


3.663.     AR AR

The main goal of a toy hero is to become a real hero.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


4.327.     AR AR

Hero happy. If you want joy, turn your troubles into victories. Problems we have full and free, take any and rejoice.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


3.101. A resigned hero.     AR AR

Resignation   is   love.   Success   requires   resignation.   You   should   not   give   up.   Redo   and   overcome   -   for   tens,   hundreds   and   thousands   of   times   -   obstacles   arising   from   nothingness.

ترجمه: lushchenko Marina


7.4747.     AR AR

A hero is someone who, having lost, finds the strength to win. Having lost, he sows the seeds of victory and, having nurtured them, harvests.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


2609. The power of the Sun.     AR AR

«A  hero  is  full  of  joy».  If  your  actions  are  right  than  you're  a  hero.  And  since  you're  a  hero,  you're  happy  and  excited.  Struggling  makes  you  very  happy  and  euphoric.  And  your  enthusiasm  makes  you  even  stronger. 
You're  wonderful.  You're  absolutely  pure.  All  your  fears  have  left  you.  You're  a  superpower.  You're  a  star. 

ترجمه: Muhortova Natalie


3.27. Depression.     AR AR

From the bottom of the well, the sky looks like a point of view.  There is a wish for a miracle and wings, but the lines drawn by a pencil are insuperable for the wet hero ant.

ترجمه: NeuronNet



2535. Provocation under the mask of heroism.     AR AR

The  problem  of  heroes  is  that  they  get  killed  so  fast  that  there's  nobody  else  to  fight  with  titans.  That's  why  titans  like  to  cultivate  heroism  in  people.  It  helps  them  to  destroy  all  their  possible  opponents  really  quickly. 

ترجمه: Muhortova Natalie

هنر توسط Amateur (Dotsenco



9.34. Virility is the main feature of a hero.     AR AR

Virile  people  can  overcome  fear.  This  turns  them  into  heroes.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


3566. A matter of competition.     AR AR

Choose  unique,  beautiful  and  useful  goals  for  yourself.  The  more  unique  a  goal  is,  the  less  competition  you  will  face,  and  thus,  you  will  get  fewer  requirements  as  the  only  one  who  fulfils  it.  Not  everyone  is  meant  to  be  superman  but  everyone  can  be  a  hero.  It's  just  a  matter  of  the  right  choice  of  a  goal. 

ترجمه: Muhortova Natalie

هنر توسط Amateur (Dotsenco)



3.1547. Movement at any cost.     AR AR

The realization that while you are moving, you are a hero will fill you with joy and inspiration.  Hero happy.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


3.1633.     AR AR

He who has reached the top and stopped lies that he has reached the top.  He who truly reached the top did not stop, but went still further and higher.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


4.89.     AR AR

Women love a hero, a hero worthy of admiration.  Win and the woman will love you.  Conquer yourself and your vices.  Overcome problems and troubles.  Win, achieving goals and realizing dreams.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


10.6972. A hero without a feat is sad.     AR AR

The hero, anticipating the fight, is happy.  The hero loves his enemies, and resistance and obstacles only make the hero stronger.  The more resistance the hero meets, the stronger he becomes and more happy.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


10.7064.     AR AR

A hero is someone who serves his purpose, and I call everyone else a coward.

ترجمه: NeuronNet


3.1542. Two hero.     AR AR

There are two ways to achieve success.  Or you courageously and fearlessly attack terrible targets that are protected by fear and take them almost without a fight.  Either you choose conventionally easy targets and, having met enormous resistance, with great tenacity overcoming him become a hero.

ترجمه: NeuronNet