




10.10305.     AR AR

Humility is when you do not expect gratitude, but simply do good and throw it into the water.  Pride is when you demand gratitude, not only for the good, but also for the bad, false, and useless.



10.10876.     AR AR

Not judging means not thinking about the results.  You should focus on the work, on the work, on the action, on the now...  Take care of today's day, and let tomorrow's day take care of the results.



10.17922.     AR AR

The barren Fig tree is proud, it does not want to do good and throw it into the water.  The Fig tree is constantly asking a selfishly stupid question:  "What will I get in return?»



10.16350. Do good and throw it in the water.     AR AR

People are ungrateful and few pay for good, but there is always one noble person who will pay for all at once.  1% of light on 99% of the Kingdom of darkness is normal.



10.11886. Do good and throw it in the water.     AR AR

Your good deeds that need to be released are like the seeds that the sower throws into the field.  Some seeds will fall by the roadside, others will fall into thorns, and others will give rich shoots.



10.21010.     AR AR

If you are the sun, then Shine.  It is not your business to judge who is worthy of your light and who is not.  Everyone decides how to use your light.



10.21115. Don't judge.     AR AR

Truth is a paradox, the principle of simultaneity.  Our business is to do our business, and who is right or wrong is not our business.  The Apple tree does not care who will eat its apples, the pig or the President of the United States.



10.21141.     AR AR

I know only one desire, which is also impossible to limit.  Do good.  Do good and throw it in the water.  Your task is to grow and bear fruit.  Who will eat your fruit and why is not your concern.  You can't restrict someone who wants to grow and bear fruit without demanding anything from anyone.



10.21143. It's very simple.     AR AR

Just do what you're doing and throw it in the water.  It's not your business to think who will pick it up from the water and why.  You feed your energy from the earth and the sun.  Those who eat your fruit are parasites and predators, but they are useful in protecting you and helping you reproduce.



10.21977.     AR AR

Doing good is joyous, but spreading good is hard.  Therefore, good should be done and thrown into the water.



10.22016.     AR AR

Pride craves power and possession.  By letting go and throwing the good we have done into the water, we subdue our pride and turn it into love.  Love is good.



10.22208.     AR AR

The Creator is proud.  The Creator needs pride to create.  Created to promote the case of water.  Water is love.  Do good and throw it in the water.  When the fire itself tries to promote its fruits, it turns into a devil.  The devil's business is to work in the forge, and he doesn't need to come out.



10.22236.     AR AR


Doing good and throwing it in the water is the only way to succeed without burning out.




10.22256.     AR AR

It is very profitable for a tree to do good and throw it in heaps around itself.  The point is that when the animal comes, it gorges itself, enjoying the feast.  More food, more fertilizer for seeds…  A well-fed animal pulls you to sleep next to it, then to the toilet.  In this way, the animals are tied to the tree.



10.22262. A heavenly place.     AR AR

When you do good, don't be afraid to just throw it around.  It doesn't matter that no one needs it and no one takes it.  Sooner or later, flies will fly into the soup and turn it into a Paradise.



El comienzo del libro

4.1087.     AR AR

Haz   lo   bueno   y   llévalo   al   agua.   El   punto   es   que   haz   lo   que   crees   que   es   correcto,   amable   y   hermoso,   sin   esperar   nada   en   respuesta,   sin   mirar   a   la   reacción.   Tu   tarea   es   crear   belleza.  



4.3503. Explosión nuclear.     AR AR

El   logro   de   la   masa   crítica   para   la   explosión   se   puede   producir   de   la   siguiente   manera.   En   primer   lugar   por   mucho   tiempo   hacer   el   bien   y   tirar   en   el   agua,   creando   el   caos   y   los   peces   picar.   Luego,   cuando   tengas   mucho   que   hacer,   intenta   conectar   todo   lo   que   has   creado   en   una   sola   unidad   ...   por   Cierto,   tal   vez   los   peces   y   no   tienes   que   alimentarlos.   Tal   vez   los   peces   pueden   comer   todo.   Sólo   tira   todo   en   un   montón   y   no   le   muestres   a   nadie   hasta   que   esté   listo.



4.4295.     AR AR

Haz   lo   bueno   y   llévalo   al   agua,   lo   que   significa   que   no   esperes   los   resultados.   Haz   tu   trabajo   y   no   esperes   gratitud,   aprobación,   alabanza,   maldiciones   o   críticas.   Tú   eres   el   instrumento,   tu   caso   es   hacer   un   caso,   no   las   orejas   colgadas.   Las   expectativas   y   las   esperanzas   envenenan   la   vida.   En   lugar   del   trabajo,   una   persona   se   le   da   miedo.



4.4296.     AR AR

El   método   "haz   lo   bueno   y   ponlo   en   el   agua"   ayuda   perfectamente   al   miedo   y   al   sufrimiento.   En   lugar   de   sufrir   y   temer,   esperando   el   futuro   y   la   evaluación   de   sus   actividades,   usted   se   centra   en   la   creación,   empujando   de   la   cabeza   todo   miedo   y   codicia.



4.4349.     AR AR

Esperando   es   un   orgullo,   estás   tratando   de   decirle   a   ser   lo   que   debe   hacer.   A   Dios   no   le   gusta   cuando   se   trata   de   dominarlo.   Haz   lo   bueno   y   déjalo   entrar.   No   esperes   nada.   Haz   lo   que   tengas   que   hacer   y   sé   lo   que   sea.



4.4408.     AR AR

Hacer   el   bien   y   tirarlo   al   agua   es   como   sembrar   el   campo.