




10.16509.   AR AR

This ignorance and fear is not clear and complicated.  When there is knowledge, everything is clear, easy and joyful.

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10.17194.   AR AR

Science is not knowledge, knowledge is love.  To think is to love.  The average schoolboy knows more facts than all the great minds of the past put together, but does it make him smarter?

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10.17776.   AR AR

If you are a warrior, the meaning of your life is the search for power.  Knowledge is power.  The sources of power are beauty, truth, love, faith, dream, etc.

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10.19438. An endless stream of energy.   AR AR

Lies are finite, and truth is infinite.  The knowledge of truth is an infinite process in time.  Knowledge is power, so truth is an infinite source of power, energy, and fruitfulness. 

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10.19646.   AR AR

The meaning of love is knowledge; knowledge gives us strength and power.  The knowledge and the power to kill fear and give birth to joy.  Pride is a situation of some kind of half-knowledge, when power and fear are present at the same time, and generate a desire to control and dominate everything.

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10.19810.   AR AR

The best cure for fear is knowledge.  Knowledge is power.  Power inspires and kills fears.  Knowledge is joyous. 

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10.19822.   AR AR

He who is cleverer is right, for knowledge is power.

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10.19823.   AR AR

Knowledge consists of wisdom, experience, skill, and truth.

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10.19911.   AR AR

Perfection is a matter of specialization, and there is no limit to perfection.

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10.19942.   AR AR

Creating and learning are basically the same thing.  Through experience, a person creates his inner world, reflecting from which the external world is created.

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10.21521. An infinitely stupid man.   AR AR

The ball of truth is an infinitely large system where knowledge is limited and ignorance is infinite.  Limited knowledge is always infinitely small compared to unlimited infinite ignorance.  Thus, a person always  is infinitely ignorant.  The awareness of one's own stupidity, which is very dependent on the size of one's knowledge, the greater the knowledge, the greater the awareness of the enormity of ignorance.

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10.22313.   AR AR

The more we know about a subject, the less we fantasize about it. 

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10.22369.   AR AR

Often ask the question "why?»  Children are happy because they are not yet proud, they are striving for knowledge.  Knowledge is power, power is joyous.  The joy of growth is the joy of knowing the truth, the truth is joyous.

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10.22561.   AR AR

Banal and simple is the Foundation of knowledge and understanding.  To do your job well, you must  clearly understand the original basis.

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10.22622.   AR AR

Try not to miss the beginning.  The very beginning is the basis on which everything stands.  The house on the sand will be destroyed.  A strong house needs a strong Foundation.

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2443.   AR AR

Knowledge  of  the  truth  causes  depression  and  mental  disorder  in  weak  minds,  but  strong  minds  rejoice  and  delight.

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4.39. Unity of time and knowledge.   AR AR

Knowledge and action cannot be separated.  Knowledge devoid of action is a lie, an action devoid of knowledge is also a lie.  Truth is the unity of knowledge and movement. 

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The beginning of the book

4.66.   AR AR

In rules importantly - why they.  Knowledge of the rules implies the realization of their goals, and flexible corners is not associated with deception, and with the support of their true goals. 

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1525.   AR AR

Abundance  of  knowledge  is  a  big  problem.  As  knowledge  is  not  the  only  human  trait.  There's  a  chain:  knowledge  -  ability  -  skill.  Knowledge  in  itself  is  a  useless  cargo.  There's  an  ocean  of  information  around  so  that  one  may  get  overfilled  with  it  and  freeze  up.  The  main  thing  is  to  apply  this  knowledge  -  to  gain  ability,  and  then  to  bring  this  ability  to  perfection  forming  a  skill.   

Ahead  of  a  person  there  is  a  pile  of  tools,  namely  knowledge.  Thus  one  should  choose  the  tool  one  likes  most  of  all  and  learn  how  to  use  it  to  become  a  master  of  his  craft.  Now,  having  mastered  the  tool,  he  will  be  able  to  change  the  world.   

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2507. Grief over the river that one cannot step in twice.   AR AR

If  you  look  back  on  your  past,  you  may  see  your  great  future  that,  alas,  now  remains  somewhere  in  the  past. 

