
Job and Career






734.   AR AR

The  fact  that  knives  get  dull  from  work  and  horses  die  of  it,  should  be  interpreted. Its  essence  is  that  one  shouldn't  work  everywhere,  not  a  lot  and  not  thoughtlessly,  but  only  when  the  work  is  needed  and  in  an  effective  and  rational  way,  as  dull  knives  and  dead  horses  are  not  needed. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.768.   AR AR

Look at work strategically.  Salary and difficulties are not the main thing, the main thing-experience, training, Dating, reputation...  The most valuable thing in the work is the opportunity to train your skills at someone else's expense. 

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3.220.   AR AR

During  the  probationary  period  in  training,  a  person  is  intentionally  put  under  stress  to  see  how  he  copes  with  it.  If  the  person  is  strong,  he  shall  remain  calm  and  reasonable.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


1745.   AR AR

It's  impossible  to  be  liked  by  everyone  but  it's  important  to  list  all  people  that  should  like  you  personally.  This  list  should  contain  people  important  and  influential  for  you,  hence  the  ones  who  may  influence  your  personal  life,  career  and  promotion. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Amateur (Datsenko)



3.778.   AR AR

If you see a job, grab it like a lifeline.  The harder the job, the better.  But do not chase the number, and look harder.  The more monstrous the task, the more interesting it is to work.

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3.280. Do well what you love.   AR AR

Make   sure   you   do   easy   things   first.   Today,   one   thing   is   easy   and   tomorrow   something   else   is.   If   you   are   lucky,   you   will   not   have   to   do   hard   things   at   all.   Easy   things   will   be   done   magically   and   effectively,   bringing   you   enormous   profits.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


10.7050.   AR AR

To love process and productivity is to love sex.  To love your work is to love sex.

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10.7088.   AR AR

You need to love your parents in order not to be afraid of them.  You need to love your enemies in order not to be afraid of them.  You should love life, work, and people for the same reasons.  Love is knowledge.  As we learn, we stop being afraid. 

Translate: NeuronNet


3.303.   AR AR

The power of robots is that they are smooth.  Robots can do their job without unnecessary emotions

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10.7153.   AR AR

Real recreation is a change of activity, all other types of recreation are very tedious and steal time.

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3.302.   AR AR

The strength of robots is that they do not suffer from depression, therefore, can dispassionately do the most useless work, so turning a lie into truth.

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3.305.   AR AR

You feel bad about doing your job.  And you don't suffer, you try to do it well.  What could be easier?  Or maybe you're not doing your job?

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10.6857.   AR AR

The right people don't work because they love their work, and it's a joy and a rest for them...  Therefore, they rest in the sweat of their faces from 5 am until late at night...  for there is no greater joy than doing what you love.

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10.6919.   AR AR


If you put all unnecessary thoughts out of your head and focus on your business ...any business acquires such properties as fruitfulness and joy.  The Hasidim even say that if you pray and work without joy, then you are a liar.


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3361. Harmful sententiosity.   AR AR

The  sententiosity  about  how  one  should  work  and  go  all  out,  is  really  harmful  in  itself.  As  doing  things  this  way  will  lead  to  a  person's  fatigue  and  degradation.  What's  more,  finally  it  will  significantly  slow  down  a  person's  efficiency.  Spending  20%  of  time  and  efforts  on  work  is  the  best  variant  as  the  remaining  time  and  efforts  should  be  spent  on  self-development,  rest  and  sport. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


10.6538. Work is sacred.   AR AR

The job belongs to the person.  Work is an asset.  You can't steal someone else's work.  Self-esteem and mood depend on work.

Translate: NeuronNet


3.456.   AR AR

Keep it simple that means less chatter.  Simplicity is a zone of low pressure, where energy flows from the chaos zone, where the pressure is ultra-high.

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3.471. Occam’s razor   AR AR


The   point   of   Occam’s   razor   is   that,   out   of   two   options,   the   simplest   one   will   be   the   true   one.


Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.481.   AR AR

Keep  it  simple,  and  you  will  be  more  likeable.  Simplicity  is  a  low-pressure  zone  blown  by  all  winds.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.530.   AR AR

There  are  exceptions  to  all  laws,  so,  basically,  you  can  apply  any  rule  the  other  way  round  and  see  what  happens.  However,  it  would  be  more  original  to  apply  it  differently  rather  than  the  other  way  round  because  truth  is  not  a  double-edged  sword  but  a  three-dimensional  sphere.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.531.   AR AR

Looking  at  yourself  through  your  boss’s  eyes  is  a  good  idea.  Your  boss’s  eyes  are  like  a  mirror  reflecting  all  virtues  and  vices  of  his  employees.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.547.   AR AR

You'll need social connections for your career, but where do you get them?  Where to take them you will come up with yourself, but remember that you will interfere with fear, laziness, ignorance and lies.  People like honest, courageous and useful in business people, and all others don't like.

Translate: NeuronNet


3.548.   AR AR

From the fear of man become vile and weak, if people think you are, then you are very cowardly.  You need to develop your spirit.

