




10.22172.   AR AR

Keep your distance, because if you don't keep your distance, you are violating someone else's boundaries, which is the sin of pride and the source of all your future sufferings.

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7.383.   AR AR

Don't get into people's souls, there's nothing you can do there, keep your distance. A man may cry on your shoulder at first, but then he will avoid you, for no one likes to see their weaknesses.

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7.947. Keep your distance.   AR AR

The main problem of loved ones is that they constantly violate the comfort zone, which causes aggression, quarrels and negativity.

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3.2010. The threat of personal destruction.   AR AR

Proximity creates fear in neurotics...  Subconsciously, they remember the fate of meteorites burning in The earth's atmosphere.  The spirit of these people is weak and easily burned in other people.

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3.2275. Keep your distance.   AR AR

Closing or opening in communication with one person should be alternated, as alternates day and night, winter and summer.

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9.1048. A space for a step ahead.   AR AR

Buyers  should  be  treated  like  girls:  having  gone  halfway,  stop  and  leave  them  a  space  for  a  step  ahead.  Keep  the  respective  distance.

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9.2285.   AR AR

It is very important for a Manager to keep the right distance from his subordinates. If you draw them to himself - they will become untied if I delete myself – hate. The correct distance is calculated empirically.

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10.5444.   AR AR

Love requires maintaining distance there is, too much proximity kills love.

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10.8119.   AR AR

Humility is the realization that other people can also have their own mission in life, different from yours.

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10.8816. A good man from afar.   AR AR

An idealist is a person who is better loved from afar.  An idealist is a person who does not exist.  An idealist is a liar who personifies himself with his ideal, and ideals are always lies and illusions.  Therefore, idealists always have very tense relations with their neighbors.

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10.13421.   AR AR

Opposites form excellent harmonious pairs, because they create a balance of passions.  A man, caught between his two passions, restrains himself from falling into one of them.  This state of Affairs allows people to maintain a distance between each other and their vices, avoiding overkill everywhere.

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10.14301.   AR AR

Too much intimacy doesn't do you any good.  It is not enough to burn with love.  Remoteness is also bad, because it is cold and sad.  You need to keep the right distance.  Take an example from the planet Earth.

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10.17146.   AR AR

In dealing with people, it is vital to maintain restraint and firmness.  Break the distance, get closer, move further away...  burn or freeze.

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10.19033.   AR AR

Every addict tries to independently control the dose of drug consumption, but can not, willpower is not enough.  If we are talking about a love addiction, the partner who performs the role of a drug should limit communication with the dependent himself.

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10.19086.   AR AR

A person who is dependent on someone else's opinion and external love is a drug addict like everyone else.  With such a person, you either need to maintain a distance, or lower his self-esteem.

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10.19482.   AR AR

I've seen a lot of good people from afar... near monstrous ones.  But the problem is not in people, fire requires the ability to handle.

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10.20431. Keep your distance.   AR AR

The idol Narcissus sincerely wants love and is happy when it is loved, but if it is loved strongly and for a long time, over time it gets used to love and begins to treat the loved one with contempt.  It is not enough for the idol of love, he is always hungry and wants someone special to love him.

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10.21013.   AR AR

A woman needs to be careful in order to remain a Muse and delight a man, inspiring him to grow and courage.  To do this, she must maintain a distance from him, grow up herself, avoid dependence on him, maintain his self-esteem and dreams, while suppressing aggressive narcissism in him.

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10.21962.   AR AR

Breaking someone else's borders is an act of disrespect and aggression, which means that there is no love between you.  But there is a thirst for power and pride.  Keep your distance from those who don't understand the word "no".

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10.21963.   AR AR

The word " no»  "it's what defines the boundaries of things, giving them shape.  Someone who doesn't respect the word "no" is called pride.  If you can't say no, you're proud.  If you don't hear no, you're proud.  Both these proud men are burning in hell.

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10.22035. Love of time.   AR AR

To keep your schedule, you should love what you do.  The fact is that love is respect for other people's borders.  The boundaries of entities are defined by time.  It is impolite when one entity violates the boundaries of another.

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The beginning of the book

3.582. Keep the right distance.   AR AR

Look   how   it   all   works.   When   your   speed   is   equal,   you   fly   in   a   circle;   if   passion   overcomes   you   and   you   speed   up,   you   will   be   twisted   in   a   spiral   and   will   get   closer   to   the   sun,   the   source   of   energy.   The   point   is,   passion   should   be   removed   at   the   last   mile   stage,   otherwise   you   will   tumble   down   on   the   sun.   On   the   contrary,   if   you   start   slowing   down   and   resisting,   you   will   be   thrown   away,   say,   to   Pluto’s   orbit,   and   you   risk   freezing   there.

