
Leadership and leadership.






9.8338. A leader is a synergistic operation.   AR AR

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9.8403.   AR AR

What  matters  most  in  a  leader  is  his  strength  of  spirit  –  the  rest  can  be  rented.

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9.6984.   AR AR

A  leader  is  someone  who  gathers  small  goals  into  a  big  one.  Every  person  has  goals,  you  should  find  them  and  motivate  them  to  work  in  a  team.  Gathered  together,  the  goals  gain  power.

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9.4794.   AR AR

A leader should have Faith in his people. A man who is Believed in is capable of a miracle.

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9.6269. Killing fear brings joy.   AR AR

A  leader  is  he  who  overcomes  fear.  Next  to  a  real  leader,  his  followers’  fears  die  and  joy  inspires  their  hearts.

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9.1589.   AR AR

The leader is not the one who climbed the mountain, but the one who climbed the mountain.

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9.6262.   AR AR

Leaders,  like  the  truth,  are  consistent  and  reliable,  they  don`t  have  any  contingency  and  falsehood.

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3.16.   AR AR

The leader is the goal.  A leader is someone who controls the direction of movement.

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3083.   AR AR

Moral  courage  is  the  ability  to  rule.  First,  a  person  gains  power  over  oneself,  and  then  over  other  people.  Power  and  moral  courage  attract  money,  women  and  good  luck.

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9.3555.   AR AR

Another leader is like a hare running away from angry and hungry dogs... However, the hare is quite a successful leader, dogs running after him very enthusiastically.

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3.757.   AR AR

A leader can be followed for seven reasons.  He's a horse.  He's a hare.  He arouses curiosity.    He's amazing.  Excitement.  Greed.  Not to follow our own peril. 

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10.5222.   AR AR

The big man is a tailor who stitches the fabric of reality across time and distance.

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9.3286.   AR AR

A good leader is like a beautiful woman who accepts courtship. Subordinates are trying to win his love. He reluctantly accepts courtship, they say, not very necessary, but sometimes smiles encouragingly and favors suitors.

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10.2533.   AR AR

A true leader does not seek to control anything because he has faith and no fear.  If the instruments fit the purpose, he makes them; if not, he lays one aside and takes the other.

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9.7656. The opposite is true as well.   AR AR

Business  projects  success  rather  depends  on  the  personality  of  their  leaders  more  than  on  the  projects  themselves.  A  good  person  is  able  to  implement  even  the  silliest  project.

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9.1520.   AR AR

If the Manager truly loves his job, his goal and his ideas, he can infect this love and employees. And then all will serve a high Purpose. Serving a high purpose inspires people to feats and accomplishments, fills the soul with joy and strength.

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9.9180. The Sun Man.   AR AR

A  leader  is  one  who  has  Faith.  Faith  is  like  fire,  like  joy,  like  a  source  of  energy.  People  are  ready  to  follow  him  who  has  Faith.

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9.1456.   AR AR

A  manager’s  confidence  about  his  decisions  and  affairs  gives  calmness  and  pleasure  to  employees,  killing  their  fears.

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9.1457. The Manager should not doubt.   AR AR

The confidence of the leader inspires and gives people strength.

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8.5358. Power guide.   AR AR

He  who  refuses  to  recognize  any  authority  over  himself  cannot  have  power.  By  obeying,  you  let  Power  enter  yourself.  You  absorb  it,  become  its  slave  and,  capable  of  passing  it  on,  you  become  its  guide.

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7.7172.   AR AR

Power is when you do things for the good, not for yourself. Power is not for its own sake, but for its own good.

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7.6526.   AR AR

The main task of the head is not to rule, but to correct the vices and mistakes of his subordinates.

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3.141.   AR AR

Truth   is   resignation   to   the   void   because   a   system   is   a   sequence   of   ones   and   zeroes.

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4.352.   AR AR

Hand washes hand, quid Pro quo. The point is that partnership, family, friendship, business, trade are always mutually beneficial contracts like "win-win". Such relationships generate synergy. Relations "won-lost" generate only zero and nothing, for here won, there lost. Nature honors balance.

