
Ancient Egypt. The secrets of the civilization of reason.






10.16701.   AR AR

The mysteries of Hermes teach us what faith means.  The test of fire is faith, the realization of what is expected.  The moth flies fearlessly towards the fire, flies to death, flies to a dead end, but knows that by showing care, it will be saved, and at the last second everything will be fine.  The test of water is faith, as the certainty of the unseen.  You dive into the black, opaque water and swim through the tunnel, hoping that there is a passage there and you will not drown.

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10.16481.   AR AR

The water test is a test of patience.

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10.1264. Snakes requires respect.   AR AR

The ancient Egyptian tale of the shipwreck tells of an old serpent who showed paternal care for a man in a difficult situation and showed humility, speed and respect for the serpent.

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7.5329. 42 sin.   AR AR

The more moral a society is, the longer it lasts. Ancient Egyptian civilization lasted 4 thousand years, more than anyone else at times. The society of ancient Egypt was very moral, they had as many as 42 sins.

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7.5297.   AR AR

The Egyptians also had a Trinity, the meaning of which was the integrity of one in three persons. OMON RA and Ptah, where Riot police – invisible spirit and RA – his physical repose of the sun, and Ptah is his representation on earth in human form – master's.

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7.5285.   AR AR

The  construction  of  tombs  was  the  economic  foundation  of  ancient  Egyptian  society,  which  created  jobs,  prevented  the  crisis  of  overproduction  and  allowed  money  to  be  effectively  redistributed  in  society.

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7.3698.   AR AR

Indeed, human civilization was created by the gods. The first human communities arose out of fear of the gods and death to serve the gods and build them temples and places of worship. The construction of religious buildings and tombs requires the concentration of thousands of people and it is religious ideas that have created large collectives and communities. The more sacrifices to the gods, the better we will live - people thought. And the more they came together in large and organized groups, the greater the sacrifices they could make and the greater the places of worship they could build. For example, tombs, dolmens and Egyptian pyramids are sacrifices to the gods.

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5.4811.   AR AR

Moses, Moshe in Hebrew, comes from the Egyptian word "moose" - son. The mission is the son of God. In particular, Jesus was also the son of God.

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5.4373.   AR AR

The essence of the idols of Easter island is the same as the dolmens and the Egyptian pyramids. They gave people the meaning of life, overcame the crisis of overproduction, symbolized ritual and distracted people from killing.

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10.990. Love is magic.   AR AR

God Ptah first imagined the universe, and then created it with the help of his closest assistants: intelligence, creativity and love.

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10.987. According to ancient legends.   AR AR

Love is a self-generating force, like the Egyptian God Demiurge, who created himself out of darkness.

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10.205.   AR AR

The God Thor was eagle-headed, so he could see the future.  Thor is one who soars high and sees far.

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10.176.   AR AR

Egyptian pyramids gave meaning to the life of the inhabitants of Egypt.

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The beginning of the book

4.840. The word is light.   AR AR

The Egyptian word "light" was placed by Moses in the ark of the Covenant. The metaphorical verb of light is a symbol of eternal movement, inexhaustible energy of life. Christ turned this word into a living light, and the candles that Christians light in churches are an echo of this word of truth. Fire, as a symbol of movement, is that which lives while it moves.

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4.843.   AR AR

Syntalism,   being   the   philosophy   of   mind,   is   the   rebirth   of   the   ancient   Egyptian   religion   of   Hermes,   and   the   theurgus   Soloinc   is   the   reincarnation   of   Hermes.

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4.847.   AR AR

The test of copper pipes is the test of lust and women. The test of water is a step into the abyss, diving into a dark pool with his head. The test of fire is living in fire and knowing that there is another way. But before that there was still a test of fear of height and depth.

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4.849.   AR AR

On   his   first   trip,   Soloinc   visited   Egypt,   Karnak,   from   there   went   to   Jerusalem   and   visited   the   Wailing   Wall.   On   his   last   trip,   Soloinc   visited   the   United   Arab   Emirates.

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10.992. What a decent man should do in retirement.?   AR AR

Atum, the setting sun, the God who begets men and gods.

