




10.7263.   AR AR

When you judge, you say, " This is good and this is bad.  This is useful, and this is useless."  Your mistake is that you don't know that 1% of light needs 99% of darkness.  Concentrated poison is very dangerous, useful should be diluted with useless.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.8418.   AR AR

The pleasures in any form should be treated very carefully and their reception should be dosed.  Pleasures are good in small quantities, but the slightest overkill turns them into a deadly poison.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.8466.   AR AR

The medicine is the same disease, only in a small dose.  If you exceed the dose of the medicine, you will simply overfill yourself with the disease.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.9227.   AR AR

Fear is an unmanageable illusion and lie.  The cure for fear is a controlled illusion and lies in small doses.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.9457.   AR AR

Pride is a poison that kills, but in small quantities it is life and medicine-the Holy Grail.  Pride in a small amount is free will and human reason.  Too much pride is depression, rejection of love, anger, suffering, and a complete set of all other deadly sins.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.18516.   AR AR

The question of healing from many diseases is not even in the field of medicine, but in the field of limiting consumption  poisons.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.18515.   AR AR

There are no medicines in this world, everything is poison, but any small amount of poison is medicine.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.18451.   AR AR

You don't need much flattery.  Flattery is poison... in order for poison to become a medicine, it must be consumed in small quantities.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.19837.   AR AR

The problem with humans is that they don't have enough restraint on the poison.  Poison is what he really wants.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.20126.   AR AR

Evil generated by order is defeated by chaos.  Evil generated by chaos is defeated by order.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.20279.   AR AR

Fear is the kind of medicine, too much of which turns to poison.  Fear is a weapon that has turned against its owner.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.20759.   AR AR

Humility is the realization that beauty is poison in large quantities.  Restraint is the ability to close your eyes when you see beauty.  You can't look at beauty for a long time, an excess of pleasure will quickly turn into pain.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.21596.   AR AR

The question is not what kind of drug you have... the question is that you are an addict, and the meaning of your life is the search for pleasure.  Yesterday you found pleasure in one, today in another, tomorrow you will find it in a third…  It doesn't change anything.  You need to realize that pleasure itself is a poison that can only be used in very moderate amounts.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.21750. Bread with salt.   AR AR

Hope is the second name for pride, which is like salt.  Salt is a medicine in small quantities, but in large quantities it is a terrible poison.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.21792.   AR AR

What does the drug do?  It seems to speed up time, allowing you to concentrate the mosaic of being and see the whole beauty divided in time.  Concentrated beauty is joyous, but it creates an emotional overdose.  It was not for nothing that it was divided.  Beauty in small quantities is medicine, but in large quantities it is poison.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.21795.   AR AR

Everything good in this life is poison, but any poison in small quantities is a cure.  Therefore, the less good the better.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.21985.   AR AR


Use fear to kill your vices.  Fear and pain like a hot iron burn out all our sins and vices.


Tradu.: NeuronNet


10.22036.   AR AR

Everything is God.  There is only one entity, which is poison and medicine.  By dividing this essence into more and less, you create pride and love.  By dividing the entities in half, you create harmony.  However, experienced people say that the harmonic division occurs along the Golden section.

Tradu.: NeuronNet


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