




10.18999.   AR AR

The dependent person experiences a terrible fear of the possibility of losing their idol (drug).

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10.18973.   AR AR

A dependent woman in fear of losing her man will keep him by limiting sex and being painful.  Feeling inattentive and unfaithful, she will also try to provoke scandals and guilt.

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10.18998.   AR AR

The dependent person is automatically degraded.  Weakness breeds fear, laziness, illusions, and pain.  This state of Affairs provokes in the dominant active personality a sense of duty and a desire to take care of the weak.

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10.19056.   AR AR

Egoist and ideological narcissist, in essence, a drug addict, that is, a person who is dependent on his pleasure.

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10.19071.   AR AR

The favorite occupation of a pleasure-dependent person is to hysteria and harass their loved ones with eternal nagging.

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10.19091.   AR AR

It is useless to tell a passive-dependent person to do something, such a person cannot force himself to do something, and is in chronic procrastination.  The dominant personality should allow the dependent personality freedom and find a fruitful occupation where it can take an active position.

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10.19304.   AR AR

The more independent the child is, the less ill he gets.  The same applies to adults.  Non-self-sufficient people live in eternal fear, which greatly spoils their health.

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10.19382.   AR AR

Women cling to men who are proud, because they are dependent on pleasure, and therefore they can be controlled either by pleasure or by fear.

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10.19458.   AR AR

The dependent person, having felt the power, becomes savage.

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10.19459.   AR AR

The dependent personality includes the dominant personality as part of its Ego.  Loss of the dominant leads to pain shock.

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10.19460.   AR AR

The dependent woman in dreams is dominant.  When a dominant woman appears next to her husband, the wife sees her as the best and is wildly jealous.  But in vain.  They say the best is the enemy of the good.  The dominant doesn't need a dominant.  The husband will not be interested in this woman.

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10.19704.   AR AR

Dependence on other people's opinions is the fear that you will be badly thought of, will blame you, will say that you are bad or weak.

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10.19926.   AR AR

To love a person is to admire them and be happy that they exist.  Dependence on his attention and love is drug addiction, obsession with their own pleasure and inability to extract this pleasure from other sources.

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10.20426.   AR AR

Self-pity can be seen as a drug breakdown, due to lack of external love. They don’t love me, a person dependent on love experiences and cries. To stabilize the situation, you need to fast and suffer steadily, waiting for the body to clear itself and be ready to love again.

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10.21620.   AR AR

Hope for help from outside generates a loss of self-confidence, which means procrastination, fear, and loss of the ability to act independently.

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10.21933.   AR AR

A cunning subconscious mind can rigidly substitute a dependent, cowardly or lazy person who for some reason does not want to work and realize their dreams.  The body can get sick to give the mind an excuse that it is not able to implement its ideas.  This vile lie must be stopped at the root and ignored.

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10.22289.   AR AR

In a dominant-dependent relationship, the dependent side will intuitively sabotage everything related to work and growth, because the subconscious knows that the dominant and the dominant will not get along.

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10.22291.   AR AR

The dominant narcissistic man seeks to turn his dependent wife into himself.  However, if he succeeds in this, she will inevitably be disappointed in him.  The narcissistic man by default suffers from a complex of mismatch of himself to his ideal.

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4.632.   AR AR

One who cannot live without happiness is extremely unhappy.
A happiness addict is very unhappy. The life of this poor man is permeated by the eternal fear that happiness will disappear and then disaster will happen.

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10.42.   AR AR

A person whose self-esteem, mood or well-being are dependent on other people can be called a weak and dependent person.

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The beginning of the book

4.229.   AR AR

The woman, wanting to rule over men, forever leaves his immature childlike state. To Mature, a man must avoid them for a long time, otherwise he will remain a child forever. A man's dependence on a woman turns him into a child.

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3.1044. Don't overdo it.   AR AR

Your decisions are bets based on chance, beliefs, knowledge of reality, experience...  and pay attention that all players are addicted addicts and this is a problem.  The sower is always an addict.  You can't sow long, or you'll become addicted.  You can sow twice a year and no more.  Otherwise, I guarantee you neurotic personality disorder, anger, irritability, megalomania, paranoia, etc.

