




10.10050.     AR AR

A single entity similar to a lie.  When the three Magi came to Jesus, individually, each of them saw what they wanted, but when they came together, they saw reality and truth.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.10421.     AR AR

Truth is the Trinity of time, place, and purpose.  All other things being equal, the truth is highly dependent on the goal, if the entity does not meet the current goals – it is a lie.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.10463.     AR AR

The one God is the Trinity. The Trinity is the unity of point, form , and purpose. The dot loves and serves its form (idol). Forms are combined into whole compositions. All together, the Trinity is a metaphor for beauty, truth , and love.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.10823.     AR AR


In three-dimensional reality, it is impossible to build an objective 3d model without having three opposite points of view.  If there are two points, you get a flat 2d model.  If there is one point, it will be something very small and extremely limited.


Аудару: NeuronNet


10.10824.     AR AR

The concept of "God is all" is revealed through the concept of the Trinity of unity of point, form, and picture as a whole.  "Everything is God" is a point, a form, and the universe as a whole.  And more than that, there is a goal that generates movement.  Movement is life.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.11098.     AR AR

In a three-dimensional world, there are always three choices: heads, tails, or don't judge.
If you do not judge your lot, but simply do what you must, you will save yourself unnecessary suffering.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.18901. Harmony of the Trinity.     AR AR

The Trinity is the unity of reason, beauty, and love.  The unity and equality of the Trinity is the basis of life.  None of them should prevail or degrade.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19299.     AR AR

The absolute is the Trinity of idea, energy, and vehicle between them.  Here hope is an idea, faith is a movement, and love is a guide.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19375.     AR AR

Love is a Trinity of "I want, I must and I must".

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19502.     AR AR

In the dispute between the forest and the trees for power, no one will win, because the main one in this Trinity is nothing…  Emptiness and nothingness, that's who's in charge in this world.  Their first servants are water, earth, air, and light.  Everything else is tertiary.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19975.     AR AR

Faith is  Now, for now it is a movement.  Love is the past, that is, the joy of what is.  Hope is the future.  The essence of integrity  God is the unity of time and all three of its entities.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19994. The Trinity of God.     AR AR

God is the unity of the past, present, and future.  That is, the unity of what has been done, what is being done, and what is potential.  That is, the unity of love (what is already there), faith (movement)  and hope (potential).

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.20309. The third element.     AR AR

The Trinity in Hinduism is Brahman (the absolute and soul of the world), Atman (intuition, subconsciousness and It), as well as human consciousness (I, pride, Ego).  Thinking sensibly, you can see that the third element is salt (a metaphor for bread with salt), which is enough for 1%. too Much  Ego (pride)  spoil the bread.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.20688.     AR AR

Trinity is a system of checks and balances.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.20868. The Trinity of Want, Must, and Need.     AR AR

Pride to believe that  I want to ... correctly say, the love and idea that live in me, want, and I, their slave, must do what they want.  I want and I must be simultaneous.  Moreover, what I Must and Want-I need, because it is useful and brings good.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.20889.     AR AR

Considering that  God is everything.  Everything is one.  Therefore, love, faith and hope are equal to each other.  Love is  God the father.  Faith is man the son of God.  Hope is the Holy spirit, beauty, idea, forms of the real world.  Thus, man is equal in importance to love, idea, Holy spirit, and beauty.  It is wrong to talk about the second-handedness of a person to something.  At the same time, of course, it is love that generates faith, but the opposite is also true, that faith generates love.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21092.     AR AR

God is love, a source of pure energy.  The son is the light.  Light is the darkness that has taken in the energy of love.  The son is a conductor of energy.  The son is faith and movement.  The Holy spirit is the forms and boundaries of the real world.  The Holy spirit is the embodiment of the beauty and desires of being.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21104.     AR AR

Man is the essence of the law (semiconductor), located on the border of being and non-being.  The essence of being and non-being is not a double essence, but a triple essence, where there is still a border, a semiconductor, love and pride.  Man is the guardian of borders.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21915.     AR AR

The Trinity is faith, hope, and love.  Where God the father is love.  Man is faith, and hope is the Holy spirit.

Аудару: NeuronNet


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