  both  chaos  and  order. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


2892.   AR AR

Beauty stems from the fusion of the essence of novelty and perfection. If, moreover, beauty is still useful, then truly this beauty is priceless.

Вступ: NeuronNet


2005.     AR AR

I've  noticed.  Beauty  brings  luck.  Everything  good  is  drawn  to  beauty-  be  it  money  or  good  luck.  Possessing  beauty  makes  a  lucky  star  sparkle  above  its  owner.  All  for  you,  all  to  you.  Ah,  it  even  makes  the  heart  soar...  The  main  thing  is  to  seize  the  moment  and  fortune  by  the  forelock. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie

Мистецтво Amateur (Dotsenco)



3.132.     AR AR

Truth   is   the   union   of   matter   and   nothingness.   Truth   is   the   union   of   zero   and   one   in   the   name   of   a   common   goal.   In   the   name   of   beauty   and   life.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


10.6822. Fly in the ointment.     AR AR

A pinch of poison is immune to poison.  Beauty is health.  To be healthy, you need to be a little sick.

Вступ: NeuronNet


2057.     AR AR

As  for  exterior  appearance  I  can  say  this:  there's  usually  a  sweet  wrapped  in  sweetie  paper.  Any  situation  when  there's  something  else  wrapped  in  it  is  a  dirty  lie. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie

Мистецтво Amateur (Dotsenco)



10.6826.     AR AR

Love gives us the ability to be attentive and consider beauty.  Love is the ability to see the obvious and simple things.

Вступ: NeuronNet


2405. The power of beauty.     AR AR

Beauty  brings  joy.  The  joy  turns  into  pleasure  and  pleasure  turns  into  happiness. 
And  beauty  brings  good  luck  and  draws  money  as  well.  Beauty  gives  health  and  prolongs  the  youth.  Beauty  is  great  power.  In  fact,  our  whole  Universe  exists  because  of  beauty.  At  least,  that's  how  it  appears  to  be  to  onlookers. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


10.6996.     AR AR


Seek simplicity and ease, this is the truth.  Difficulties, props and patches are all lies.  An elegant solution should be beautiful.


Вступ: NeuronNet


3.910.     AR AR

Beauty   wants   to   Be…   Catch   the   flow   of   its   desire.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


10.6798.     AR AR

The beauty of this system.  When you have a system, you have love.  Everyone loves beauty.

Вступ: NeuronNet


4.722.     AR AR

Beauty turns lies into reality. The prettier the lie, the more likely it is to be true. But it is not beauty that makes falsehood true, but the love of beauty. But it is not love that makes a lie true, but faith. Love is faith, the energy of the movement of life. Faith is Go On.

Вступ: NeuronNet


10.6677. A work of art.     AR AR

Beauty is a manifestation of sexuality.  Beauty is sexy.  The real art is sex.  When you look at real art, you want to reproduce, you are filled with inspiration and fruitfulness... you are literally pregnant with thought and filled with energy, like sperm.

Вступ: NeuronNet


2762.     AR AR

Beauty  requires  kindness.  To  deny  in  kindness  to  beauty  is  a  sin.  But  those  who  are  kind  to  her,  beauty  bestows  luck  and  joy. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


10.7112.     AR AR


God is everything.  Everything is beauty and truth, so I love everything.


Вступ: NeuronNet


3.146.     AR AR

He   who   loves   God   takes   care   of   objects,   beauty   and   order.   God   is   order,   beauty,   truth   and   all   things   material   and   immaterial   around   you.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


3.174. Virus of beauty.     AR AR

Beauty  and  the  truth  are  the  same.  A  scalable  system  that  is  able  to  enslave  and  control  energy.

Вступ: Варвара Учеваткина


3.175.     AR AR

Beauty   is   the   accumulator   of   energy   and,   consequently,   truth   is   too.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


3.178.     AR AR

Beauty   is   a   virus,   and   antiviruses   combat   beauty.   Consequently,   truth   is   also   a   virus.   Consequently,   beauty   needs   to   disguise   itself   as   ugliness   and   truth   as   lie   in   order   to   survive.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


3318. Beauty brings joy.     AR AR

Beauty  is  useful  in  itself. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


3.361.     AR AR

Stupidity is useful.  I love stupidity.  Ivanushka-fool my hero.  Stupidity kills fear.  Fear is the devil, the source of all evil on earth.  But the good must be little by little, if the good becomes much, it will turn into its opposite.  Beauty is a metaphor for bread and salt, where salt is stupidity.  Moderate stupidity is a symbol of humility and love.