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10.994.   AR AR

The Trinity of the Egyptian God RA, included the rising sun (son), the midday sun - the solar disk (Holy spirit), the sunset sun - Atum (father, old man baby, Buddha).

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10.998.   AR AR

Osiris is a God symbol of love and fertility, eternally reborn and dying.  In fact, Osiris is a metaphor for the sun, time and the God RA.

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4.2567.   AR AR

The development of thought went wrong. The Greeks prayed to Zeus, the personification of the Sun. The Egyptians also considered RA. Later Egyptian thought came to Amon RA. Christianity, having analyzed this concept, came to the conclusion that the worship of one Sun is idolatry and is a higher entity that is All. God is the universe. God is being. There are trillions of idols like the Sun in the universe. Plus Christianity pointed to the sacred essence of man himself, proclaiming his soul the son of God, part of God.

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4.2772.   AR AR

When a person dies, all his actions, thoughts are already known in heaven and are subject to weighing.

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5.3992.   AR AR

The leader is the one who builds the pyramids of Egypt, giving meaning to human life.  

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5.4812. The first revolution.   AR AR

It is believed that Moses was an Egyptian and a priest of the God Amon RA ...Moses did not know the Hebrew language well, so he stuttered and was laconic. The main idea of the Jews leaving Egypt is to unite the lower classes of the population on the basis of class and escape from their masters. In fact, Moses was the first known revolutionary in the history of mankind, who raised the people to revolt. The very process of flight from Egypt by the Jews was the first in the history of mankind revolution and revolt of slaves.

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7.3692.   AR AR

It is said that European civilization stands on the Foundation of Greek philosophy. But the Foundation of Greek philosophy is the philosophy of Egypt, Mesopotamia, the Vedas and Zoroastrianism. And even the traditions of Judaism stem from the same roots. It is said that Moses was taught the wisdom of Egypt, and Abraham was a connoisseur of the wisdom of Mesopotamia.

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7.3693.   AR AR

The ancient Egyptians considered writing a divine phenomenon. Writing is the Foundation of reason and civilization, and God is reason.

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7.5283.   AR AR

The ancient Egyptians believed that God is purity, that is, nothing. God is the chief arbiter between energy and information, a space within which chaos and order struggle. In fact, God is a consciousness within which white and black struggle in balance.

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7.5284.   AR AR

The ancient Egyptians believed that God is purity in the sense that he erases all created old, clearing the place to create new.

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7.5301. We all live in stone.   AR AR

In ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, one of the most important symbols of the world was the firmament of heaven, the symbol of which is silicon. Modern memory microchips are also made on the basis of silicon.

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7.5306. The eye does not just see the world, the eye creates it.   AR AR

The eye looks at reality and creates it. The ancient Egyptians believed that God created the world through the EYE when he looked through it. The eye is the creative principle of the Creator, contemplating, he creates the world.

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7.5326. Court in ancient Egypt.   AR AR

The court is the place of the duel of truth and lies. The court is where the judge - the truth before us or lies. The final judgment is the place where the gods decide whether a person is true, worthy of rebirth and whether he can stay in the real world, merged with Ka, or a lie, then he will be forgotten. The true man is firm and has weight, the lie is empty and weighs nothing.

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7.5328.   AR AR

There are two types of creation. The creation of life is the eye. The creation of death is the seed. However, the grain is something that you plant and it grows by itself, only requiring a little care and care. The act of giving birth is also about grain.

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7.5487.   AR AR

Religious  knowledge  gave  people  power  of  mind  and  spirit.  Ancient  religions  prohibited  transferring  this  knowledge  to  the  lower  strata.  For  example,  the  lower  strata  shudra  in  india  was  not  allowed  to  study  vedas.  Other  religions  were  limiting  slaves  literacy,  prohibited  to  teach  them  to  read.  In  more  modern  religious  texts,  for  example  in  the  bible  and  the  talmud  they  confused  and  disguised  everything  in  metaphors  code,  so  it  was  impossible  for  a  layman  to  get  the  meaning  of  the  text.  However,  the  idea  of  disguising  text  meaning  by  myths  was  common  for  the  Egyptians  as  well  for  the  Aryans  in  the  Vedas.  Religion  is  a  matter  of  power.

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