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4.516.   AR AR

In order not to lose credibility, keep your distance.

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5.106.   AR AR

Movement turns lies into truth. It is easiest to move in an orbit around your love, gradually approaching it until it is good and warm. The main thing is to find the right distance, and then observe it.

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6.312.   AR AR

To control a neurotic, you must control his passion, not allowing him to get too close, you must keep your distance, letting him close, not when he wants, but according to the schedule. Keeping the fire of hope and faith in him that he will not be deceived in receiving his joy. Neurotics cannot be deceived. All people, especially women, are neurotic to some degree, and the degree of neuroticism depends on the balance of love for oneself and the outside world, the number of its joys.

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7.331. Safe distance.   AR AR

In a relationship, it makes sense to keep your distance if you want to keep your mind and not fall in love. It is enough to keep in touch once or twice a week, you do not need to come closer.

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3.1914. Fire.   AR AR

What is the main sin of an idealist?  The main sin of an idealist is murder.  An idealist is a love killer.  Idealists do not cherish love, do not keep a distance, their sin is greed.  Overfed fire, they set fire, burn all the wood and the fire dies.  Leaving behind the ashes, the idealist goes to look for new firewood.

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3.1986.   AR AR

Man and woman idealists is the two fire, which is cold, and to warm up, they bask each other.  The main thing in this matter is to keep a distance.

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3.2690.   AR AR

What is IRL?  - The quintessence of greed.  Man doesn't keep his distance.  His desire to control and possess is so strong that he inevitably faces rejection and rejection.

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3.3147.   AR AR

The most valuable is the advantage in training, even a small advantage in training on a long stretch of distance at times increases the probability of winning.

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4.2328. Keep your distance.   AR AR

It seems to me that the idol under the name of the Sun, on which you pray, of course, useful and gives you a lot of energy, on the other hand, do not approach it much, otherwise you will burn. Your idol is a fiery hell, devil incarnate.

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4.2330.   AR AR

God is an entity like the sun. You can't live without the sun, but you can't go near it, or you'll burn. Your sun is the devil. You live in hell. The true God sent the devil to hell and made him the eldest. Mr. devil is responsible in this world and the whip and the carrot. All the energy is in his hands. In General, be healthy and keep with the boss the correct distance.

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4.2415. Sacred triangle.   AR AR

Look how interesting. The slaves of time are unhappy. Vices say, enough to serve time, serve us, we will give you happiness. But once you are enslaved by Vice, you will fall into hell. To find happiness, you need to equally move away from these two, forming an isosceles triangle. Do not deny them, but keep a distance, it will allow you to find happiness. 

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4.2721. Keep your distance with what you love.   AR AR

Fears should be treated with love, your fears should love and like and everything that you love, to keep a distance.

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5.1517.   AR AR

The squirrel in the wheel is fixated around the object of his love. If the object of love is the sun of truth, and the squirrel keeps his distance, then all is well. If everything is bad, you need to either change the orbit or find another sun. The sun is God, he gives energy. The world of idols. It so happens that the squirrel becomes a companion of a dead idol or an asteroid, it also does not add to her joy.

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5.2070.   AR AR

Good partners, like good friends, are filled with mutual respect for each other and keep a distance. Bad spouses do not know how to be friends and keep their distance.

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5.3321.   AR AR

Restraint is the ability to keep a distance. Smart people, they do not climb into the fire, do not lick the metal in the cold. Smart people are restrained in their stupid desires.

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5.3861.   AR AR

Insight is a star that lights up in the soul of man, prompting him to start moving to it through the emptiness of space. Illumination is a guiding star, indicating the direction of movement and giving hope, as you approach it turns into the Sun, a huge source of energy and strength. Reaching the stars is a journey at the speed of light through the abyss of darkness of space. However, as you approach the star, you should exercise restraint and stand on the 3rd orbit, keeping a distance.

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5.3862.   AR AR

Service dream this first acceleration passions and flight with speed of light, then drag and restraint, and then eternal love on 3rd orbit, while preserving the right distance.

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5.4525.   AR AR

People are like porcupines, they should keep their distance from each other, especially during sex.

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5.5104.   AR AR

The last mile is the exit of the satellite into orbit of the Sun, then you should not rush and start to choose the right distance, so as not to burn.

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