




10.13515.   AR AR

When we forgive insults and do not receive repentance from the offender, we cultivate pride in the person.

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10.14942.   AR AR

Do not forgive insults, in the sense that you do not swallow them, sublimating them into fear and guilt.  If you feel offended, immediately turn it into righteous anger.  Righteous anger is honesty.  Fear is a lie, the root of all sins and vices.

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10.7623.   AR AR

Honesty is love.  If a person is honest with you, then they love you.  Even if this honesty is full of anger and insults, it is still honesty and, therefore, potential love.

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10.8536.   AR AR

Rudeness is intemperance.  The "you - to - me, I-to-you" principle requires reciprocity.  You were honest, and I will be honest.

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10.8566.   AR AR

Do not forgive insults, because if you swallow the offense, people will think that you like it, and from the best of motives will hurt you further, so that you like it.

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10.8579.   AR AR

Insults can not be forgiven, if only because if this offense is a lie, then, having clarified the relationship, you will dispel them.  If the offense is true, it requires retribution, so that the person does not have a stupid habit of offending you.

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10.8567.   AR AR

Do not forgive or swallow insults, because they are lies.  People despise liars and consider them insignificant and weak cowards.

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10.11383. The universal key.   AR AR

Without righteous anger, nothing works properly for us.  You explode when you're brought to the boiling point...  This is sincerity...  This is righteous anger...

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10.15024.   AR AR

You can't be afraid of a proud man.  The proud man smells fear and howls and barks with fear.  You can react to a proud person with either indifferent patience or righteous anger.

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10.17805.   AR AR

It is pride not to run when you are beaten.  The humility is that when you get hit, you need to respond appropriately...  Run, attack, or if you don't know what to do, lie low and wait for clarification.

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10.18762.   AR AR

"Don't forget your grudges»  it means that you can not run away or be rude, as the proud like to do, but you need to remain kind and persistent in your desires.

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10.20411. Don't deny yourself the pleasure.   AR AR

Resentment is not good-bye for a short period of time.  If you feel offended, react immediately.  This is the essence of neurotic swings.  A carrot requires a stick.  When a person enters a negative stage, they need to play along.  Love passionately, but swear no less passionately.

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10.20450.   AR AR

Resentment is not forgiven.  It is said, love your enemy.  Beats-means loves.

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10.20568.   AR AR

When you bear a grudge, you create a new one... because you create a habit.

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10.20751.   AR AR

By forgiving grievances, you reinforce a negative pattern of behavior in a person with encouragement.  So your cowardice creates a habit of being bad.

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10.21000.   AR AR

Lying is a short-term process, so resentment must be short-term.  Resentment is not forgiven, feeling offended, immediately react.  However, for a long period of time, lies work, so resentments, like lies, should be forgotten.

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10.21024.   AR AR

Do not forgive insults, because by forgiving insults, you become a passive person and fall into a chronic fear.  In a passive position, a person loses the ability to grow, loses courage, is filled with fears and cowardice, becomes stupid and self-sufficient.

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10.21228.   AR AR

By containing the conflict, you delay the explosion, but you increase its force.  The stronger the explosion, the more destructive and long-lasting the negative consequences will be.  The longer the peace, the longer the war.  Contradictions must be resolved instantly, and this is the essence of honesty and courage.

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10.21303.   AR AR

The meaning of the proverb "the offended carry water»  the fact that first you are offended, and then you are afraid that you will be offended again, you serve your abuser, doing everything so that he does not hurt you anymore.

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10.21446. The promotion of sin.   AR AR


The one who endures insults and rudeness is like the one who tempts a thief to steal.  The tempter is the same sinner as his victims.


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The beginning of the book

1677.   AR AR

No  person  has  the  right  to  humiliate  you. 
No  person  has  the  right  to  laugh  at  you... 

Attitude  like  that  should  be  punished  quickly  and  severely. 
If  there's  no  chance  to  punish,  avoid  talking  to  people  who  treat  you  this  way. 

