




10.9429.   AR AR

Winged angels and heaven on the verge of death.  The fish swims to the edge of Nothing, and, gasping with delight (the air is poison), waits with delight for death.

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10.9567.   AR AR

When you want to destroy something (for example, your life), start creating something.  The thirst for creation and destruction is essentially the same thing: when a person does not create, he wants to destroy.

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10.9606.   AR AR

Nervous energy is either used for movement and creation, or it is destructive.

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10.11412. Suicide.   AR AR

There is a huge problem with self-rejection.  When a person doesn't love himself, he tries to kill his bad half, half of himself.  But you can't kill half of yourself.  If you kill half of yourself, you will die entirely.  Therefore, this person is suicidal, and falls into fear and paranoia, which is expressed in hatred and fear of the real world.

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10.11533. The illusion of death.   AR AR

It is a big problem for a person to be ignored.  This causes existential anxiety, the fear of not being yourself.  A person begins to feel that he is not there, that he is dead.  Starting to die, a person becomes ill and begins to suffer.  The dying person tries to attract attention to himself with all his might, and if he succeeds in doing so, he begins to think that the disease is a cure.  Attracting attention to the disease, a person ceases to die.  "You should all pay attention to me, because I'm sick," the man says.  "I'm special because I'm sick."  Suffering and complaining, a person attracts attention and is happy.

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10.12774. Suicide of the world.   AR AR

The idealist's ideals are lies, and he is a liar.  His beliefs overwhelm him with fear and pain.  From the pain, the unfortunate man becomes angry and wants to destroy the world.  From pain, the unfortunate falls into panic attacks, wanting to self-destruct.

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10.14017. The killer's dilemma.   AR AR

The main question of a suicide is whether to kill yourself or destroy the world.

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10.15949.   AR AR

People who have been in Paradise (Nirvana, bliss) are prone to suicide, because they want to return to the realm of their Paradise illusions.  Any return to reality from Paradise causes shock and suffering.  The body is weaned from you, the body ceases to obey.

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10.16336.   AR AR

The one who commits too much pleasure or suffering will automatically want to die.  Suicidal tendencies are always too much suffering or pleasure.  Having exhausted the joy of life, these people seek pleasure in death.

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10.18798.   AR AR

Suicide is an act of denial of reality, when the subconscious mind, accustomed to its illusions and dreams, wants to find eternal sleep.

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10.18799.   AR AR

Suicide is always cowardice, or rather fear.  Fear that there will be no more pleasure and power.  Fear is when there is no love.  A coward is a proud man and a liar who denies that the world is beautiful.  A coward is an idolater who prays on several idols, and the rest of the world considers it a sewer.

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10.18802.   AR AR

A proud man is a man whose greatest desire is to strangle himself with his own hands and die of pleasure.  The reason is banal, he is intolerant of suffering and is averse to the real world.

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10.18803.   AR AR

All addicts tend to commit suicide, because against the background of their addiction, reality appears to them as a hell in which it is unbearable to live.

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10.18804.   AR AR

The main reason for wanting to commit suicide is pride.  Pride comes from ignorance and illusions.  Other things being equal, pride is a dependence on pleasure and a thirst for power over the sources of pleasure.  At risk are drug addicts, alcoholics, gamers, abandoned lovers, artists, managers, people who abuse Masturbation, lust and food.  In fact, we are talking about any method of sorting out pleasure and power.

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10.19156.   AR AR

Suicide is a very thankless task.  As a rule, suicides die long and painfully.

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10.20007.   AR AR

The repression of pain and fear outside of oneself generates panic attacks and loss of self.

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The beginning of the book

2273. The best way out.   AR AR

Uselessness  brings  unbearable  pain.  Not  every  person  can  tolerate  such  a  torture.  Suicide  as  a  kind  of  humane  euthanasia  seems  to  be  a  nice  way  out… 
Obviously,  it's  the  state  of  feeling  oneself  useless  that  is  the  first  reason  of  all  thoughts  about  suicide.  When  a  partner  "dumps"  you.  When  you  got  no  children  or  they  died.  Or  your  job  is  meaningless  and  brings  NOTHING.  You  got  no  aims  and  meaning  in  life.  You're  simply  useless  for  anyone  or  anything  and  it  brings  you  excruciating  pain  and  makes  you  want  to  die. 

But  there  is  a  better  way  out-  try  to  find  something  you  can  be  useful  in.  Find  those  who  need  you.  Find  the  meaning  of  life  and  the  place  where  you  can  be  useful  and  appreciated.  A  human  being  is  a  tool  and  the  meaning  of  one's  life  is  about  being  useful  for  somebody  or  something.  One  may  be  useful  for  the  providence  and  the  goals  it  fulfils.  Or  one  may  be  useful  for  one's  children  or  relatives... 
One  should  be  simply  useful  for  somebody  or  something. 

Find  new  goals  and  tasks.  Find  someone  to  love.  Start  a  family  or  adopt  a  child.  Go  in  for  art  or  constructive  work.  Start  helping  people  in  need.  Or  become  the  best  helper  to  those  who  are  already  fulfiling  great  goals  or  those  who  are  "creators".  Plant  trees  and  take  care  of  your  garden...  Life  is  full  of  places  where  one  can  find  one's  predestination  in. 