Вступ: NeuronNet


3407. Don't show a fool half the work.   AR AR

A fool in half will not see the whole,
Do not understand the beauty of the idea.
From fools some frustration... no joy.
The fool was created to spoil sweets…

Вступ: NeuronNet



3477. People need beauty like air.   AR AR

Вступ: NeuronNet


4.3745.     AR AR

A   three-legged   chair   is   “having”,   “being”   and   “doing”.   All   of   this   should   be   done   beautifully:   beauty   is   central   in   this.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


4.3750. What is seated on.     AR AR

Integrity   is   simultaneity.   Hope   for   yourself   and   others.   Hope   for   order   and   fortuitousness.   Hope   for   “doing”   and   “having”.   Hope   for   “being”   and   “not   being”.  

Hope   for   beauty   and   ugliness,   darkness   and   light,   heat   and   cold,   fear   and   love,   anger   and   tenderness,   redemption   and   death.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


3.24. Generative quantum Nanophilosophy.     AR AR

Syntalism   is   a   cyberphilosophy   based   on   generative   quantum   algorithms,   the   purpose   of   which   is   to   search   for   truth,   separate   the   grain   from   the   chaff,   and   generate   beauty   and   life.

Вступ: SD



5.56.     AR AR

Love is the law that determines the interaction of Yin and Yang, the source of this sun love.  The purpose of love is to create beauty and life. 

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.64.     AR AR

Despondency and passion are one and the same.  The only difference between them is which side of the barricades watching.  In fact, despondency is greed.  In the absence of faith man is not ready to achieve beauty and so turns into darkness. 

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.81. Beauty is sincerity and honesty.     AR AR

A   barrel   of   honey   with   a   spoonful   of   tar   in   it   is   honest,   and   honesty   is   beautiful.   The   more   horrible   the   vice,   the   more   honest   it   all   looks.   The   barrel   of   honey   is   a   syrupy   lie,   and   lies   are   not   beautiful.   Pure   tar   deprived   of   honey   is   snake   venom   -   the   incarnation   of   pure   evil   and   vice.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


8.17. Contrast.     AR AR

A   slight   imperfection   in   details   highlights   the   beauty   of   perfection.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


1169.     AR AR

Wisdom  is  the  beauty  of  thought… 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


1186.   AR AR

The  fact  that  many  foolish  people  cannot  appreciate  the  beauty  of  thought  doesn`t  at  all  mean  that  there  are  no  people  who  appreciate  the  beauty...  Just  foolish  people  are  persistent  and  heard  most  loudly…

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


1195.     AR AR

Shape  defines  content,  content  defines  shape,  if  you  have  no  power  to  change  from  inside,  change  the  outside:  buy  yourself  nice  clothes,  accessories,  surround  yourself  by  beauty.  And  the  beauty  from  outside  will  help  you  to  create  beauty  inside  you…  On  the  other  side,  you  can  make  it  vice  versa… 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


1227.     AR AR

The  world  doesn't  appreciate  simplicity  and  greyness  as  it  values  beauty  and  perfection... 
Surround  yourself  with  beauty  and  your  life  will  stop  seeming  grey. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


3.684.     AR AR

Beauty is something like a neutron star, it has a huge mass and, therefore, the force of gravity.  Beauty is order and the ability to group chaos, to create density.  In this sense, chaos is a discharged gas whose mass is dispersed.  Beauty, with its gravity, attracts chaos, gaining greater and greater density until it reaches a critical mass.  After that, an explosion occurs and a star or universe is formed.

Вступ: NeuronNet


3.867.     AR AR

Beauty is when you've done everything you can and then removed 62% of the excess.  Or, alternatively, be humble and anything not limit yourself, like water, taking all the space that you're supposed to.

Вступ: NeuronNet


3886.     AR AR

Beauty  is  useful.  Beauty  is  a  source  of  joy  and  pleasure,  good  luck  and  energy. 

