




10.22205. How universes are created.   AR AR

Business is essentially a temporary quantum fluctuation.  First, we invent money (or borrow it), then we use it to do business and create material values, and then we pay off debts or destroy the invented money.

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10.22206. The electric spirit pierces the darkness.   AR AR

Combining the point of view of religion and physics, we can say that the God who created our universe, it was a quantum fluctuation of the energy field that gave energy to the debt of our universe.  With this money, our universe was built, and then the debt was paid and God went on to create new universes.  In fact, God is a wandering energy field.

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10.22216. The division of an atom in time.   AR AR

By taking a lie and stretching it out over time, we will create the truth.  However, the smaller the original grain, the more energy will be released from it during division.  In fact, our task is to create a chain reaction of decay in time.

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10.4669. Look around you.   AR AR

The law of conservation of energy is very joyful.  He tells us that the world is stable and at any given time it has everything you need to implement and support any of your goals.

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8.1233. Quantum theory.   AR AR

The   understanding   of   the   essence   of   the   elementary   particle   lets   us   realize   that   any   thing   is   both   good   and   bad,   beautiful   and   ugly,   useful   and   useless,   true   and   false.   Any   thing   exists   both   in   its   positive   and   negative   state...

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8.1087.   AR AR

The  example  of  the  creation  bubble  of  the  Universe  out  of  a  single  point  proves  the  hidden  potential  of  any  point...  Thus,  every  person  has  a  great  potential  for  growth  on  condition  that  one  manages  to  fulfil  the  given  potential. 

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8.1055. Qubit.   AR AR

If   we   study   the   quantum   theory   thoroughly,   we   may   suppose   that   any   thing   is   both   good   and   evil   at   the   same   time.

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7.5656. Matter lies.   AR AR

The lie is as graphene. A lie becomes a reality if there is a lot of it.

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6.6020.   AR AR

People are the same and different in the sense that according to Newton's law, the Apple falls down to the ground. But down falls not only Apple, but and pear or peach. The variety of circumstances is infinite, but the law remains unchanged.

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6.4763. The essence of the law of conservation and transformation of energy.   AR AR

Virtues are positive numbers that add energy. Defects is negative (imaginary) numbers that cause damage.

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6.4316.   AR AR

From the point of view of physics, any miracle is absolutely possible and real. Time and space are also energy structured by information. Knowing the truth will allow you to change the shape of space time as you please. All these fabulous teleportation, materialization, walking through walls and other miracles are quite accessible to the dragon.

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5.1870.   AR AR

In physics there is a theory of the field. In philosophy, too, I would single out similar fields existing in time and space. This is the so-called white stripe and dark stripe. Time and place, when bad luck and things stop, and time and place, where everything blooms and smells. Interestingly, these fields are wandering and often change places.

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4.4409.   AR AR

Treat  unsuccessful  tries  as  tiny  “yeses”,  and  something  will  work  out  when  there  are  many  of  them  and  they  become  a  critical  mass.  Do  as  many  useless  and  hopeless  things.  Pretend  you  are  creating  graphene.

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3.2731. Newton's laws in psychology.   AR AR

Inertia proves that everything temporary can last a very long time and will resist trying to stop it. 

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3.2175. The theory of the winds.   AR AR

The forces of order advantageously to destabilize the preheat zone of chaos to keep the order of things and their flow of energy.

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3.1715. The luminosity.   AR AR

Horizontal growth (branches and foliage of trees) is similar to a set of small needles in the cathode.  This is necessary in order to reduce the field voltage required for the emission of electrons.  That is, the more distributed the force, the easier it is to achieve the tunnel effect...

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3.1711.   AR AR

Logical reasoning, the honey of tar is the battery, where the tar binds, saving energy.  Humility with tar will allow you to use the energy of honey.

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9.548.   AR AR

The  thing  is  this.  Under  different  conditions  substances  change  their  qualities,  and  these  qualities  can  achieve  some  stable  state  that  will  remain  in  normal  conditions.

There  are  two  conclusions  here.  Firstly,  whoever  you  are,  you  can  become  anyone.  Nonmetals  become  metals,  liquids  become  crystals,  metals  turn  into  gases,  etc.  Secondly,  you  need  company.  Chemical  formulas  are  always  something  collective:  alloys,  oxides  etc.

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9.546. New materials   AR AR

The   essence   of   high   pressure   and   temperatures   system   is   such   that   new   chemicals   with   new   useful   qualities   and   properties   are   created   in   them.   Moreover,   some   of   these   chemicals   keep   their   structure   under   normal   conditions.

