




10.19936.   AR AR

Wholeness comes when illusions, broken into tiny fragments, are fused into a whole.

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10.20945. A tangle of mutual interests.   AR AR

The larger, deeper, more ordered and intersecting the division of the whole, the stronger the whole is.

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10.20994.   AR AR

You suffer because you think you're good.  You suffer because you think you're bad.  You are suffering because you have divided yourself into two halves and have lost your integrity.

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10.21346.   AR AR

The truth is understood in three stages.  In the first stage, we take the lie and find the truth through the denial of the lie.  Having proved the truth, we go to the second stage, where we use the principle of negation of negation and prove that the first version of the same was true.  In this way, we get two truths, and when we combine them, we achieve wholeness.  Integrity is the real truth.

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10.21360.   AR AR

Approach any issue from at least three sides, and then combine all three points of view into a single holistic paradox.

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10.21891.   AR AR

The point is that it is boundaries that create infinity.  When you are aware of the illusory and permeable boundaries, but you will respect them and understand why they are there, you will understand the infinite.  The borders need to preserve the integrity, the borders do not divide, but connect.  An entity without boundaries will instantly disintegrate and become nothing.

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10.22037.   AR AR

The whole is the content, that is, the ocean of energy, which is conditionally divided into forms within itself.  Forms in their pride seem to be the main ones and give form to energy, but this is an illusion.

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10.22048. Gestalt is joyful.   AR AR

Integrity is the source of energy, integrity is the complete Gestalt.  Integrity is the achievement by a system of critical mass and the ability to divide within itself.

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10.22056.   AR AR

Integrity pleases, the integrity of it's length, lack of integrity, pain and energy drain.

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10.22168.   AR AR

Wholeness is truth, and therefore extension and an act of faith.  Wholeness is strong, joyful, and a source of energy.

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10.22189.   AR AR

From the point of view of the absolute theory, the existence of a variety of religions is useful for the concept of God.  Dividing the whole into a variety of forms makes it bigger and stronger.


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10.22348.   AR AR

Syntalism   is   a   philosophy   that   connects   the   unconnected   with   the   goal   of   achieving   integrity.   Integrity   is   truth.   To   know   the   truth,   the   mind   must   cultivate   tolerance   and   humility.

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7.710. On the edge of life.   AR AR

We need integrity, we need to think and do at the same time. Monkeys always lived on the very edge of trees, jump and think need was almost simultaneously, and otherwise fall and death. It's when you think and do at the same time.

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7.615. 3D integrity.   AR AR

Harmony   is   when   you   live   in   three   time   periods   at   the   same   time   –   the   past,   the   present   and   the   future.   Focusing   your   life   only   on   one   time   period   is   a   great   mistake.

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5.785. Enlightenment.   AR AR

You will attain enlightenment when you can put together all the pieces of the mosaic of your life and there will be nothing superfluous. And when all this is United into a whole, you will see a picture of amazing beauty and clarity, and understand why it was all and understand where to go next. 

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4.196. Everything will work.   AR AR

Lies do not exist, and there is no useless. All information will be true if it finds its place and circumstances. Things can be pieces of mosaics or keys waiting for their locks.

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3.124. Truth.   AR AR

Truth   is   integrity   and   unity.   To   achieve   integrity   and   unity,   all   extremes   should   be   united.   To   unite   all   extremes,   it   is   necessary   to   have   Resignation.   Integrity   is   Love.

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The beginning of the book

6.978.   AR AR

Perfection is the highest degree of awareness and clarity. Unconsciousness and obscurity are signs of imperfection.

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10.662. Filling the emptiness.   AR AR

The emptiness of consciousness is Nirvana, but it is not the primordial emptiness of ignorance, but the emptiness of knowledge.  Emptiness, in which there is only pure reason intuition, which is already known to all the questions and answers.  Void, devoid of doubts and fears.

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3.2449.   AR AR

Constancy is not a dead constant, but the movement and constant brute force of the faces of one whole.

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4.1559.   AR AR

In observing people with personality disorders, I have noticed that if there are two or more of these personalities, each of them suffers from its own distortions. Moreover, if the patient could be cured of the split personality and his consciousness folded into one whole personality, then all distortions would disappear. This leads to the conclusion that all the distortions of the personality of patients is the result of a split personality, when part of the personality is displaced and begins to compete for the right to life and independence.

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4.2070. You'll always be unhappy about something.   AR AR

You cannot become whole by rejecting. Rejecting, you share. The more you reject, the smaller you become until you become a point.

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4.2775.   AR AR

Infinity is simultaneity. You just think you're alive. Life is an illusion of the mind, in fact, you are simultaneous with all your past and future selves.

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5.1555.   AR AR

He who does constant not-doing is no better than he who does doing. The point is to equalize these two entities and achieve wholeness.

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5.3441.   AR AR

Good is what makes you perfect, and therefore stronger. Knowledge of the truth, training, rituals and morality make you more perfect.

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5.5350.   AR AR

Dividing the whole into its elements, you hardly learn much about the whole. What do you learn about water by dividing it into oxygen and hydrogen? Water extinguishes water, and its parts are the embodiment of fire. That is, we can say that the properties of the whole are opposite to the properties of its parts. Thus the things of which fire is composed are opposite to it.

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6.1392. On the unity of possibilities.   AR AR

Most people are either blind or lame or crooked... Therefore, one by one they do not succeed, but if they unite, they can achieve a certain integrity.

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7.2719. What it means to be.   AR AR

Personal growth is the process of merging the subjective and objective worlds. Being aware of oneself and the real world, one attains wholeness.

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7.2997. The growth paradox.   AR AR

The smaller the step of change, the easier it is for the small to become large, because, in fact, it will remain small, becoming large at the same time. That is the essence of wholeness.

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7.3811.   AR AR

It is possible to separate and go in different directions, but the main road is a direct link between the spiritual and the physical. When the aspirations of the spiritual and sensual beginnings coincide, man succeeds in his work.

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7.6147.   AR AR

One who is identical to his dream, becoming the dream. One who is identical with the loved one becomes one with him.

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9.1229.   AR AR

A blank white sheet, as a symbol of perfection, marks both the end and the beginning at the same time.

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9.3461. Curiously, the minus is easily changed to plus and Vice versa...   AR AR

Regarding stability, it can be noted that any number can easily be both negative and positive, and only zero invariably remains itself.

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9.5458.   AR AR

Integral   systems   are   very   stable,   having   reached   a   stable   state,   they   get   fantastic   firmness.   In   fact,   it’s   very   hard   to   create   a   system   and   reach   the   balance,   but   the   opposite   is   also   true,   it’s   hard   to   destroy   the   system   that   is   already   created.   There   can   be   total   chaos   reigning   inside   the   system,   but   chains   of   form   will   be   strong.

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9.6026.   AR AR

Separating  the  empty  from  the  solid,  you  do  useful  job,  of  course,  the  only  question  is  when  to  do  it  and  what  for.  Remember  the  parable  of  separating  the  wheat  from  the  chaff.  Everything  has  its  place  and  time.

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9.6096. The integrity of this simultaneity.   AR AR

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9.9262.   AR AR

In the middle it is not the negation of extremes, but their absorption.

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