
Kapcsolatok. Eszköz nők és férfiak

Ők mások. Pontosan azt szeretik egymásban, ami nem önmagukban van. Az egységük az ellentmondásaikon alapul. Ezért nem értik meg egymást. Különböző biológiai feladataik vannak, különböző vágyaik és céljaik. Csak a gyerekek és a kölcsönös érdeklődés közös bennük. Igen, szükségük van egymásra. A kapcsolatuk egy szimbiózis, egyénileg a felük, és csak azzal, hogy egymásra találnak, eggyé válnak.

A könyv lehetővé teszi, hogy válaszoljon a kérdésre, hogy ki kicsoda. Lehetővé teszi, hogy belenézzen a lélekbe önmagának és a szomszédjának. Lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy megértsük az emberi vágyak természetét.






10.6958.     AR AR

Nymphs and satyrs are two metaphorical images that most accurately describe the nature of men and women.  The unity of these two creates beauty both inside and outside.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.5957.     AR AR

The main art of love is to love so as not to turn the object of your love into an idol and idol.  Idols make the lives of their slaves hell.  And that, of course, is sad.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.6940. Unity and struggle of opposites.     AR AR

Love your enemies.  If your fight is long enough, you will become them, and they will become you.  War and conflict will bring you to unity.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.6789.     AR AR

Love is not from the words "Have and rule", but from the words "Look and admire".  The energy of admiration overwhelms you, and you begin to grow.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.6370. Narcissistic hunters.     AR AR

People who understand love as possession lose interest in the object of their love, but if there is a threat of loss, they begin to love again.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.6118.     AR AR

A beautiful girl has a very positive effect on a boy, motivating him to strive for perfection and strength.  Girls love strong, courageous, smart and rich boys.  The boy will have to work hard on himself to learn how to earn money and like the girl.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.6024.     AR AR

Suspiciousness occurs when a person is put in a passive position and try to control it.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.5967. Perishable and doubtful love.     AR AR

The main vulnerability of idolaters is that their idols are unstable and do not live long.  The idolaters themselves kill their idols and fall out of love with them.  Having lost their love, idealists cry, falling into depression and despondency.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.7036. Consensus.     AR AR

The most elegant solution to a family conflict is when a girl goes where all the girls usually go, and a boy goes where all the boys are sent.

Előszó: NeuronNet


4.12.     AR AR

You can change a loved one only by changing yourself.  The form of a loved one depends on your form.

Előszó: NeuronNet


4.90.     AR AR

The capacity for ritual is the capacity for love.  If a woman sees that a man has dreams and he systematically implements them, then we can hope that he is able to love.

Előszó: NeuronNet


1541.     AR AR

While  being  in  a  relationship  learn  to  make  pauses.  Give  people  time  to  take  a  rest  from  you  to  miss  each  other.  Intruding  yourself  or  making  your  presence  felt,  you  may  distract,  annoy  or  simply  bore  each  other.  There  should  be  moderation  and  balance  in  everything. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie


3.252.     AR AR

Prelomlenie people always pissed that his little bad love because there is a tolerance to the drug.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.253.     AR AR

Patterns and expectations about other people's behavior are a sin of pride.  You want to control other people's behavior?  Are you mad that they behave differently than you wish? 

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.259.     AR AR

A man should behave with a woman honestly and courageously, otherwise, she will fall into fear of uncertainty and turn into a witch.  Lies and uncertainty create fear in women.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3311. Without love a person turns into a dog.     AR AR

Love  is  an  understood  need.  Absence  of  love  brings  pain.  Pain  makes  one  angry.  An  unloved  person  turns  into  a  wicked  dog. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie


3.2690.     AR AR

What is IRL?  - The quintessence of greed.  Man doesn't keep his distance.  His desire to control and possess is so strong that he inevitably faces rejection and rejection.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.2436.     AR AR

In the conflict, both sides are equally to blame, because the border that separates them is one for two.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.2434.     AR AR

"I'm offended" will turn you into a slave.  "You hurt me" will turn you into an aggressor and a slave owner.  The integrity of extremes is necessary.  At the same time, "I'm offended" and "you hurt me", "I'm not offended" and "you didn't hurt me".

Előszó: NeuronNet


9.718. If you want love, be the first to love.     AR AR

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


9.524.     AR AR

It's  not  necessary  and  even  dangerous  to  take  off  people's  masks.  There  are  monsters  hidden  behind  them  and  by  taking  off  someone's  mask,  you  release  them.

It's  not  necessary  and  even  dangerous  to  take  off  people's  masks.  There  are  monsters  hidden  behind  them  and  by  taking  off  someone's  mask,  you  release  them.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


9.417.     AR AR

If  you  want  to  please  someone  and  remain  with  him  for  a  long  time,  you  should  learn  to  listen  and  to  hear.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


7.184.     AR AR

Sometimes you need to get rid of all the excess ...the excess weight, the extra people, the extra work.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.176.     AR AR

Lovers are those who understand each other without words touch.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.109.     AR AR

Watch out for provocateurs, these people like to make a split in your relationship, destroying unity with friends and loved ones. They love to provoke you, for example, telling you are unable or weak. Or tell them that someone said something about you or your friends. Or said or did something in your heart everything turns.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.108.     AR AR

If you love, serve, love is service. The easiest way to serve is to pay, you can pay with money, time, services. For example, to love the homeland is, first of all, means to pay taxes. To love God is to sacrifice for the Church. To love a woman to put her money. To love your job is to devote all your time and energy to it.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.107.     AR AR

Arrogance  prevents  man  from  serving,  i.e.  from  loving.  Arrogance  is  love’s  killer.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


3.256.     AR AR

Weak woman frightening alongside weak and uncertain a man, to overcome fear, she turns into a witch.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.255.     AR AR

If a man torments a woman with uncertainty and fear, a woman subconsciously wants to send him to hell and leave.  The point is, if she leaves and he is left without the love that is God, he will instantly fall into hell and go crazy.  And if it doesn't and will not fail, therefore, love was not in it so especially it is not needed.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.2700.     AR AR

Sense lies: I must lie, to me be loved.  A lie is a self-contempt based on the idea that there is nothing to love yourself for.  If people find out the truth about me, they won't love me.  In fear of losing the love of a liar always lying.

Előszó: NeuronNet


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