
Könyvek és tündérmesék.






9.1213. A book creates a person.     AR AR

Előszó: NeuronNet


5.383.     AR AR

No, it's not true that people read books.  It's books that read people and change them in their own way.

Előszó: NeuronNet


4.231. Treasure Island.     AR AR

Are   you   looking   for   the   Holy   Grail,   the   source   of   power   and   strength,   money   and   sex,   health   and   eternal   life?   Have   you   been   looking   long?   You’ve   looked   everything   and   it’s   nowhere?   Go   to   a   bookstore.   Read   non-fiction   books   on   philosophy,   psychology   and   anatomy.   At   your   169th   book,   you   will   find   the   map   of   a   treasure   island   with   a   gift   hidden   in   it.   To   get   this   gift,   you   will   have   to   give   everything   you   have   but,   in   return,   you   will   receive   everything   you   dreamed   of.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


4.1186.     AR AR

The   meaning   of   the   parables   is   to   teach   us   to   pay   attention   to   very   small   and   seemingly   insignificant   details,   which,   in   fact,   are   truly   the   most   important.

Előszó: Varvara Uchevatkina


4.628. 1,000 years of life.     AR AR

What   does   it   mean   to   gain   time?   Montaigne   spent   20   years   writing   his   Essays   and   I   read   them   in   one   month.   I   realized   and   put   to   good   use   some   20%   of   what   I   had   read.   Thus,   my   gain   was   about   4   years.   The   more   you   read,   the   more   you   gain   time.   Time   is   money.   In   three   years   of   reading,   I   managed   to   gain   some   100   years   net   and,   taking   the   synergistic   effect   into   consideration,   some   1,000   years.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


3.2744.     AR AR

People like books.  Why do we read books?  To read like people's books.

Előszó: NeuronNet


9.29.     AR AR

Books  make  us  kinder  as  the  stronger  a  person  is  the  fewer  fears  this  person  has  and  it  makes  this  person  kinder.  Books  help  to  become  stronger  in  mind.

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.97.     AR AR

Science   fiction   and   fairytales   tell   us   that   nothing   is   impossible   or   too   scary.   You   think   “There’s   nothing   to   be   afraid   of”   and   you   even   feel   better.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


10.7115.     AR AR

I believe in fairy tales if I see their meaning and usefulness.  If a fairy tale is a fantasy written for pleasure or other thrills, I am not interested in such tales.

Előszó: NeuronNet


2.     AR AR

Most  books  are  faulty  with  too  many  words,  too  few  thoughts  and  even  less  meaning.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.7169. Book, books are different.     AR AR

A mind that doesn't read books degrades back into an animal. The human mind was created by books. That would not degrade, you need to grow. To stop is to die.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.4627.     AR AR

They say a man is his social environment.  It's true.  But good books and dreams can overwrite a person, displacing the influence of society.

Előszó: NeuronNet


5.630.     AR AR

Books can save you from Vice.  By devoting your time to books, you will save your time from the devil and his Legion of temptations.

Előszó: NeuronNet


10.4107.     AR AR

I don't know a better investment than books.  Buying and reading books is the most profitable investment possible.

Előszó: NeuronNet


5.99.     AR AR

Isaac   Babel’s   short   story   Di   Grasso   clearly   illustrates   the   Zen   concept   according   to   which,   if   a   room   is   dark,   all   you   should   do   to   remedy   the   situation   is   to   turn   the   light   on.   Do   what   you   are   most   afraid   of,   and   this   will   instantly   transform   hell   into   paradise.

Előszó: lushchenko Marina


1655.     AR AR

Having  read  the  same  book,  two  different  people  will  get  totally  different  thoughts  and  messages  from  it.  What's  more,  their  impressions  will  rather  depend  on  their  life  experience,  outlook  and  mindset  than  on  the  book  itself. 

The  message  of  the  book  often  depends  on  the  personality  of  its  reader. 
As  one  likes  to  see  the  kind  of  message  one  is  aimed  at  seeing. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie


3208. Read slowly and make notes.     AR AR

Reading  is  not  about  how  much  one  can  read  but  rather  about  attention  and  understanding. 