Вступ: Muhortova Natalie


4.979.     AR AR

There should be no other hope and desire but to make beautiful. Beauty breeds faith and love. Therefore, it should be trust and harmonious.

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.109. Intelligence will save the world.     AR AR

According   to   the   philosophy   of   Syntalism,   beauty   will   save   the   world.   So,   to   save   the   world,   one   should   serve   beauty.   To   serve   beauty,   one   needs   love   and   intelligence.   Intelligence   knows   what   beauty   is   and   can   direct   the   energy   of   love   in   the   right   direction.

Вступ: lushchenko Marina


5.259.     AR AR

Beauty does not exist, beauty is an illusion of the mind. The more perfect the mind, the more perfect the beauty it can see.

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.354. Money loves beauty.     AR AR

Beauty is what money is for.  Money was created to serve beauty.  Love beauty and then the money will flow to you like a river.

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.644.     AR AR

A clever man always feels sorry for a fool. The fool is too small and immature in spirit to see beauty. Beauty is the eternal source of joy, deprived of this joy, the fool suffers eternally.

Вступ: NeuronNet


5.837. Beautiful Iphone.     AR AR

APPLE's symbol is a stump, a metaphor for bread and salt. Beauty, to avoid pride needs in a small defect. Bread and salt is a symbol of God ... Devoid of tar honey becomes cloying sweet and turns into an idol, that is, the devil. The Apple is the symbol of the Devil, and the gnawed Apple is the symbol of beauty and harmony of being.

Вступ: NeuronNet


6.613. the Nothing Theorem (21 first law of Soloinc).     AR AR

Energy   loves   beauty   and   seeks   perfect   forms   to   transform   into   them.   When   a   person   chooses   a   beautiful   goal,   he   begins   to   accumulate   a   lot   of   information   to   achieve   this   goal   through   study,   reading,   reflection,   communication   and   meditation.   When   the   form   of   information   acquires   integrity   and   truth,   the   energy   of   nothing   fills   the   person,   making   him   its   tool,   to   give   energy   the   form   of   this   perfect   goal.

Вступ: SD


6.622. Guardian of beauty.     AR AR

Greed is the lack of restraint. The devil is the guardian of boundaries, whose task is to stop unrestrained, and, withdrawing from them the energy to send to hell. Beauty is restraint. The intemperate lose beauty, and the devil, the guardian of beauty, drinks time and energy from them like a vampire, for energy craves beauty, and there is no interest in it otherwise.

Вступ: NeuronNet


6.712.     AR AR

The avaricious is a murderer, for, not knowing the measure, he seeks to excess, so killing beauty and perfection.

Вступ: NeuronNet


6.729. 3 essence of being.     AR AR

Energy (nothing and everything), love (thirst for beauty), beauty (truth and perfection). True, there is still a lack of love and beauty, but they can hardly be called separate entities.

Вступ: NeuronNet


6.918.     AR AR

"The devil is in the details" it's just those little things where there is beauty and perfection. You have to notice these little things and bring them to perfection and beauty.

Вступ: NeuronNet


8.5002. A counterintuitive source of energy called beauty.     AR AR

The   source   of   energy   in   this   world   is   beauty.   Beauty   has   the   power   to   create   energy   out   of   nothing.   Beauty   is   also   connected   with   perfection,   uniqueness,   originality,   use   and   even   love...

If   you   need   energy,   money,   good   luck,   health,   happiness   and   other   good   things,   then   you   should   somehow   serve   beauty...   you   should   love   it   and   forgive   it,   work   for   it   and   share   it   with   the   whole   world.   Your   task   is   to   spread   it.

The   stronger   the   beauty   that   you   serve   is,   the   more   energy   you   will   get   from   it.   Beauty   is   a   counterintuitive   system,   the   more   it   gets   the   more   it   gives.   Thus,   the   more   they   love   it   the   more   people   serve   it   and   the   stronger   and   more   energy-providing   it   gets.   Your   task   is   to   make   your   beauty   known   and   loved   by   as   many   people   as   possible...   The   sun   should   shine   over   the   whole   world.   Beauty   is   a   star,   is   the   Sun...   Your   task   is   to   make   the   Sun   rise   over   the   whole   world.

Вступ: Sodmis