




10.13132.   AR AR

Self-confidence is born from a premonition and a premonition of your mission in life.  Willingness to respond to this call.  To serve your purpose immaculately and sacrificially.

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10.13137.   AR AR


Self-confidence comes from a determination to Be.  It must Be so, and it will Be so.  The absolute conviction of Being turns an illusion into reality.


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10.13511.   AR AR

When you read stories about Roman and Greek heroes in Plutarch's life, you will strengthen your spirit by realizing your contempt for fear and trouble.

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10.18336.   AR AR

Conviction is when there is love.  Conviction comes from love.

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10.18523.   AR AR

Power comes from the unity of "must, want, and need."  Must be love.  I want this hope.  We need this faith.

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10.18545.   AR AR

Self-belief is faith in God.  God is love, and the closest love lives inside you.

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10.18548.   AR AR

The source of power is hope directed inward, it generates self-belief, and faith generates self-love.

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10.18551.   AR AR

Hope itself creates the power, the hope of other people leads to fear.  That there is hope for others?  This is the desire to control the external and the thirst for power, that is, pride.

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10.18552.   AR AR

"Love your neighbor through yourself»  it means first hope for yourself and only then for your neighbor.

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10.18577.   AR AR

Rule the world through yourself.  You just put hope back in on itself, as a tool for the implementation of their hopes.  Integrity, strength, and firmness come from the belief that you can fulfill all your hopes yourself.

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10.18607.   AR AR

In this world, you should only trust and hope for yourself and your love.  Everything else is too unstable and unreliable.

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10.18609. Armageddon.   AR AR

To gain inner strength, you need to turn your faith inside yourself.  The sun will light up inside you, but the outside world will collapse at that moment.  For all your illusions rested on your pride.  For the real world to emerge, the world of illusions must be destroyed.

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10.18630.   AR AR

Try to control your hopes so that they are inside you.  Hope directed outwardly is a passive attitude that generates fear and illusions of lies.  Do not put your hopes on someone else's shoulders, for this is a betrayal.

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10.18637. Everything is under personal control.   AR AR

For your hope to come true, it must be about self-confidence.  In this hope, there should be nothing but you and your belief that you will personally cope with everything.

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10.18827.   AR AR

It is necessary to realize that for someone who has love, losing is impossible.

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10.19700.   AR AR

You shouldn't be afraid of not achieving your goal.  One who throws a dart at a target all day can never miss it.  Here you can help and chance, and training.

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10.20316.   AR AR

"Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask»  this is a metaphor for humility.  A person should rely on himself and focus on  Now.  Any attempt to shift your hopes to other people or the future is pride.

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10.20377. Victory or death.   AR AR

Confidence in your victory is confidence in yourself, the belief that you will not give up.  You are sure that there is no fear in you, and you will go to the end.

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10.20530.   AR AR

Self-respect and self-confidence comes from humbling your fear of pain and negativity.  Humility of pride is a source of strength.

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10.20693.   AR AR

Self-confidence is linked to a sense of power.  The feeling of power is associated with sex and self-reliance.

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10.21218.   AR AR

Self-confidence comes from the firmness of your desires.  Nothing can shake my determination to achieve my goal, you tell yourself.  The achievability of my goal depends only on me, and I will not give up until I have done everything possible.

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10.21241.   AR AR

Self-confidence is based on the belief that I will not be broken.  Self-confidence is a laugh in the face of your fears.

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10.21445.   AR AR

There should always be two hopes.  One is close by, at arm's length, and the other is high in the sky.  The first is absolutely subject to you, and the second is absolutely unattainable to you, but it shows the direction of movement.

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10.21572. A miracle in the economy is a useful thing.   AR AR

It is better to do bad than to do nothing well.  Any action generates experience, and experience is truth, a source of joy, power…  self-confidence, hope and the miracle of love.

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10.21578. Hope for your loved one.   AR AR

It's a good thing you lost hope.  Having lost hope outside yourself, you have a great chance to find hope in the most visible and obvious place.  You should keep your hopes in your heart.

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10.21579.   AR AR

Hope cannot be lost or found.  Hope is a constant.  There is always hope inside you and outside of you.  Hope within you requires faith in yourself, that is, your own actions.  Hope outside of oneself requires trust in the outside world, based on the idea that the world is good.

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10.21810. You can handle it.   AR AR

Hope should be directed inward.  There is no hope that the missing head will grow, but there is hope that a person will somehow live without a head.

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10.21835. Do good.   AR AR

It is very effective to fulfill other people's wishes.  When people hope, love, and believe in you, they delegate their power to you, thus multiplying your power.  The main thing is that you believe in yourself, otherwise multiplying by zero generates zero.

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10.21897. Keep going, keep going.   AR AR

Faith the size of a mustard seed moves mountains because we can be sure of anything at arm's length.  Everything that happens next creates fear and doubt.

