
Boek van troost.






4.3. Devil's advocate.     AR AR

Guilt is a feeling associated with a person's failure to fulfill his or her own or other people's expectations.  Sometimes it's a good feeling, often not so much.  To turn it off, start breathing deeply, talking internally to the person to whom you have a duty, explaining that the promised three years are waiting, and then the debt is forgiven.  Other things being equal, it is necessary to understand whether this debt is fair, plus various accompanying circumstances. 

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.6060. Fear the comforters.     AR AR

Consolation is a way to escape from pain and fear.  You already know that the more you run away from fear and pain, the more they grow?

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


3831. Hero's gloom.   AR AR

You lie exhausted and can't bring yourself to get up. Strength has left you, depression and impotence hinder your body. You have too much garbage and waste, the severity of the soul gives birth to apathy. You lack love, you lack hope, you lack faith. You urgently need someone to cheer you up, but what is the name of this good doctor and where to find him? Clenching your will into a fist, you find a spark of madness in yourself. In a frenzied rush of passion you get to your feet and rush back into battle. Fighting is what brings you closer to death, and death is salvation.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


3.35. A diamond.     AR AR

One   who   is   not   resigned   cannot   achieve   success.   Chaos   does   not   wish   to   give   in   to   order   just   like   that   –   the   main   weapon   of   chaos   is   fortuitousness   and   order   is   love.   To   accomplish   your   job,   you   should   do   the   same   thing   in   circles,   resignedly   and   lovingly,   for   tens   and   hundreds   of   times,   detecting   fortuitous   errors   and   irregularities.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


3.39.     AR AR

The   main   consolation   is   truth.   Resignation   to   truth   produces   consolation.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


10.1596. In front of the fire.     AR AR

The truth does not need neither in your love nor in worship.  However, the truth can save you from suffering.  When you are quite unbearable, come and sit with the truth.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


3.81.     AR AR

There   always   are   very   different   options.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


10.5607.     AR AR

Love dies, but love is always reborn as long as hope lives.  Hope is a period when love has died, and we are waiting for its revival.  Faith is a state of conviction that is fueled by the energy of love or hope.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


2271.     AR AR

Best  people  die  first.  It's  all  because  this  world  resembles  a  hot-house  where  providence  raises  flowers.  These  flowers  are  human  souls.  When  a  soul  is  ripe  and  perfect  enough,  it  is  considered  to  be  nice  for  "reaping  a  harvest". 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


3.88.     AR AR

An   algorithm   with   errors   is   said   not   to   work,   but   that   is   false   –   it   does   work,   it   works   badly   but   it   works.   What’s   more,   these   errors   encourage   you   to   perfect   the   algorithm   and   make   it   ramify,   working   through   thousands   of   different   options.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


3.3208. The distant past.     AR AR

Treat events now as memories of the past, this will allow you to reduce the energy of negative emotions such as fear, suffering, anger, irritation, unhappiness, pain...  Look at your present sufferings from the height of the future.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.16. Leave the Hippo alone.     AR AR

It's not an easy job dragging a Hippo out of the swamp...  Hippo resists and does not want to leave his warm and cozy home.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.1032.     AR AR

The   main   way   to   get   rid   of   the   burden   (hope   and   fear)   is   the   lack   of   coziness,   that   is,   the   urge   to   avoid   comfort.   Comfort   is   consolation.   The   urge   to   avoid   consolation   and   painkillers.   You   cannot   flee   pain   and   fear,   cold   and   sufferings.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


4.2276. Words of comfort? - No. Words of inspiration!     AR AR

Comfort should be inspiring. There is hope, hope million. No death. Destruction is only a change in the flow of water. The current never disappears, it only changes. Wind is immortal. Movement forever.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


5.16.     AR AR

As a consolation, reflexive answers work well.  By affirming aloud the right of a person to suffer, it is as if you are freeing him from suffering.  Now that he knows he had a right to his emotions, it'll be a relief.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


6.96.     AR AR

Solace and encouragement are good for the firmness of the spirit.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.2986.     AR AR

To console your sorrows, read in the Haggadah the story of the ten great martyrs.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.496.     AR AR

When a man dies, we should rejoice. Life is suffering, death is joy and salvation from the suffering of life. The dead are joyful, they have nothing more to grieve for.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.3644.     AR AR

A paradoxical fact. Fire in hell is an escape from pain. In fire burn vices and all that superfluous that was deprived of love and became the cause of human sufferings. In fire man finds salvation from pain and joy. Fire requires humility. In the absence of humility, the sinner runs from the fire, grabs at straws, tries to hold on to excess, seeks comfort and comfort, but finds only an ocean of pain and suffering.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


7.68.     AR AR

If on each occasion to be sad, it is possible to fall into chronic viciousness.  I recommend you look more positively at problems and troubles.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


3.86.     AR AR

You   should   resign   yourself   to   the   fact   that   any   good   deed   is   to   be   done   and   redone   many   times,   and   only   then   will   it   statistically   reveal   truth.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


7.72. Recognize, repent and erase.     AR AR

Reset  to  zero  and  forget  your  mistakes.  Mistakes  should  be  gotten  rid  of  and  forgotten  as  quickly  as  possible  or  they  will  destroy  your  conscience  and  life.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


10.6276.     AR AR

You need to forgive yourself for your sins.  Sins are like rot, if they are not cut out, the rot grows more and more.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.5060.     AR AR

Situational constraints are useful in that by limiting one, they make it possible to achieve perfection in the other.  So if you have something limited, do not beat your head against the wall, and bring to perfection the use of available tools.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


7.92. Don't waste energy on resistance.     AR AR

No need to argue, no need to justify anything.  You need to listen carefully and think about how you can use the situation for the benefit of the case.  Even if I disagree, there is no need to argue.  Say, "all right, all right, let's think."