P.S.  As  usual,  it's  quality  and  not  quantity  that  matters.  Thus,  a  person  who  understood  only  one  good  book  will  make  greater  progress  than  someone  who  read  a  hundred  of  books  for  no  reason.  And  if  most  of  this  someone's  hundred  books  are  shoddy,  this  person  will  not  be  considered  a  constructive  type  at  all. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Keyes Fro (Kujelnay Valeria)



3534. Perfectly joyous fairy stories.     AR AR

The  rich  and  the  beautiful  cry  too. 
The  story  of  Cinderella. 
The  story  about  a  lucky  fool  who  suddenly  became  rich. 
A  consolation  story,  a  booky  cookie,  a  dream  story  -  that  mistakes  the  wish  for  the  reality. 
A  fairy  tale  about  a  dream  that  will  never  come  true. 
A  fairy  tale  about  great  love  that  doesn't  exist  in  reality. 
A  fairy  tale  about  those  who  are  more  stupid  or  unlucky. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie


3580. [In brevi]     AR AR

Reading  makes  a  silly  person  sillier  and  wise  one  wiser. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



516.   AR AR

As  for  training  and  experience,  I  can  say  the  following:  I  burnt  my  first  book  and  it  took  me  8  years  to  write  my  second  one.

Előszó: NeuronNet


1649.   AR AR

As  is  known,  men  like  fantasy  while  women  like  detective  stories.  It's  equal  to  saying  that  men  like  to  tell  stories  while  women  like  to  tell  tales.

Előszó: NeuronNet


1822.     AR AR

The  books  where  children  should  act  as  adults  will  always  be  popular.  As  children  like  to  feel  adult  while  adults  actually  remain  children  within  the  bodies  that  grow  old. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



2823.     AR AR

It's  the  time  of  day  and  the  reader's  mood  that  defines  whether  a  book  is  interesting  or  not. 

Előszó: Muhortova Natalie


3.187.     AR AR

I am afraid to read books, I read so much between the lines that I spend two hours reading one half-empty page.

Előszó: NeuronNet


4.586.     AR AR

One of the best ways to raise children is not to argue or teach them, but, having gained their trust, becoming their friends, to slip them specially selected books, essays and articles, forcing their minds to grow and develop evolutionarily.

Előszó: NeuronNet


5.100. The tale of how the wind will dispel straw illusions.     AR AR

The tale of the three little pigs is a tale of those who live in a world of illusions and those who live in reality.  Now you know what happens to people who want everything at once. 

Előszó: NeuronNet


5.105.     AR AR

The Princess and the sex of the Kingdom in addition is a symbol of love.  A man who has found his love will find his Kingdom.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.462. Service of wisdom.     AR AR

The goddess of victory Pallas Athena is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.  Athena, the warrior maiden, was the goddess of arts and crafts, science and invention, military tactics and strategy.  In other words, if you seek the patronage of victory, you should learn more, read more, and train more.

Előszó: NeuronNet


7.771. "Eugene Onegin".     AR AR

This work is about how to act, even if you can do so.  Onegin is a character who seems to do nothing wrong, staying within the bounds of public opinion, but everything he does is wrong.

Előszó: NeuronNet


8.775. Strong book.     AR AR

A good book won't let you close it.  You just don't have the strength. 

Előszó: NeuronNet


9.691. Munchauzen didn't lie.     AR AR

Pull  oneself  from  the  mire  by  hairs...  along  with  a  horse/  Incredible!  But  philosophers  claim  that  one  can  make  one's  own  entertainment.  Thousands  of  books  assure  it's  up  to  us.

Előszó: Варвара Учеваткина


3.2003.     AR AR

I've noticed that most people read books to avoid thinking.  Thoughts hurt them, they find emptiness in books...

Előszó: NeuronNet


3.2066. The authority of books.     AR AR

If you are afraid to do something, refer to the authority of books.  Speak, read in the book that it is necessary to do so.

Előszó: NeuronNet


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