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7.980.   AR AR

To  achieve  success,  you  should  slowly  evolve  for  a  very  long  time,  till  you  reach  critical  mass,  after  this  revolution  will  happen  along  with  a  boost  on  a  wave  of  which  you  will  achieve  success.

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7.979. A universal curve.   AR AR

Evolution  engenders  revolution.  It  is  depicted  graphically  by  an  exponential  curve,  first  really,  really  slowly,  and  then,  after  it  achieves  critical  mass,  blast  and  boost

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6.493.   AR AR

The immaterial truth is described by Einstein's equations of probability, and the material truth by the laws of integral and differential calculus, the laws of physics and mathematics.

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3.513. And vice versa.   AR AR

A   quantum   leap   is   a   phenomenon   that   explains   how,   in   one   second,   you   can   turn   lights   on,   turn   hell   into   paradise,   a   problem   into   a   solution   and   a   failure   into   success.   The   nuance   is   that   a   quantum   leap   is   an   extremely   small   change.

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3.512. Blessed are the poor in spirit.   AR AR

Newton’s   second   law   says   that   your   growth   acceleration   depends   on   your   motivation   vectors   and   initial   mass.   That   is,   the   grain   having   no   doubts   in   it   is   capable   of   maximum   growth   acceleration.   The   smaller   you   are   and   the   fewer   doubts   you   have,   the   greater   your   potential   acceleration   is.   Find   a   goal   and   fly   to   space.

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The beginning of the book

10.70.   AR AR

From the point of view of mathematical abstraction, time and space are the same as heads and tails, that is, two sides of one.

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2015.   AR AR

An  interesting  thought  about  energetic  balance.  One  who  is  much  into  things  free  of  charge  and  freebies,  risks  to  start  producing  only  free  things.  Hence,  in  other  words,  one's  income  will  get  much  lower  and  money  won't  find  its  way  to  this  person. 

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Art by Amateur (Dotsenco)



3.573. Universal laws of hydrodynamics.   AR AR

Given that atoms are liquid, we are, in fact, always surrounded by liquid in different States.  Ocean is liquid.  Atmosphere-liquid.  Solid matter is also liquid, and even vacuum and light are also liquid.  And you yourself are more like a fish than a higher intelligence.  Man is the Supreme intelligence, the electric essence existing in the world of water.

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3935. Balance issues.   AR AR

But the balance is not only 50-50.
The balance point can be anywhere. The balance depends very much on external circumstances and factors. Depending on the length of the lever and the weight of the load, the balance point can move very freely.
And importantly... This is not the point itself, but the fact that there is a balance.

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3.970. Wave-particle duality.   AR AR

Dualism   is   proper   to   the   nature   of   growth.   On   one   hand,   it   is   a   wave.   That   is,   growth   is   occurring   in   spurts,   as   critical   mass   is   being   accumulated.   On   the   other   hand,   the   accumulation   of   critical   mass   always   occurs   by   putting   together   small   particles,   bricks,   stones,   efforts   and   mosaic   pieces.

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3.984.   AR AR

Value   is   a   variable   entity   in   the   game   theory.   Gamers   attribute   different   values   to   the   same   entities.   The   higher   a   value   is,   the   higher   the   gamer’s   motivation   (and,   consequently,   his   strength)   to   win   the   game.   A   goal   makes   the   gamer   stronger,   motivating   him   to   achieve   himself.   The   more   the   gamer   likes   his   goal,   the   more   opportunities   and   strength   he   has   for   it.

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5.807.   AR AR

An interesting point about the essence of busting love. Observing a chemical element itol responsible for the smell of flowers, I noticed that in small doses it smells like flowers, and in large and concentrated - feces. A lot of love all spoil, however, when you do not give flowers, it is also not happy.

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6.487. The maximum value of hope and faith is one.   AR AR

God is hope. Because hope is movement. God is love, because love is energy. God is faith, because faith is power. When these entities unite, they create matter. For matter to take form, God is needed, God is truth, knowledge of the form of matter. The formula of reality is an integral of matter, where matter is... (remember Newton's law).

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6.492. F=m*dv/dt   AR AR

We know two types of truth. The first truth is intangible and has a probabilistic character, the second truth is material and has a form, such truth is integral and consists of information about the coordinates of the points and planes that make up it. Since the real world moves in time, in order to comprehend the truth it is necessary to further differentiate this integral array in time and motion.

