
İdealizm ve idealistler.


4.35.     AR AR

Idealism   is   great,   indeed.   Idealism   deprived   of   resignation   turns   a   person   into   a   monster.   Ignorant   idealism   turns   a   person   into   a   monster.

Tercüme et: lushchenko Marina


5.663.     AR AR

The split personality of the idealist-neurotic is a typical example of the unity and struggle of opposites. Combining the incompatible, this man surprises, but if you knew that there are two, you would not be surprised at anything.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.680.     AR AR

Idealism requires humility that the ideal is unattainable. Joy is hidden not in the attainment of an ideal, but in the service of it.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


10.2337. Rehabilitation of idealism.     AR AR

Idealists may be blamed for their attachment to the unimportant, but it is these small, inconsequential, but constant steps that ensure the progress of civilization.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


10.2340.     AR AR

Idealism is the worship of the devil, but this is the case when evil must be loved.  For all its faults, idealism is useful.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.89.     AR AR

The devil is the product of idealism; it is the idealists who have divided God into good and bad.  The reason is that idealists themselves suffer from a chronic split personality and therefore they see the black-and-white world everywhere.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.2786.     AR AR

A true idealist is the true realist and idealist fake also illusory, as false a realist.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.836.     AR AR

An idealist is one who cannot accept that truth is bread and salt.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.3667.     AR AR

Neurosis is a state of growth, until the neurotic reaches his ideal, he will not rest. And he will never reach it.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.3676.     AR AR

Enlightened idealists are strong, they, who have reached their ideal, resemble angels. Demons it's just little angels, when the angel grows (if it grows), he turns into an angel.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


10.7117.     AR AR

When an idealist sees a speck in someone else's eye, it is only a small reflection of his own log.  An idealist is a blind person who, no matter where he looks, sees only his own reflection in the mirror.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.3678.     AR AR

An   angel   is   a   demon   who   has   decided   he   achieved   his   ideal.

Tercüme et: lushchenko Marina


4.3680.     AR AR

Idealists are forever creating ideals for themselves, and comparing reality with them, they find that reality is a lie, very different from the truth. Idealists even consider themselves false because they do not correspond to their own ideals.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


4.3679.     AR AR

You   are   not   great.   Filled   with   arrogance,   you   have   decided   you   achieved   your   ideal   and   are   now   impeccable   but   you   know   well   this   is   a   lie.   No,   you   are   not   an   idea   and   you   cannot   govern   the   world.   You   are   just   a   little,   weak   and   scared   child   full   of   uncertainty,   horror   and   suffering.

Tercüme et: lushchenko Marina


4.3681.     AR AR

The idealist who lives up to his ideal is strong, the only question is what his ideal is. If his ideal is "movement" and growth to the ideal, then all is well. But if his ideal static, while he has not reached, he is unhappy, and reaching it quickly filled again will be unhappy and run to find a new ideal.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.6.     AR AR

Judge not, lest ye be judged, this will save you from laziness, apathy, and depression.  When an idealist judges reality, it always fails to live up to his ideal, fails to live up to his expectations and shatters his illusions.  A mismatch between expectations of reality cause cognitive dissonance and 1000 of his sins and vices.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


3.64. Arrogance is war.     AR AR

Arrogance   is   idealism   and   дack   of   resignation   to   reality.   Arrogance   is   the   refusal   to   use   what   is   available.   Arrogance   is   the   declaration   of   war   to   reality.

Tercüme et: lushchenko Marina


4.3682.     AR AR

The idealist is ready to worship courage, honesty and fearlessness. This is his impossible ideal. The old idealists are especially fond of the young, who remind them of themselves in their youth.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


10.7021.     AR AR

An idealist is a person with sharply contrasting vision.  In fact, it is a Cyclops who sees only half of existence.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.113.     AR AR

Taken   separately,   rationalism   and   idealism   are   a   lie   but,   united,   they   form   the   truth.

Tercüme et: lushchenko Marina


10.6950.     AR AR


It is most effective to attract the attention of idealists to the ugly, because they then fall in love with it through the denial of ugliness.  Outwardly, idealists pray for the beautiful and good, but at heart they are ugly monsters who love everything vile, bad and imperfect.  The idealist is good on the outside, but ugly on the inside.


Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.59. The extreme is an exaggeration and an understatement.     AR AR

An important symptom of idealism is suspiciousness.  Idealists are similar, in essence, to magnifying glasses, everything seems to them either more or less than it is.  Suspiciousness is an exaggeration of fear.  And where there is suspiciousness, there is an underestimation of fear. 

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


5.961.     AR AR

The meaning of "Pygmalion" and "Cleopatra" by Bernard Shaw is that you can not bring up in your love your ideal, because then it will become a copy of the monster of yourself and eat you. Love is a plus on a minus, and a plus on a plus is a big problem.

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


261.     AR AR

The  principle  of  energoefficiency:  be  simpler.  The  perfect  decision  is  the  simplest  one. 
Even  a  complex  decision  consists  of  many  perfect  simple  actions... 

Tercüme et: Muhortova Natalie


5.85. Love me black.     AR AR

Idealists are unbearable in their pursuit of the ideal.  To bring them to humility, it is necessary to torment their black nature.  When they accept that evil is inevitable, they will understand how beautiful the colors of the day are. 

Tercüme et: NeuronNet


2470.     AR AR

Perfect  people  are  just  as  far  from  perfect  as  movie  plots  are  far  from  real  life. 

Tercüme et: Muhortova Natalie