




10.12643.   AR AR

The best way to increase self-esteem is to understand the meaning of the biblical metaphor about the poor in spirit.  The entrance to the Kingdom of heaven is through the eye of a needle.  You don't need to fill your Ego with the material world entities.

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10.20152.   AR AR

The needle's eye that leads to Paradise is a metaphor for restraint and a sense of proportion.  Less is more, and you should take care of your joy.  Avoid overkill.

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10.20168.   AR AR

For happiness, little is needed, but pride lies that much... in the end, it turns out too much, and a person does not fit into the Kingdom of heaven through the eye of a needle.

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10.20224. A skilled weaver.   AR AR

The way to heaven is through the eye of a needle, whereas hell is for those who sit on the tip of a needle.  Here it is either an Achilles heel to stand on the needle, waving your hands and trying to hold as much material as possible, or to humble your pride and do a useful job.

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10.20254.   AR AR

About the most inopportune times, you should always keep in mind the metaphor of the needle's eye, through which the path to Paradise goes.  A small hope is enough to succeed, too much will be superfluous.

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10.20272. God is white noise.   AR AR

Starting a business at the most inopportune and unfortunate moment is a good idea, because less is more.  The path to Paradise leads through the eye of a needle.  It doesn't take much to start a good business.  With care, find a small thread and follow it to find the way to Paradise.

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10.21766. An act of faith.   AR AR

If you drive more quietly, you will go further, because the way to Paradise leads through the eye of a needle.  You need a thin, time-stretched thread of actions.  Thousands of little things to do.  Paradise comes from a grain, the grain is very small and grows slowly.

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10.21767.   AR AR

The meaning Of the act of faith is to turn your actions into a thin thread, put them through the eye of a needle, and slowly, stroke by stroke, weave the fabric of reality.

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10.21768.   AR AR

The problem of pride is a gigantomania in the initial stages of the path, which  it doesn't fit in the eye of a needle at all.  You should realize the gigantic idea as a metaphor for the carpet, and your current small actions as a thin thread inserted into the eye of a needle.

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10.21769.   AR AR

The metaphor of the shepherd and the sheep of God is beautiful.  A RAM is a person whose resource is wool.  Metaphorically, this is the time.  God the shepherd shears sheep, taking their time, and weaves a fine thread from it, and, having passed it through the eye of a needle, weaves the fabric of reality.  A thin thread is a small daily act, an act of faith.  The canvas of reality is the promised Kingdom.

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10.21797. The needle is you.   AR AR

The path to Paradise leads through the eye of a needle, so you should not suffer from gigantomania, but look for a thin thread, pulling which you can insert it into the needle.  By the way, you are the needle.  Your task is to weave the fabric of reality and create a Paradise.

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10.22176. An effort of restraint.   AR AR

The meaning of the incredible ease of being is that there is a lot of everything and this is called pride.  If pride is subdued, that is, any multitude is restrained, then it will turn into love, the main treasure of this world.  To get to Paradise, you need to take the fleece of a RAM and, twisting it into a thin thread, thread it through the eye of a needle.

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The beginning of the book

10.291.   AR AR

In the eye of a rich needle is difficult to pass, because of greed, fear and greed, he grabbed a lot of things and can not unclench his fists.

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10.292.   AR AR

Anyone can enter the Kingdom of heaven through the eye of a needle, you just need to unclench your fists and let go of the material.

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10.293.   AR AR

The sinner will not fit into the eye of a needle, fear, lies and pride are too great in him.

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3.1733.   AR AR

Eye   of   a   needle   at   the   Gates   of   heaven   is   a   symbol   of   idealism,   symbol   of   the   word   No.   The   one   who   separated   the   God   into   Yes   and   No,   created   an   obstruction,   where   always   only   a   half   can   go   through   and   never   more.   Even   if   you   will   cut   one   of   your   ears,   you   will   be   told   to   cut   a   half   of   the   second   one,   and   then   a   half   of   a   half   of   a   second   one   and   so   on   forever.  