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4.352.   AR AR

La   mano   se   lava,   el   Servicio   por   el   favor.   El   punto   es   que   la   asociación,   la   familia,   la   amistad,   el   negocio,   el   comercio   es   siempre   los   contratos   mutuamente   ventajosos   del   tipo   "ganó   –   ganó".   Estas   relaciones   generan   sinergia.   La   relación   "ganó-perdió"   genera   sólo   cero   y   nada,   porque   aquí   ganó,   allí   perdió.   La   naturaleza   honra   el   equilibrio.

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4.576.   AR AR

Mutual respect, trust and unity of purpose generate love. Love is a synergy, a flow of creative energy of creation. Synergy is a miracle when one plus one equals three. True love is a business that creates surplus value miraculously out of nothing.

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4.576.   AR AR

El   respeto   mutuo,   la   confianza   y   la   unidad   de   objetivos   generan   amor.   El   amor   es   la   sinergia,   el   flujo   de   energía   creativa   de   la   creación.   La   sinergia   es   un   milagro,   es   cuando   uno   más   uno   es   igual   a   tres.   El   verdadero   amor   es   un   negocio   que   crea   un   valor   agregado   milagrosamente   de   nada.

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The beginning of the book

3.32. A miracle of love.   AR AR

A   miracle   is   love.   Love   is   fusion   and   synergy.   Love   is   more   than   addition   and   subtraction.   Love   is   always   1   and   0   transforming   into   10.

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3.56.   AR AR

The   criterion   of   truth   is   scalability,   that   is,   truth   can   become   law   and   order.   Thousands   of   tiny,   mendacious   exceptions   of   truth   only   accompany   it.

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3.58.   AR AR

To   achieve   your   true   goal,   look   for   what   is   close   to   it.   Point   slightly   to   the   side.

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3.59.   AR AR

Lie is a shadow of truth, to find gold, you should look for its accompanying minerals and circumstances.

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3.86.   AR AR

You   should   resign   yourself   to   the   fact   that   any   good   deed   is   to   be   done   and   redone   many   times,   and   only   then   will   it   statistically   reveal   truth.

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7.64.   AR AR

Self-government of people is a myth.  Of course nothing is ordered.  Order is always a derivative of Force.

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8.36.   AR AR

In a number of walking in a circle it is difficult to distinguish lagging behind and leaders.

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1517.   AR AR

Power  can  be  compared  to  a  disease  as  it  often  changes  people  evoking  piggy  nature  in  them  and  turning  them  to  animals.  And  it's  only  highly  spiritual  people  with  moral  strength  who  have  enough  inner  strength  and  energy  to  control  and  hold  the  inner  pig  and  remain  at  least  partly  human... 

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2604. The sheep leader.   AR AR

Let's  suppose  that  a  wolf  wearing  a  sheep's  clothing  and  being  the  sheep  leader  is  an  example  of  the  useful  parasite.  Expenses  for  this  wolf's  keep  among  hundreds  of  sheep  are  not  heavy.  Besides,  such  a  leader  is  really  clever  and  strong.  Thus,  this  leader  earns  his  keep  by  his  own  sagacity.  And  now  imagine  a  purebred  sheep  as  the  leader.  A  potential  king  of  sheep  who  could  have  been  given  power,  would  have  become  the  embodiment  of  weakness  and  heavy  mind.  And  his  ruling  would  simply  destroy  the  civilization  of  sheep.  And  destruction  would  come  upon  the  places  where  gardens  and  meadows  formerly  blossomed.  That's  why  the  wisest  sheep  once  decided  that  a  wolf  ruling  a  herd  would  bring  more  use.  As  it's  better  for  wolves  when  sheep  live  well  and  breed.  Thus,  being  ruled  by  wolves,  sheep  became  the  dominant  species  on  the  planet  and  bred  like  rabbits. 