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


7.93. A nut can be broken down, but a rubber ball cannot.     AR AR

If   you   want   to   break   down   your   team,   pretend   to   agree   or   act   neutral,   do   not   argue   and   do   not   protect   anyone,   avoid   pressure,   just   nod   but,   deep   inside,   do   not   believe   and   take   no   notice.   Do   not   be   as   stupid   as   a   nut,   or   you   will   be   eaten.

Voorwoord: lushchenko Marina


7.94. Stupid resistance.     AR AR

Walnut is very stupid, and his resistance to anything not worth it, how strong he was, his fast will break and eat.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


8.90.     AR AR

Nothing  will  ever  be  really  easy.  Besides,  lower  pressure  can  be  dangerous.  Remember,  that  a  deepsea  fish  taken  to  the  shore  can  be  easily  crushed  by  the  unbalanced  inner  pressure. 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


1778.   AR AR

The cult of the suffering God…
"Well, since God himself suffers, we mortals have nothing to blame.
"Yes, consolation - Consolation…
- Well, let suffer, and we are here with? He needs to, let him suffer.
- Suffering is the price of sin. Say, for us suffers…
"Well done!

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


1783.     AR AR

It's  important  to  know  that  a  person  needs  to  be  solaced. 
Unfortunately,  probably  no  one  can  be  solaced  with  the  "truth". 

Perhaps,  that's  why  there  is  too  little  truth  in  this  world. 
But  there  is  enough  consolation  lie. 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


3977.     AR AR

I  dislike  painkilling  and  consolation  because  easing  of  pain  doesn't  allow  to  realize  errors  and  get  wiser.  Pain  is  a  weapon  of  the  truth  in  its  fight  for  the  place  in  the  sun.  Pain  is  a  sign  of  someone's  mistake.  Pain  can  help  a  person  become  disappointed  in  sweet  illusions  and  say  no  to  destructive  temptations  and  to  master  laziness.  Pain  is  a  source  of  strength  for  fighting  with  personal  sins.  And  killing  pain,  in  its  essence,  destroys  the  incentive  for  fighting  with  personal  faults. 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


4.112.     AR AR

All   losses   and   expenses   for   the   sake   of   Faith   are   Godly   deeds.

Voorwoord: Varvara Uchevatkina


10.6758. Rejoice in the dead.     AR AR

I lost half a day today, and I was overcome with melancholy and despondency.  How to escape?

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.5597.     AR AR

Depression is a stop to gain energy for new growth.  The one who has not grown for a long time, accumulates a huge potential.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.5160.     AR AR

Your problem is that you're always trying to compete with someone, and so you're always exhausted, and then you lose.  No need to compete with anyone, no need to run anyone.  Just do your job well, without stress, but steadily and constantly.  This is the real victory.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


4.114. New weapon.     AR AR

The point is, even the biggest setback doesn't have to stop you. On the contrary, stop and consider what great benefit you could theoretically derive from it. Use failure to build new weapons.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.4810. Dependence on help.     AR AR

Be afraid to rely on the help of other people in solving their problems. Moreover, such assistance does not so much solve problems as perpetuate and exacerbate them.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.6277.     AR AR


Forgiveness of sins is a procedure for cutting out the rot from a person.  If this is not done, the whole person will rot.


Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.4476.     AR AR

Do not try to console suffering with pleasures, it will only add fuel to the fire.  Pleasure breeds suffering.  If you seek happiness, seek relief from suffering, not throw wood on the fire.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.6787.     AR AR

You do not need to hurry and be afraid of not being in time or losing time.  Time is an illusion and a lie, it does not exist, and therefore it is impossible to lose it.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.6762.     AR AR

It's necessary!  I don't know what the point was, but if it happened, it must have been necessary.  Dead time is either good or bad.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.5741.     AR AR

The tale of Ilya Muromets gives hope to all people who have lost a lot of time on entertainment, vices, entertainment, depression and depression.  Blessed are the poor in spirit, because they are like a coiled spring that has been coiled for a long time.  The energy stored in the point is enormous.  Even our universe is said to have originated from a point.  If the Genie is released from the bottle, he will be capable of miracles.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


10.6114.     AR AR

A person is always dissatisfied with something, and this is fine.  As long as there is discontent, there is life.  You should be happy with your discontent.  Discontent means that there is work, there is a hell that can be turned into heaven.

Voorwoord: NeuronNet


2170. An unconsoling conclusion.     AR AR

You  stand  in  front  of  each  other. 
You're  unhappy  –  and  the  world  around  you  is  grey  and  humdrum. 
He's  happy  –  and  the  world  around  him  is  bright  and  wonderful. 

However,  you're  just  two  different  observers  of  the  same  world. 
The  conclusion  –  ………………… 
            -  is  unconsoling… 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


2153. A blessing in disguise.     AR AR

While  you're  looking  for  what  you  lost,  you  may  find  a  lot  of  interesting  new  things. 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie


3955.     AR AR

When  you  feel  low,  you  can  always  console  oneself  with 
the  thought  that  you're  lucky  things  didn't  go  even  worse. 

Voorwoord: Muhortova Natalie

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