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3069. I`ve personally tried it.   AR AR

Foolishness  is  boundless,  but  nature  has  even  taken  care  of  it.  The  self-destruction  mechanism  is  built  in  foolishness  itself.  Making  a  foolish  thing  is  what  kills  foolishness.  The  man  who  has  personally  made  a  lot  of  foolish  things  acquires  a  sharp  mind  and  an  allergy  to  foolishness.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3597.   AR AR

Pride is an instrument of self-destruction.
Perfection tends to self-destruction and decay. The energy must be released. Freedom to self-destruct. Yeah, that's what they want...

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3857.   AR AR

The only way to live is to grow and move forward. Stops give rise to apathy and a subconscious desire for self-destruction. Any stop is a signal to the subconscious that it's time to start self-destructing. Hence the obsessive desire for stupidity and wrong decisions, apathy, despondency, laziness, problems with concentration. We can either move from chaos to order or sink back into chaos. Balance in this case is possible, but it is a matter of art.

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4369. God's failure.   AR AR

Any   attempt   to   create   intelligent   life   finally   always   results   into   its   dying-out.
-   Because   of   wars,   conflicts,   loss   of   species?
-   Rather   because   of   good   intentions   that   the   road   to   hell   is   paved   with.   They   wanted   the   best,   but   ended   up   with   the   same   as   always.

They   may   start   a   thermonuclear   chain   reaction   right   on   the   surface   of   the   planet.   Or   find   a   key   to   eternal   life   and   then   die   of   boredom.   Or   turn   into   insects   or   giant   dinosaurs.   Or   exhaust   resources   and   die   of   hunger.   Or   create   some   personal   virtual   reality   and   get   lost   there.They   don't   want   things   to   go   according   to   plan   and   tend   to   find   their   own   way.

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Art by Amateur (Dotsenco)



4370. Forlornness is dangerous.   AR AR

Forlornness   and   depression   can   be   seen   as   some   self-destruct   mechanism   that   is   aimed   at   destroying   some   useless   being.

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4371. It's normal.   AR AR

A  person  who  got  nothing  to  do,  simply  craves  for  self-destruction. 
The  state  of  being  useless  is  very  painful.  And  pain  is  something  that  should  be  avoided. 

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4.614.   AR AR

Don't feel sorry for yourself and don't feel sorry for others. He who pities himself is a suicide, he who pities others is a murderer. The good intentions that line the road to hell are pity and self-pity. Those who live in hell have nothing but pity and self-pity. On the other hand, if pity is a ticket to hell, active repentance is a ticket from hell.

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5.658.   AR AR

It is not necessary to kill a genius, I know a lot of geniuses who were not killed, and they lived a beautiful and happy life. The problem with genius is not that it is being killed, but that it is killing itself. If genius abstains from suicide, he may well live to the most advanced years.

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5.664.   AR AR

Suicide is vain, there is no humility in suicide, there is no feat, but there is fear... a Lot of fear, in fact, fear is the quintessence of suicide.

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5.674.   AR AR

Suicides are dangerous, they are very lonely, but they do not want to die alone, and they try to drag into their hell anyone who comes to their hand. Suicide like drowning pulling on the bottom. Suicides are victims of Vice. Vice is an inevitable and inevitable suicide.

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5.687.   AR AR

Catherine, breaking his glass house, immediately falls into depression and, as a neurotic, begins to idealize the image of death. How beautiful is death, thinks Catherine, what a cozy grave, the sun on her and the flowers. Is idealist-neurotic to break a life, the symbol of which is his passion, as here, the neurotic begins to love death and death to strive for. The story predictably ends with the suicide of the main character. Finita La Comedia.

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6.711.   AR AR

By doing too much, you destroy perfection, and you are a murderer. So he who eats too much is a suicide who destroys the perfection of his body. And if the movement to perfection is the growth of life, the movement from perfection is the movement to death.

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6.928. Samoilivna for firewood.   AR AR

Depression is the suicide of a Fig tree that has ceased to bear fruit.

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9.312. Having achieved immortality, they destroyed themselves.   AR AR

Immortality is like suicide.

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10.965. Depression.   AR AR

Consciousness, which runs away from both illusion and reality, tends to self-destruction.

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3.1339.   AR AR

It is a curious fact that people, having ceased to die of hunger and disease, began to die as massively from obesity and suicide.  Balance, however.

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3.1446.   AR AR

The   only   reason   not   to   kick   the   bucket   that   I   know   is   love.   Without   love,   self-destruction   becomes   the   meaning   of   life.

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3.1539.   AR AR

To the human mind, Masturbation is a kind of suicide.  The masturbator is suicidal.  A person turns himself into a drug addict, deprives him of strength and drops out of the competition.  Masturbation is the fastest and easiest way to morally decompose and die.

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3.1544. Suicide.   AR AR

The devil is a dull God.  A God who is tired of creating.  A God who is tired and depressed.  The devil is a suicidal God who is unbearably bored and uninteresting to live.  The devil is the God in whom love died…

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