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3.551.   AR AR

Redundant  words,  redundant  questions,  redundant  answers…  Of  course,  it  is  best  to  keep  silence  but  silence  may  also  be  redundant.  Taciturnity  often  accompanies  stupidity  and  cowardice.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.552.   AR AR

Every  person  should  have  something  special  about  himself.  This  something  special  helps  differentiate  among  people.  If  a  person  has  nothing  special  about  him,  he  is  hard  to  remember.  He  becomes  invisible,  so  to  say.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.554. Night construction.   AR AR

Success is something like a point and a universe at the same time.  Success seems to be instantaneous, but the truth is that the universe has been created for decades.  The point is that you build the universe in the dark, and success is just when the light is turned on and it illuminates the world already created before in the dark.

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3.556.   AR AR

Cowardly  people  don’t  get  along  with  their  teammates.  Fear  kills  confidence,  so  cowards  neither  believe  nor  love  people.  No  love,  no  cohesion.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


The beginning of the book

144.   AR AR

Heartbreaking  job  is  in  essence  like  meditation. 
As  one  has  time  to  settle  one's  mind. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.86.   AR AR

You   should   resign   yourself   to   the   fact   that   any   good   deed   is   to   be   done   and   redone   many   times,   and   only   then   will   it   statistically   reveal   truth.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.94.   AR AR

Speed   is   order.   The   more   order,   the   higher   the   speed.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


4.26.   AR AR

Quality is the unity of awareness and automatism.

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4.30.   AR AR

The ability to be honest and tell the truth is the ability to tell bad news.  To break the news to hard, scary and requires a lot of force.  It takes a lot of hard training to learn to tell the truth.

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4.74.   AR AR

We believe that our work makes the world a better place.

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4.75.   AR AR

There are three types of people: some work, others are engaged in a career and others serve their calling.

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580.   AR AR

Providence  has  more  sympathy  for  people  who  work  for  the  idea  and  with  all  their  hearts…  Perhaps  that's  why,  finally  they  get  much  more  than  others… 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


584.   AR AR

Man's essence: he is a servant, he is a tool, he is hands;
it serves the world, serves the information field, serves the information that tries to enter the real world through it, to acquire materiality...
Man was created to work, the essence and purpose of it is to work or make others work.
Every vanity and pride of man is contrary to Providence, for how can a lathe put itself above a Turner?

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6.56.   AR AR

Neuroticism is useful, the neurotic is able to concentrate his attention and love on his goal and fanatically serve it.  Plus neurotics are vain, which makes them reference careerists, mad scientists and stars of show business.  The only question is what exactly he will concentrate his love on.

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7.55.   AR AR

Many   people   are   inconstant   –   one   cannot   trust   them   or   have   faith   in   them.   A   man   in   whom   one   cannot   have   faith   is,   essentially,   a   sinner.

Translate: Sodmis


7.57. A man in whom one can have faith.   AR AR

A  reliable  man  is  a  man  whom  one  can  trust  and  in  whom  one  can  have  faith  –  it’s  a  good  man.  Those  in  whom  one  cannot  have  faith  are  bad  and  we  call  them  sinners.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


7.58.   AR AR

Impatience  is  evil.  Perseverance  and  patience  are  virtues.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


7.74. A rotten man.   AR AR

A  dejected  man  is  a  flawed  man.  The  following  are  the  manifestations  of  dejection:  laziness,  vileness,  nihilism,  somnolence,  apathy  and  so  on.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


8.37. It's a sin to work after work.   AR AR

One  should  relax  and  restore  after  work,  and  working  in  non-working  hours  is  a  sin,  leading  to  early  worn  out  of  a  person  exhaustion  of  his  forces  and  lowering  productivity  of  labor.

Translate: Варвара Учеваткина


8.42. You will either eat or be eaten.   AR AR

-Not  exactly.

Hens  are  not  always  eaten,  some  of  them  lay  golden  eggs.  A  sheep  is  a  valuable  source  of  wool.  Donkeys  can  work  for  you  well.  And  one  better  buy  a  more  powerful  opponent  off  or  avoid  direct  conflicts,  than  risk  one's  head  fighting  him.

Translate: Варвара Учеваткина


8.47.   AR AR

It's  very  difficult  to  teach  fools  as  they  consider  themselves  smart  enough  not  to  learn  or  study  anything. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Amateur (Datsenko)



8.89.   AR AR

Many  people's  feeling  that  they  give  more  than  get  back  is  often  linked  with  being  inattentive  to  people.  You  give  people  what  you  want  and  as  much  as  you  want,  ignoring  their  real  needs  and  desires.  You  think  you're  of  high  value,  but  in  fact  your  value  is  extremely  low,  and  what  you  get  back  is  your  fair  price.

If  you  want  to  raise  your  price-raise  your  value.  Study  people,  study  their  desires

Translate: Варвара Учеваткина


8.94. Super-sleuthing.   AR AR

Overthinking  greatly  prevents  from  work.

Translate: Варвара Учеваткина


954.   AR AR

One  can  succeed  in  any  thing  if  one  keeps  on  doing  it  for  a  long  time  non  stop... 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie