
3.250.     AR AR

The uncertainty of men creates in the woman a witch. 

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.256.     AR AR

Weak woman frightening alongside weak and uncertain a man, to overcome fear, she turns into a witch.

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.259.     AR AR

A man should behave with a woman honestly and courageously, otherwise, she will fall into fear of uncertainty and turn into a witch.  Lies and uncertainty create fear in women.

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.271.     AR AR

A man lies to a woman from the best motives, she believes, but then expectations are broken and there is a cognitive dissonance.  A lie begets fear, and fear as grebes climb the germs of suspicion.  Suspiciousness is hysteria and jealousy.  The man turned the woman into a witch, and then he cries.

Аудару: NeuronNet


3.655. A cure for uncertainty.     AR AR

When a man lies or scares a woman, he automatically turns her into a witch.  Lies, anger, weakness and lack of confidence men give rise to uncertainty, a wonderful nourishing environment in which women's rising fears.  Fear turns a woman into a witch.  Trying to conquer uncertainty, a woman devours a man.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.15044.     AR AR

Chaos can't be good from the point of view of order.  Order always imposes its ideas of good and bad on chaos.  The truth is that it is good for order-for chaos, death.  Chaos must say - I am bad, I am stupid, I am disordered, and this is my strength.  Chaos should not hang labels and standards of order on itself.  The power of Chaos lies in its differences from order, not in its similarities.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.15045. Don't judge or compare.     AR AR

The order is too good, and against its background, chaos begins to feel remorse and from a mental disorder that it is so bad falls into depression.  It should be said that the main problem of chaos is not that it is bad, but that it is ignorant and does not know that it is impossible to compare chaos with order.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.15051.     AR AR

It's not enough to admit that I'm bad, you need to put up with it and rejoice.  Simply admitting "I'm bad" will turn on fear, which sublimates into laziness and procrastination.  If you just include self-deception that "I'm not bad", this also includes fear, because lying always generates fear.  The fusion of lies and fear will sublimate into pride, but this will not be good.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.15061.     AR AR

Your problem is that you are a witch, but you are trying to deny your nature.  You want to be good, but I tell you truly, you are good when you are bad.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.15062. Inner voice.     AR AR

They tell you you're bad.  Don't believe it.  You're good because you're bad.  Your standard is the standard of chaos.  Those who love you want to dominate you and therefore try to impose their standards on you.  If you try to follow their standards, you fall into an abyss of misery.  I don't love you and I don't want power over you, so trust me and be what your inner voice requires you to be.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19382.     AR AR

Women cling to men who are proud, because they are dependent on pleasure, and therefore they can be controlled either by pleasure or by fear.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19563.     AR AR

Women's greedy pride craves growth and fruitfulness.  It is assumed that a man in love, having got rid of fear, acquires courage and the ability to grow.  If growth does not occur, but instead there is fear, alcoholism and other vices, this causes a woman to rage.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19567.     AR AR

Every woman has an angel and a demon in her.  Love me black means that initially you communicated with an angel, the light side of a woman, ... but love is everything.  Love to ride, love to drive a sled.  So learn to negotiate and communicate with the demon.  Especially in the man is also living angels and demons.  It takes two devils to come to terms with each other.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19570. The whip and the carrot.     AR AR

A woman wants her man to grow.  The angels love, when life grows.  When there is no growth, a demon with a whip wakes up in a woman.  The task of the demon:  fire and sword to awaken the craving for life in a man.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19591.     AR AR

A woman is afraid and goes wild when her man  devotes himself to thirst  pleasure.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19595.     AR AR

Idleness breeds vices, one of which is lust and infatuation.  Therefore, wives intuitively become angry when they see their husbands idle.  The fear that the husband will be stolen awakens demons in the wives.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.19978.     AR AR

Women who are dependent on beauty are dependent on attention.  They want to be the center of attention, and when they lose that attention, they go wild.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.20993.     AR AR

The idea  "I'm good»  turns a person into a demon or a witch, and his life - in hell. " I'm good»  denies "I'm bad»  and this, of course, is a vile lie and a chronic fear of everything bad.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21613.     AR AR

A woman who believes in her husband delegates her faith to him, thus doubling his strength.  Faith is a movement.  The wife is happy when the husband makes a move towards their shared hopes and dreams.  If the wife feels that the movement has stopped, she is overcome with fear and very bad mood.  A lazy man turns a woman into a witch.

Аудару: NeuronNet


10.21917. Working scheme.     AR AR

In the tale of the goldfish, we see a working bundle of a greedy, proud woman and an honest, hard-working man who fulfills her dreams.

Аудару: NeuronNet