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9.542. High pressure and superconductivity.   AR AR

Not   all   the   people   should   be   forced   and   made   to   work   under   high   pressure.   The   chemicals   that   are   good   conductors   under   normal   conditions,   lose   energy   conductivity   under   pressure,   and   those   that   are   bad   conductors   under   normal   conditions,   get   superconductivity   under   pressure..

From   a   philosophical   point   of   view,   this   means   that   ordinary   people   start   to   work   better   under   the   pressure   of   extreme   circumstances,   and   creative   and   outstanding   people,   on   the   contrary,   break   down   and   stop   working.

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9.544. Freedom strives for order.   AR AR

The  «plus  one»  and  «minus  one»  charges  form  the  charge  balance.  If  there  is  no  balance,  the  system  is  extremely  unstable  and  searches  for  something  to  react  with  quickly.  Philosophically,  an  unbalanced  system  is  freedom  but  freedom  is  unstable  and  strives  for  freedom  and  balance.  The  same  situation  is  when  a  person  is  free,  they  always  try  to  involve  him  somewhere  and  react  with  him.  Under  these  conditions  one  can  choose  (as  one  has  the  willpower),  who  to  react  or  not  to  react  with.

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9.547. Extreme circumstances.   AR AR

Various   extreme   circumstances   seriously   change   the   human   nature.   Circumstances   are   an   important   source   of   novelty   and   uniqueness   in   the   human   nature.   You   are   often   told,   do   not   be   like   all   the   others.   But   how   to   do   that?   –   You   need   a   chemical   boiler   under   the   pressure   of   extreme   circumstances,   if   you   do   not   disappear   in   it,   you   will   find   some   stable   chemical   state   and   become   a   new   material.

It   might   be   as   well   possible   to   create   already   well-known   especially   useful   human   materials.   In   such   way   steel,   titanium,   uranium,   aluminum   ect.   humans   are   made.  

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9.552.   AR AR

Coordinates   of   an   objects   in   space   are   the   states   of   the   object   in   which   he   is   with   various   levels   of   probability,   depending   on   surrounding   circumstances   and   properties   of   the   object.  

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9.553. To want freedom is to lose freedom.   AR AR

As   electron   can’t   leave   the   nucleus   orbit,   the   same   way   human   can’t   break   the   closed   cycle.   But   free   unpaired   electrons   can   pair   with   opposite   free   electrons,   getting   balance   this   way,   but   losing   freedom.   By   the   way,   the   only   chance   to   get   temporary   freedom   for   electron   is   getting   into   some   extreme   circumstances:   pressure,   temperature   and   so   on.   So,   human   should   take   the   extreme   change   of   external   circumstances   if   he   wants   to   break   the   closed   cycle.

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9.567. Motion is a source of energy.   AR AR

F=ma   -   force   is   dependant   on   mass   and   acceleration.   F   =   dU/dx.   Philosophically,   the   more   your   knowledge   and   acceleration   are,   the   more   energy   you   have.   Relatively   speaking,   the   smarter   you   are   and   the   more   actively   you   move,   the   more   energy   will   be   accessible   to   you.  

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9.574.   AR AR

Chemical   bond   is   defined   by   electron   orbitals.   There   are   S,   P,   D,   F   and   other   orbitals.   So   relations   between   people   are   characterized   by   various   types   of   bonds.   Absolutely   different   people   can   be   friends   and   this   friendship   will   be   formed   as   a   result   of   external   and   internal   factors.   But   basically   whoever   can   form   a   chemical   bond   with   whoever   under   certain   circumstances.

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10.132. You can pay with time.   AR AR

The path to wealth is not even through poverty, but through imaginary numbers.  The amount of debt of that which grows will be commensurate with the income of that which has grown.  The law of conservation of energy can not be fooled.

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10.135.   AR AR

The law of conservation of energy tells us that the balance of form, content, and purpose will always remain the same.  If in a triangle we shorten one side, the other sides lengthen.

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3.1222. Barking is always good.   AR AR

Look, the point is, if some people praise you, others will automatically bark.  If large praise, scold small, if small praise, scold large.  The fact is that in this world the main thing is balance and simultaneity, they ensure the integrity and growth of being.

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3.1472. Geometry of quantum physics.   AR AR

Given that time and space can be represented as mathematical abstractions of triangle, cone and space, respectively, to control the physics of space/time perfectly fit the laws of geometry.  The laws of geometry can explain quantum mechanics.  Differentiation indicates the movement of objects, and integrals will find its area.

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