What  do  you  mean?  I  mean  that  if  knowing  the  future  was  possible  at  any  second  in  the  past,  it  would  drastically  change  this  very  future. 

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3.215. A liar.   AR AR

You   know   and   you   do   nothing?   In   that   case,   you   do   not   know.   Truth   engenders   faith,   and   faith   is   the   greatest   source   of   strength   in   this   world.   You   are   a   liar   –   you   know   only   the   shape   but   you   have   no   unity   outside   and   inside   you.   Superficial   knowledge   is   lie.

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3.460.   AR AR

School education contradicts the idea of love, forcing children to learn everything, not just favorite.  That is why boys who are more passionate and amorous, learn worse than girls, who are afraid of their parents and the system, in General, do not care what to teach.  The weaker and more cowardly a child is in this sense, the better he learns.  But knowledge is power, and over time the child can gain power.

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3.803.   AR AR

Awareness is the true understanding of reality, that is, the knowledge of truth.  Unconsciousness is illusion, falsehood, and detachment from reality.

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3.920.   AR AR

They say knowledge is power, but what is knowledge?  Rumors?  Gossip?

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4067. Rather...a happy person.   AR AR

A  philosopher  is  rather  happy  than  unhappy.  Pain  and  suffering  result  from  committed  sins  and  mistakes.  The  knowledge  of  philosophy  and  facts  of  life  helps  to  keep  moderation  in  the  unnecessary... 

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4.533.   AR AR

Dare to know. Knowledge requires courage, cowards are afraid to learn, they think they will lose and only lose time.

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4.751.   AR AR

God   is   truth   and   knowledge.   God   is   the   real   world.   The   knowledge   of   God   is   that   of   the   real   world,   that   is,   study   and   practice.   The   meaning   of   human   life   is   to   love   God,   to   know   God,   to   serve   him   and   to   achieve   unity   with   him.

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4.911.   AR AR

Truth is the knowledge of reality, which teaches man to understand nature and, therefore, to control it. Nature helps and serves the mind that has grasped the truth.

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5.408.   AR AR

The principles of reason are that philosophy, that is, knowledge and truth, which are contained in the mind of man. The basis of the power of the spirit is the principles of philosophy laid down in the Foundation of reason. The stronger a man's philosophy, the stronger his spirit. The weaker the philosophy, the weaker the spirit. The truth is strong, lies weak.

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5.438.   AR AR

Self-respect comes from having power. Knowledge is power, truth is a beautiful source of power. Inner and outer beauty and perfection are a great source of power.

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5.716.   AR AR

Truth is the knowledge of the past that allows us to predict the future.

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5.958.   AR AR

They say that love is knowledge and, therefore, knowing the truth, if he stops, he will cease to love. So? - Not so, love is power, the possession and the prediction of the future. The government is happy about a stupid accident do not give to relax, arouse the hunting instinct and foolish desire to know more and the accident lies. Therefore, if the philosopher, knowing the truth, does not stop, enjoying the possession of truth, then in the future he will love and comprehend the lie. To avoid being caught in the wheel of lies, the philosopher should relax and accept the nature of chance.

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5.965. An unethical person is a liar.   AR AR

Ethics is a firm knowledge of what is good and what is evil. Knowing what is good is truth and what is evil is a lie. Unethical human, he makes mistakes, all the confusing and therefore we call him a liar, a fool

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6.117.   AR AR

Virtue is the knowledge of things. An act is not right without the rightness of the intention that gave birth to it.

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6.158. Appears when the cross.   AR AR

The point is, if it does, you're not sure exactly and you're not sure. Shaky and vague knowledge is not truth, and therefore lies, and therefore Satan. To cast out Satan-should be baptized.

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6.344. Ease of being.   AR AR

Everything is very simple and easy when you know and know how. Everything is difficult and hard when you do not know and do not know how. So before you do something, learn how to do it. Acquire knowledge and practice to gain skill.

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6.414.   AR AR

The main criterion of truth is the absence of fear. The man who knows the truth is brave. Knowing the truth allows him to hope for luck. Doubt liars, in the eyes of truth you will find neither fear nor hope.

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