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1851.   AR AR

It's  only  possible  to  forgive  someone  repenting.  And  only  because  a  repenting  one  will  punish  oneself  on  one's  own. 

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2212.   AR AR

When  you  try  to  bark  at  other  people,  other  people  bark  in  reply.  It's  all  simple.  Polite  and  well-mannered  people  (from  the  best  of  motives)  try  to  speak  to  you  using  your  native  language  and  words  that  are  easy  for  you  to  understand. 

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2290. Punishment out of mercy.   AR AR

Having  punished  some  person  once,  you  may  save  this  person  from  a  hundred  punishments  later. 

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2558.   AR AR

Any  punishment  should  be  just  as  injustice  causes  hatred. 

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3098. The very first offence. [In brevi]   AR AR

It's  a  sin  to  ignore  a  person  who  likes  to  offend.  As  it  makes  an  offender  even  more  offensive  and  lets  him  or  her  insult  with  impunity. 

Impunity  is  a  source  of  sins.  As  impunity  is  like  a  breeding  ground  that  lets  any  seed  of  sin  grow  up  to  the  sky. 

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3133. The essence of punishment.   AR AR

The  essence  of  strictness  of  the  law  is  not  about  invoking  severe  punishment  but  more  about  scaring  those  who  are  curious  about  breaking  the  law.  The  task  of  the  law  is  to  steer  people  onto  the  right  path  as  the  wrong  path  will  bring  pain  and  suffering.  Having  become  scared  of  the  crime  consequences,  one  chooses  a  new  way  to  succeed  in  life  which  is  safer  and  better  than  committing  a  crime. 

…And  those  who  don't  get  it,  will  be  a  living  example  for  those  who  have  doubts. 
One  crucified  person  will  save  thousands  of  people  from  being  hung  on  a  cross… 

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3175. Offending by truth.   AR AR

To  know  the  truth  about  yourself  is  not  the  same  as  to  hear  it  from  other  people. 

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Art by Irina Tsurupina



5.190.   AR AR

The power of the righteous wrath of angels is the most monstrous power in this world, demons are like fire, afraid of the righteous wrath of angels.

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5.564. Who and what tearing their hair and sprinkle ashes.   AR AR

Righteous anger is when a volcano wakes up from hibernation and the ice of the age-old rest on its top evaporates into steam. All the witnesses of this horror run away in fear. Ashes fall on the heads of those who angered the dragon and woke the volcano.

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5.746.   AR AR

The punishment is for offense, vengeance for the victims.

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5.899.   AR AR

Punish the angry one, for when the dog barks, a stone is thrown at him.

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6.157.   AR AR

Many dogs especially barking at you, knowing that you then suck up to him, wagging its tail and bringing the gift of bone. But if you punch them in the teeth, they'll come to you to put up with it.

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7.591. First confession, then compensation.   AR AR

Break down negotiation tasks into subtasks, for example, first let the opponent admit that he is wrong, and only then discuss options for compensation. Don't demand punishment before you plead guilty.

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7.605.   AR AR

It  is  stupid  to  consider  as  an  insult  the  fact  that  fish  did  not  took  your  bait:  it  is  merely  a  matter  of  a  bad  bait  and  a  lazy  fisherman.

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10.349.   AR AR

Concentration is an act of love.  Righteous anger is anger against those who hinder love.

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10.848.   AR AR

It is impolite to break rules and rituals.  Such rudeness generates fear and just anger in other members of the movement.

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3.1889.   AR AR

When a man is tormented by conscience, he himself seeks punishment.

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3.2435. There are none who have escaped sin.   AR AR

The simultaneity of "I was offended" and "you offended me" is a farewell to all their guilt and everyone will pay for their guilt.

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3.2992. The punishment of humanity.   AR AR

The criminal needs to be punished, otherwise he will be tortured by the pangs of conscience, and to escape from them, he will sink deeper into the swamp of vices, which will only increase his suffering.

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