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3.1073.   AR AR

Don't judge, because judgment is a decision, a bet.  If you bet constantly, you will become addicted to gambling and become a drug addict, provoking a neurotic personality disorder. 

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3.1652.   AR AR

The dependent person strives for dependence in order to gain security and get rid of fear.  But fear is pride and lust for power and possession.  Having got rid of fear, such a person turns into his opposite - megalomania, which contradicts his dependent position.  In the future, he will either console himself with illusions and self-deception, or enter into conflict and destroy the relationship where he is dependent.  However, to create a relationship, no matter where the dependence, he can not, because he is always looking for security.

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3.1653.   AR AR

Fear is pride and lack of humility.  If such a person is freed from fear, he will awaken a thirst for power and possession.  He, being dependent, looks for those who would give him safety, and then tries to seize them.  If this fails, the relationship either breaks up or becomes chronically conflicted and unhappy.

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3.1974.   AR AR

A coward is always looking for someone to take his fear away.  The dependent person is looking for someone who is stronger, so that he gave him peace, ridding him of fear.  However, once in dependence, the dependent person begins to desire freedom and fight for independence.  Having won freedom, she again wants dependence.

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3.1976.   AR AR

The dependent person desires freedom most of all and suspects everyone of manipulation and control.  However, to live in freedom dependent person can not, because too weak.  Accustomed to living in a cage, it needs protection and feeding.

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3.2017.   AR AR

The dependent passive personality is afraid to make decisions, but is willing to make them and resists attempts at control and manipulation.  To preserve the unity of active and passive first, we should clarify the desires of man, make a plan of action and coordinate it, after they are approved.

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3.2043.   AR AR

The female personality is a conglomerate of personalities, dependent on external circumstances.  Under each of her circumstances and roles, a woman creates her own personality.  All these individuals interact with each other and fight for power, trying to recreate the circumstances that gave rise to them.

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3.2135. Dependence on someone else's opinion.   AR AR

Emotions should be expressed moderately and immediately.  If emotions are restrained, they accumulate and turn into a neurosis.  "Why are they holding them back?"  Fear, they fear the disapproval of other people.

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3.2260. Dependence on pleasure.   AR AR

All types of drug addiction give rise to anxiety and panic disorders.  Withdrawal causes mood swings, depression, a sense of inferiority and panic fear that the ideal is unattainable.

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3.2432. Power relationships.   AR AR

Narcissistic and dependent personality are one and the same, the whole difference rests on the strength of the spirit.  The one who is stronger turns out to be a narcissist, the one who is weaker-a dependent person.  And borderline disorder is a matter of unstable energy sources.

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3.2866.   AR AR

Dependent persons tend to experience a constant fear of losing the object of attachment.  Fear fills the souls of these people with jealousy, anger, irritation, laziness, despondency, etc.

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3.2867. Flowers and berries.   AR AR

From a mother's and grandmother's perspective, the ideal child is a child with a dependent personality disorder.  However, then he becomes lazy and aggressively passive, reborn into something opposite to the ideal.

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3.2868.   AR AR

It seems that the dependent type of personality is very well suited for good wives.  On the one hand, this is true, but only if her relatives are far away, and the work is bad.  Otherwise, attachment to work or parents will generate wild conflicts with her husband.  However, jealousy, stereotyping and hysteria can not be avoided in any case.

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3.2871.   AR AR

Depression is basically a dependent personality disorder.  Having lost the object of his attachment, the dependent person experiences a huge complex of guilt, loneliness and uselessness, a sense of worthlessness, loss of self-esteem.

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3.2872.   AR AR

A person who puts the question of his existence and survival in dependence on significant others, suffers from dependent personality disorder.

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3.2873. The complex of independence.   AR AR

Many somatic diseases are associated with the desire of a person with a dependent personality disorder to attract attention.  A person with this disorder has a constant fear of rejection, which makes him look for reasons to feel sorry for him.

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3.2874.   AR AR

Narcissistic personality is the flip side of the individual dependent and also as she is, needs attention, prone to phobias, lives in perpetual fear and prone to somatic diseases.

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3.2889.   AR AR

Dependent persons are very clingy and persistent in their attachment.  But this is not disinterested affection, these people are looking for those who will take care of them according to their ideas of their value.  If you pay attention to such a person, he will pounce on you with a full set of demands and grievances.

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