




3.3280.     AR AR

The cause of most diseases is chronic stress, causing spasms, seizures, depletion of the immune system, hormonal failures. The source of this tension is stress, fear, anger, idealism, pride, automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, etc.

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.3045.     AR AR

Cancer and other somatic pathologies are caused by overstrain and failure of the immune system as a result of chronic stress.

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.1293. A healthy mind in a healthy body.     AR AR

All   diseases   of   the   body   result   from   the   spiritual   disease.   We   research   and   implement   special   methods   to   affect   the   human   brain   and   nervous   system   so   that   the   spirit   received   energy   and   motivation   to   cure   the   body.   The   metaphor   of   treatment   with   the   Holy   Spirit   means   mobilizing   impacts   on   the   organism’s   immune   and   endocrine   systems   by   correcting   and   stimulating   the   nervous   and   mental   systems.

Аудару: lushchenko Marina


9.664.     AR AR

Fear  causes  nervous  system  disorders  which  forces  the  endocrine  and  immune  systems  to  fail. 

Аудару: NeuronNet


9.379. Fear is bad for health.     AR AR

Here’s  the  way  fear  influences  health.  Fear  is  a  brain  mobilization  mode  when  the  brains  and  the  whole  organism  start  using  an  increased  amount  of  energy,  thus  taking  the  precious  energy  from  the  immunity.  Weakened  and  deprived  of  energy,  the  immunity  can’t  effectively  confront  diseases  anymore.

Аудару: NeuronNet


4.924.     AR AR

Hypochondriac is when you think you've swallowed a needle... you scream and you're in pain. Stupid doctors can't help you because they can't find an invented needle.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.17957.     AR AR

Hunger is stress and fear.  Pride is a bottomless, greedy hunger that knows no satisfaction.  The proud have dilated blood vessels and high blood pressure.  All this is expressed in headaches, bone diseases, aggression, hallucinations, etc.  To get rid of pain, these people are forced to seek solace in vices.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.17963. Pahinui granulation.     AR AR

From fear and stress, intracranial pressure increases strongly, which gives rise to severe chronic headaches and migraines.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.17964.     AR AR

Headaches and growth retardation are a direct consequence of an overabundance of cowardice, fear, stress, and pride in the body.  If you often have a headache, the cause of your illness is the brainworm of pride.  You love yourself too much.  You're too afraid for yourself.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.17965. Twisted from the stress of the people.     AR AR

Fear warps people.  Curves are those who live in fear.  Fear slows down growth, spoils the teeth and distorts the bones ... all of it really spoils the character and karma.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.17966.     AR AR

You can tell a proud man by his health.  The health of the proud is terrible.  The proud man always runs to the doctors and cries.  A proud man is one who loves himself too much.  By focusing on all your feelings, a person generates a lot of stress inside.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.18818.     AR AR

If you're scared, drink a glass of water and you'll feel better.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19072.     AR AR

Sleep, work, rest and healing hunger cures up to 99% of diseases of the soul and body.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19121.     AR AR

Personality disorders cannot be cured by pills, because they are born of ignorance and lies.  Psychological problems should be treated with the truth and the word.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19304.     AR AR

The more independent the child is, the less ill he gets.  The same applies to adults.  Non-self-sufficient people live in eternal fear, which greatly spoils their health.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19305.     AR AR

To be healthy, you need to have love, honesty, self-sufficiency and do what you love.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21007.     AR AR

Try to trust the medicine and not change horses at the crossing.  Trust is truth, truth heals.  One medicine is stronger than many, distrust kills the miracle of love.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21030.     AR AR

Cancer is overkill, overkill in old age almost inevitably generates a lot of diseases, the most unpleasant of which is cancer.  There are different types of overkill, for example, overkill of food, emotions, sufferings, reflections on one's own ideality, censures, judgments, etc.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21614.     AR AR

I have noticed that the more people are afraid for their health, the worse it is.  You will say that they are afraid for it because it is bad.  Answer…  Maybe so, but we know that effects, like the crowns of trees, feed their causes.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21933.     AR AR

A cunning subconscious mind can rigidly substitute a dependent, cowardly or lazy person who for some reason does not want to work and realize their dreams.  The body can get sick to give the mind an excuse that it is not able to implement its ideas.  This vile lie must be stopped at the root and ignored.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21994. Peace of mind.     AR AR

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.22060.     AR AR

The healing power of hunger is that by quelling your pride, you awaken love, and love is a medicine and a miracle.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.22149.     AR AR

With all the vicissitudes of life, the main thing is not to be nervous, because health is more expensive.  Universal pofigizm allows you to save on medicines and sick days.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.22184.     AR AR

Emotional overdose should be treated with curative hunger, fasting in food, sports, humility of the passions, peace and restraint of their desires.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.22419.     AR AR

People mostly die not from disease, but from fear.  First, fear drains the immune system, and second, it is a self-fulfilling scenario.  The more a person is afraid of a disease, the more insistently they begin to see its symptoms in themselves.  Moreover, the fear develops suspiciousness and the person begins to invent these symptoms, and even die from them.

Аудару: NeuronNet


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