




10.12784.   AR AR

The essence of the idea of love for people is to divide love.  People do not know how to love, their love is a thirst for power, jealousy and anger.  If all this fire is directed at yourself or loved ones-life will turn into hell.  Love should be divided as much as possible, because poison is a medicine.

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10.12911. Experienced player.   AR AR

You need to trust people and being consciously.  You, as an experienced player, should know that it is strategically more profitable to believe than not to believe.  Indeed, you will often lose, but by reducing the time losses associated with doubts, increasing the number of games and the total number of winning bets, your overall result will be higher than when using any other strategy.

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10.12912.   AR AR

It is very dangerous not to love people.  Love is faith.  If you don't love people, you can't trust them, they can't trust you... no one will believe you, everyone will deceive you.  You will get bogged down in doubts and fears.  Decent people won't want anything to do with you.  All your business will fall into disrepair.

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10.12914.   AR AR

If you want to be believed, you have to believe people yourself.  To be loved, you must love.

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10.13086. Perfect love.   AR AR

You are proud.  You can't forgive people for not loving you enough.  You want to control them, among other things, so that they love you more correctly and strongly.  You want power to take away people's love.

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10.13087.   AR AR

Love, devoid of humility, is the desire to own and control, that is, love turns into pride.  Few people like it when they want to rule over them.

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10.13117. Vip person.   AR AR

The thesis of love for one's neighbor is the devil's best weapon.  The service ideology of a consumer society leads to the development of a sense of selfishness and pride in a person.  Since childhood, a person is imbued with the belief that everyone should love and serve him.

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10.13106.   AR AR

Love is a situation where what unites is more important than what separates.

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10.13154.   AR AR

To love people is to admire their strengths, to pity their weaknesses, to protect and help their aspirations for perfection and beauty.

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10.13359.   AR AR

Believe that they need in every human being.  Life is a quest, each character of which can bring significant benefits.

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10.14548. Faith in the power of divine grace.   AR AR

The idea of salvation by faith and divine, unconditioned grace is the idea of the first step from God to man.  Forgive a man his sin, take a step towards evil, and evil, feeling good, will take a step towards it.  The point is that the one who is love is light, and the closer he gets to darkness, the more darkness turns into light.

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10.16869.   AR AR

Kindness is one of the names of love.  People who have love are kind.  The second name of kindness is humility and restraint.

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10.16913. Duty of love.   AR AR

Politeness is our duty, for it is said, love your neighbor. 

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10.18086. Fear of people.   AR AR

Those who don't love themselves don't love other people.  Those who do not love themselves are afraid of themselves, and therefore they are afraid of all other people.

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10.18257.   AR AR

The Bible places a special emphasis on loving one's neighbor, because the relationship between neighbors is monstrous.  People are monsters, you can't really see them from a distance, but up close, it's obvious.

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10.18377.   AR AR

Tell me, why don't you like people?  They don't want to do what you want them to do?  You are a proud man, hungry for power, and people do not want to obey you?  Take an example from me, I do not want or expect anything from people, and therefore they are quite nice to me.

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10.18426.   AR AR

The art of conversation is the art of loving one's neighbor.  One must love one's neighbor.  Love is honesty, benevolence, joy, usefulness, respect, tolerance, kindness, mindfulness, relaxation, and the absence of fear.

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10.18495.   AR AR

The essence of brotherly love is that everyone should try to help everyone in the service of their love.  If you see love in a person, help them to serve it in any way you can.

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10.18891. Love and be loved.   AR AR

Don't judge, so you won't be judged.  Don't kill, you won't be killed.  Don't lie, you won't be deceived.  Don't steal, you won't be robbed.

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10.19164.   AR AR

People who have love are equal to each other, because love is priceless.  Love is infinity.  Love is equal to love.  Vices are also equal to each other, for Vice is multiplication by zero.  Nothing is still nothing.

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10.19269.   AR AR

People are equal to each other, but in different ways.  Every person has his own value and usefulness for being.  It is not that an Apple tree is better than a birch or a fly agaric.

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10.19543.   AR AR

All the evil of the world is created under the slogans of striving for the best and love for one's neighbor.

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10.20803.   AR AR

Love your neighbor and accept him.  Let the person be themselves, have their own opinion and do what they want.

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10.20852.   AR AR

You can only love a person if you love yourself.  When you love yourself, you accept yourself as you are and forgive yourself for your imperfections.  If you forgive yourself, you can forgive others.  Otherwise, you will begin to despise the imperfections in other people, elevating yourself above them.

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10.21172. The gods are equal.   AR AR


Jesus said that all people are brothers and sisters.  They also said that  Jesus is the son of God.  Jesus is the son of God.  Since I am human, then  Jesus is my brother, and I am the son of God.  Therefore, I am God's son.


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10.21299.   AR AR

Love makes people equal.  Everyone we love is equal to us in the same way, regardless of their advantages and disadvantages.

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10.21419.   AR AR

If you feel contempt for someone, stop yourself immediately.  Contempt is pride, and therefore the inevitable source of your own misery and failure.  Take care of yourself, love people and the world around you.

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10.21449.   AR AR

Lack of tolerance is a sign of lack of love for people and pride.

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10.21490. Tolerance.   AR AR

Humility is respect.  Respect for your enemies.  Respect for the fears.  Respect for the laws of existence.  Respect for God.  Respect for other people.

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10.21544.   AR AR

Hope for the outside should be the same as love.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  If you don't love yourself, you don't love your family.  Hope for your neighbor as yourself.  There is no hope for yourself, there is no hope for your loved one.  Believe in your neighbor as in yourself, which means that as you do, so your neighbor will do.

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10.21942. Forgiveness of sins.   AR AR

Be simple – it means to forgive yourself and people their shortcomings and deviations from perfection.  The simplicity of this tolerance.  Forgiveness of sins and imperfections is tolerance.

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10.22336.   AR AR

Love your neighbor as yourself, because you are one. You are him, he is you. Everything is God, we are all the same primary point from which the universe arose.

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