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2842. Caning.   AR AR

Any  heroic  sententiosity  about  how  one  should  overwork  is  a  major  stupidity. 
This  mode  is  good  for  struggling,  just  for  a  short  period  of  time  or  for  salvation.  While  during  longer  time  it  leads  to  exhaustion,  fatigue,  lost  productivity,  lack  of  diligence,  mistakes  and  faults.  What's  more,  it  all  leads  to  a  person's  apathy  and  diseases  and  lack  of  working  activity.  It's  necessary  to  work  with  feeling,  wit,  and  punctuation  to  be  effective  and  avoid  overproduction.  And  bosses  who  don't  get  it  should  be  caned. 

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2852. Everything has its aim and purpose.   AR AR

For  a  leader's  consideration:  using  screwdriver  as  a  hammer  is  a  sin.

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2854. We love you.   AR AR

A  person  who  craves  for  power  should  never  be  given  any  power. 
As  craving  for  power  is  a  sign  of  vanity  and  pridefulness,  hence  a  sin. 
Sinful  people  should  suffer  and  not  be  in  power  to  spread  sins  and  evil. 

It's  only  someone  chosen  as  "surpassing"  by  people  who  really  deserves  to  be  in  power.  Someone  who  deserves  respect.  Someone  who  got  no  sins.  Someone  just  and  strong. 

It's  a  joy  to  be  under  control  of  such  a  person.  «We  love  our  leader,  -  people  think  and  this  thought  makes  them  feel  nice.  -  You  give  us  confidence  and  faith,  feeling  of  safety  and  happiness. 
Now  we  have  confidence  in  the  future». 

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2956.   AR AR

A  strong-willed  morally  upstanding  person  doesn't  wish  to  be  in  power  or  in  control.  Such  a  person  may  be  in  control  and  obey  someone  only  because  it's  necessary  and  may  rule  only  because  there's  no  other  way  to  be. 

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3082.   AR AR

One  should  possess  spiritual  strength  to  possess  power  and  money. 
Spiritual  strength  is  gained  in  the  process  of  becoming  better  on  the  way  to  perfection.  One  gains  spiritual  strength  on  the  way  through  difficulties  to  the  stars.  Going  in  for  sport  and  studying  science  also  helps  one  gain  spiritual  strength.  That's  why,  as  a  rule,  harmonious  development  of  the  individual  includes  both  intellective  power  and  physical  strength  (sport)  as  well  as  spiritual  power. 


A  man  who  possesses  spiritual  strength,  also  possesses  power.  Spiritual  strength  means  power.  While  power  attracts  money,  women  and  luck. 

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3.222.   AR AR

Truth   is   a   system.   To   know   truth,   one   needs   resignation   because   a   system   is   a   union   of   ones   and   zeroes,   of   chaos   and   order,   or   light   and   darkness.   If   you   negates   zeroes,   you   will   not   build   a   system   and   will   not   reach   your   goal.

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3.758.   AR AR

The point is, a leader doesn't care who he takes with him.  If you went to someone – that's great, the more units of zeros, the stronger it is.  So curb your pride and lead anyone who walks.

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3.905. Service to beauty.   AR AR

A leader is someone who is in love with his dream.  He infects with love... he makes everyone around him serve his love.  With a leader, you can't resist that love.  Love is the God of this world.  If you refuse to obey, you will burn in hell.

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3.925.   AR AR

The leader has to be a genius, if the leader is not a genius, it is a false leader.  Find a leader and consider him a genius.  It's hard not to love someone who thinks you're a genius.

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3.982.   AR AR

Leaders need help, otherwise there is stupidity.  It is better to be with the leader in the winning team than against him in the losing team.

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4.100.   AR AR

Before you try to get rich and succeed in business, it is desirable to understand the truth and gain power over yourself, otherwise, as soon as you get out of the nest, you will be eaten by temptations and vices.

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4.100.   AR AR

Antes   de   tratar   de   hacerse   rico   y   prosperar   en   los   asuntos,   es   deseable   comprender   la   verdad   y   ganar   poder   sobre   sí   mismo,   de   lo   contrario,   una   vez   que   salga   del   nido,   será   comido   por   tentaciones   y   vicios.

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