




10.15324.     AR AR

Mortgage is useful because it saves a person from the slavery of vices.  In the absence of a mortgage, vices will turn a man into a slave and take away all his time and money.



10.14606.     AR AR

The meaning of interest on credit is that what is love and truth must grow.  If nothing grows – it is a lie and an illusion.



10.22206. The electric spirit pierces the darkness.     AR AR

Combining the point of view of religion and physics, we can say that the God who created our universe, it was a quantum fluctuation of the energy field that gave energy to the debt of our universe.  With this money, our universe was built, and then the debt was paid and God went on to create new universes.  In fact, God is a wandering energy field.



10.22205. How universes are created.     AR AR

Business is essentially a temporary quantum fluctuation.  First, we invent money (or borrow it), then we use it to do business and create material values, and then we pay off debts or destroy the invented money.



10.17878.     AR AR


The strong, knowing the vices of the weak, likes to lend them money.  The weak, being the slaves of money, will quickly let everything go down to vices, after which they will become the slaves of both vices and the strong.




10.15329.     AR AR

Mortgage is useful because a person does not have money for vices, which means that there is a lot of free time for work and training.  By devoting time to study and work, a person increases their experience, becomes better and more perfect.  The more perfect a person is, the greater their happiness and income.  Having increased their income over time, a person at an accelerated pace repays their debts.



6.2602.     AR AR

Credit is won, this time in the loan. Credit can only be taken to someone who needs time, and who knows how to manage this time. For people who do not value their time, loans are dangerous, they will lose them, like everything else their time.



3.1498.     AR AR

Credit is an act of faith.  Credit is an investment in faith.  The less faith, the greater the percentage.  The greater the faith, the higher the return on investment.



10.197.     AR AR

Credit is what buys you time.  The meaning of credit is time.  The money this time.



7.521. Electronic clock.     AR AR

Money is one of the States of time, money is paper time. Time may be in the Cache, or it may be a credit illusion.



6.908.     AR AR

The divine idea and craft of mortgages and loans for construction and business is that once you take just a few steps towards beauty, then God helps the walking.



6.499.     AR AR

You can't do business without hope. The basis of business is credit. Hope is love and faith in debt. Love is energy and time. Therefore, hope is money and work on credit for a long time. The more you know about the truth, the stronger your hope and faith.



El comienzo del libro

4.696. Un adicto honesto.     AR AR

Las   deudas   generan   una   Triple   dependencia   de   la   alegría.   En   primer   lugar,   tomaste   el   dinero   y   algo   para   ellos,   es   alegre.   En   segundo   lugar,   ganaste   el   dinero   para   pagar   y   es   alegre.   En   tercer   lugar,   le   diste   tu   deuda   y   te   quitaste   la   montaña   de   los   hombros...   Es   alegre.   Eres   un   hombre   honesto,   has   pagado,   puedes   estar   orgulloso   de   TI   mismo.   Ahora   usted   está   dispuesto   a   tomar   el   dinero,   incluso   sólo   para   gastarlos   en   tonterías,   de   nuevo   dar   la   deuda   y   sentirse   como   un   hombre   honesto.



4.1591.     AR AR

El   deudor   y   el   prestamista   son   los   dos   principales   significados   de   la   vida   de   una   persona.   Los   secuestradores   se   convierten   en   prestamistas   y   siempre   esperan   que   se   les   pague.   Los   que   se   tragan,   los   deudores,   siempre   se   deben   a   alguien.



4.1593.     AR AR

Jugar   al   deudor   o   prestamista   es   una   excelente   cura   para   la   depresión.



4.1771. No estoy seguro, así que tienes miedo.     AR AR

El   deudor   y   el   prestamista   son   los   dos   principales   significados   de   la   vida   de   una   persona.   Algunos   toman,   otros   dan.   En   consecuencia,   algunos   deben   y   no   tienen   nada,   y   otros   deben   y   llegan   a   ellos   para   que   puedan   dar   más   y   más.   Si   quieres   riqueza,   hazlo   más.