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3.1784.   AR AR

An   outpost   without   gates   is   an   eye   of   the   needle,   an   entrance   to   heaven   ...   Thousands   of   roads   lead   to   those   non-existent   roads..   Piles   of   good   intentions   are   on   the   sides   of   these   roads,   and   one   can   see   on   the   gates   that   this   place   is   created   by   love   and   that   one   has   to   leave   hope   to   enter   here.   But   beware   your   desires,   doubts   and   fear   will   close   the   gates,   and   you   will   stay   on   the   side   where   hell   is,   forever

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4.1743. Do you remember the needle eye?   AR AR

The   ancient   Slavs   way   to   heaven   ran   through   the   Milky   Way,   which   was   called   the   mouse   path.

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4.2095.   AR AR

I   do   not   want   anything   and   I   want   everything.   The   essence   of   resignation   is   to   accept   everything.   A   minus   and   a   plus   are   both   extremes   whereas   a   zero   is   just   a   point.   A   zero   is   the   eye   of   a   needle   joining   hell   to   paradise,   a   small   door   between   two   universes.   A   small   door   through   which   only   the   white   rabbit   or   Alice   can   pass.   The   white   rabbit   symbolizes   uncertainty,   and   Alice   is   one   who   sees   things   the   way   they   are.

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5.3644.   AR AR

The symbol of the needle's eye is a metaphor for the fact that the material will not take on the light.

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9.7050. Successful people are not afraid of difficulties.   AR AR

The  Bible  says  that  it  is  easier  for  a  camel  to  go  through  the  eye  of  a  needle  than  for  someone  who  is  rich  to  enter  the  kingdom  of  God.  Difficult,  however,  does  not  mean  impossible.  It’s  just  the  rich  have  many  temptations  and  the  Devil  tempts  them  more  than  the  poor.

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9.8333. There is no way without faith.   AR AR

To  go  to  paradise,  one  has  to  go  through  the  eye  of  a  needle.  Those  who  have  weak  faith  cannot  do  so  because  they  do  not  believe  in  miracles.

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9.8334. Light-handed.   AR AR

Do  you  know  why  the  road  to  paradise  goes  through  the  eye  of  a  needle?  Because  souls,  not  bodies,  go  to  paradise.

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9.8360.   AR AR

Great  faith  in  miracles  is  required  to  get  to  the  Heaven  trough  the  eye  of  a  needle.

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9.9713.   AR AR

People   get   fat   from   sins,   that   is   why   they   cannot   pass   through   the   eye   of   a   needle   into   paradise.

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10.1598. Nothing extra.   AR AR

The metaphor of the eye of a needle on the way to Paradise is a warning about the dangers of overkill.  Excess is a sin of greed.  Mortal sin will bar your way to Paradise.

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10.1668.   AR AR

The eye of a needle on the way to heaven is an ass.  The deeper your ass, the closer you are to heaven.

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10.3426.   AR AR

The eye of a needle is a door to pass through which you need to get rid of megalomania.  The wider the Ego, the more difficult it is to become the thread that God will weave into the fabric of being.

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10.3427.   AR AR

The metaphor of the needle's eye is a metaphor of humility with the will of the great tailor, which weaves the cloth of being.  If you want to be a part of Paradise, you have to be a humble thread, fulfilling its purpose.

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10.3443.   AR AR

Humility is the awareness of yourself as a thread in a needle, which embroider the pattern of being.  The needle is you, the thread is your time.  Pattern is the love of beauty and truth.  The pattern should be beautiful

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10.3444. Beautiful pattern.   AR AR

Love turns a person into a needle, the thread of being is time spent in the service of love.

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10.5712. Tailor, needle and thread.   AR AR

The meaning of the metaphor of the Kingdom of Heaven and the eye of a needle is that a person is a thread that stitches the fabric of time.  Therefore, they say, blessed are the poor in spirit, for they have no goals and they are ready to become servants of existence.

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