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10.22011.   AR AR

Distrust, doubt, and fear are facets of pride... if you subdue them and do the opposite, you will create love.  Love will fill you with the power to work miracles.

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10.22057.   AR AR

By controlling your desires and fears, you subdue your pride and turn it into self-love, which means self-confidence and strength.

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10.22059.   AR AR

The inability to limit your pride breeds self-dislike and insecurity.

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10.22060.   AR AR

The healing power of hunger is that by quelling your pride, you awaken love, and love is a medicine and a miracle.

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10.22069.   AR AR

Fear of the future is an act of self-distrust.  After all, you create the future and you control the present.  Self-distrust is the absence of self-love.

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10.22150.   AR AR

Promises should be made to yourself and to no one else.

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10.22173. At arm's length.   AR AR

The closer you get to the problem, the more options it opens up to you.  Accordingly, it is pointless and even harmful to solve problems in advance.

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10.22203.   AR AR

If your faith cannot survive the crucifixion of your love on the cross, it is a false faith, and you are a vile liar and a proud man.  True love must be reborn after death.  The symbol of the Christmas tree is a reminder that love lives on our strength.

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10.22277.   AR AR

Self-confidence comes from a determination to win at any cost.

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The beginning of the book

1509.   AR AR

Make  people  believe  in  you  and  it  will  really  boost  your  self-esteem  and  belief  in  your  abilities. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3048. God likes those who believe in him.   AR AR

Faith  gives  people  confidence  and  tames  their  fears.  A  person  is  calm  and  happy  while  God  loves  him.

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3.589. You have to love your job.   AR AR

Self-confidence comes from loving your destiny.

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3.850.   AR AR

Your   lack   of   self-confidence   is   also   a   judgment:   you   judge   yourself,   thus   engendering   lie,   fear   and   dejection   in   yourself.   Dejection   makes   you   weak.   Faith   is   strength,   so   you   get   weak   by   killing   faith.

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4.140.   AR AR

Narcissism and self-confidence says that the soul of this man loves and admires him. The souls of other people are interested in this situation, they also crave to love perfection. If a person believes in himself, loves himself, hopes for himself... not knowing doubt and fear, then and other people will to him treated also.

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4230.   AR AR

Self-confidence  evokes  trust  in  other  people. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


4.477. Idols don't matter.   AR AR

Remorse corrodes the back of the head with acid. Did I do the right thing? Could I have done better? Have I failed these people? Yeah, whatever! I did the right thing and it was the only true version of reality from which we learned valuable experience. I'M ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. Absolute faith in their rightness and purpose – the perfect cure for unnecessary thoughts and headaches. I work for beauty and truth, individual idols don't matter.

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4.544.   AR AR

A person who loses faith loses confidence in himself.

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4.595.   AR AR

If you're using the situation to your advantage, you're managing it. You're not afraid of what you control and what you use. Knowing that you are benefiting from yourself kills fear and builds self-confidence.

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4.813. Morning mantra.   AR AR

Everything will be fine. God will save me. I do what I have to do, I do what I have to do. Do what you must and be what you will. Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine. God, strengthen me in faith, help me overcome all doubts.

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4.956.   AR AR

To be happy, you should believe in your happiness. To be lucky, you have to believe in your luck. To be loved, one must love oneself.

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5.821.   AR AR

To believe in your mind is to love yourself. When you believe in yourself, you love yourself, but you can only believe in someone who knows the truth and therefore can foresee and create the future.

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7.882. Make up victories.   AR AR

Laziness  and  apathy  are  result  of  lack  of  confidence.  You  need  to  bring  confidence  back  to  win  over  laziness,  you  need  a  little  series  of  tremendous  victories  for  it.  Win  and  rejoice,  it  will  invigorate  you.

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7.900.   AR AR

If you're a man, avoid women who don't believe in you. If you are a woman, avoid men who cannot be trusted and who do not believe in themselves.

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7.932.   AR AR

To overcome the inferiority complex and self-doubt, you need to love yourself. When you love a person, you begin to ignore his shortcomings, imperfections and any criticism of him.

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7.949.   AR AR

Self-doubt stems from self-dislike. Where there is love, there is faith.

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10.240.   AR AR

Remember, when you fear and doubt, you commit a sin.  The righteous are courageous and confident in what they want.

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10.531.   AR AR

At arm's length, the least doubt.  Everything else is extremely doubtful.  On the other hand, being involved in what you are sure of creates chains.

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10.694.   AR AR

The more faith a man has, the stronger his Ego.  The stronger the "I", the more a person trusts his intuition, a perfect tool for decision-making.

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3.1601.   AR AR

A man who cannot love himself cannot love others.  You know him by his perpetual fear, resentment, uncertainty, and suspiciousness.

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