




10.3185.     AR AR

The problem of cognition is that all cognition is both creation and destruction.  Knowing, you destroy yourself old and create yourself new.  The old Me can strongly resist, howl from pain and sabotage cognition a new.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.4628.     AR AR

The meaning of free will is that man always has hope.  Hope can give a person the strength to reprogram himself.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.4891. Rebuilding the brain's neural network.     AR AR

What does it mean to reprogram yourself? 
- All human beliefs and stable thoughts caused by connections between neurons in the brain.  Thoughts prefer to flow through already established channels.  To create new channels, you need to make a significant effort of will.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.4987. Love is a commitment.     AR AR

For the brain to want to achieve a goal, it does not just have to see it, it does not just have to fall in love, but it also needs to know how to achieve it.  Therefore, falling in love with a goal that is not known how to achieve, start with reading and thorough study of the issue.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.5119. 10 thousand hours of joy.     AR AR

To find the eternal soul, you need 10 thousand hours of joyful work.  If you spend 10 thousand hours on the knowledge and service of your love, you will know it, seeing the true beauty, you will find true love.  True love is beauty.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.6171. Cocoon of love.     AR AR

The point is that you can come up with any goal that you can imagine and love, but to realize it, you will have to change your nature to fit your new goal.  You will turn into a doll and close yourself off from the rest of the world.  This process is called depression, midlife crisis, personal growth, or neurosis.  No matter how it happens, the old You will die and the new You will be born.  One person, one love.  Love is dead, and so is man.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.6496.     AR AR


Love inspires.  Trying to be worthy of your love and delight it, a person begins to grow and improve himself.  You can love a loved one, parents, heroes and big people, or even God.  The more abstract and inaccessible the symbol of love, the better it is to love it.  It is especially useful to love God and his prophets.


Oversette: NeuronNet


10.6724.     AR AR


What is love?  This is the mode of information exchange.  You took something you were really excited and it's handed to you on a new DNA information and changed you...  Now you intuitively want to be like the object of your love...  you study it, take the best out of it, and build it into your mind genome.


Oversette: NeuronNet


10.18610. Just hope for yourself.     AR AR

You've been relying on others all your life, and it's filled you with fear.  To overcome fear, you need to repent, that is, change your mind.  When fear disappears and becomes love, the world of illusions collapses.  And that's what they call Armageddon.  Love will give birth to a new sprout of real life, small at first, but eventually it will grow stronger.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.18845.     AR AR

I myself came up with.  Until I invented myself, I wasn't even in the plans.  When I invented myself, I created myself.  Until I created myself, I wasn't there.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.18853.     AR AR

The realization of the expected means that first you have to become inside yourself what you want to be, and then the external reality will harmoniously adapt to you, as you move towards the dream.  You can program yourself through books and experience.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.18915.     AR AR

The main fault of a man is that he is cowardly and stupid.  How did this happen?  He gave his time to vices, instead of training his mind and will.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.19744.     AR AR

A person strives for what he lacks.  I seek wisdom because I am stupid.  I seek the truth because I am a liar.  I strive for courage because I am a coward.  I strive for strength because I am weak.  I strive for perfection because I am imperfect.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.19752.     AR AR

I wasn't there, but then I invented myself.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.19790.     AR AR

Your vanity and lust for attention are stupid.  Hide and take your time until you find strength, for as long as love is a weak sprout, anyone can uproot it.  When I grow up a huge oak tree, who will be able to hurt him?  Who can miss it?

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.19901. In search of a clear sky.     AR AR

Life is movement.  The meaning of life is movement.  Movement is growth.  Growth is joyful.  We don't need goals by themselves, but to indicate the direction of growth.  It is desirable to choose unique goals in order to grow in a direction free from competitors.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.21908.     AR AR

The problem of the poor is greed, they are very afraid to do useless work, while the income grows from the small and inconspicuous.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.21991.     AR AR

The system is due to the division within themselves is growing.  Multiplying through division, the system expands outward.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.22043.     AR AR

Zero because zero is always eating itself.  The system does not have an influx of information and energy from the outside world, and therefore it does not grow.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.22049.     AR AR

Self-creation occurs through self-destruction.  The point is that by getting new information from the outside, we destroy the current forms of information.  The point is that through division within ourselves, we gain solidity and integrity.

Oversette: NeuronNet


10.22260.     AR AR

High self-esteem is necessary in order to grow.  Indeed, this situation generates pain and suffering, but they can be compensated for by the joy of growth.  People with even self-esteem lose the ability to grow.

Oversette: NeuronNet


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