




4123.3.   AR AR

Don't  compare  your  presents  with  other  people's  ones  as  it  may  steal  your  joy. 

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4.1471.   AR AR

I'm happy because I don't want any suffering or reward for it. Suffering is a sign of greed, I suppose you're hoping for a reward?

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9.9787.   AR AR

If  you  want  your  sins  forgiven,  do  not  expect  rewards  for  your  merits.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


9.9992.   AR AR

Giving gifts is a great art, sometimes inappropriate gift can mortally offend people, forever destroying the relationship.

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10.1818.   AR AR

The parable of the workers and the winegrower has the meaning that the main reward is not money, but labor.  The very opportunity to work is happiness.  Lack of work causes people unbearable suffering.  By giving people work, God saves them from suffering.

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10.2456.   AR AR

Nirvana is a reward for hard work and good work.  Nirvana is like orgasm, the result of good sex.  However, the meaning of sex-children and fruitfulness.  To use the orgasm, sex and meditation as an analogue of Masturbation is a sin of lust and addiction, the source of much suffering.

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10.4066.   AR AR

Fear is the source of creative power, and joy is the reward for creation.  Therefore, creation requires humility with fear.

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10.5519.   AR AR

Pleasure and joy is the reward for a job well done.  Joys devoid of their cause are drugs and poison.

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10.7272. A real hero.   AR AR

A feat is when you do something heroic that no one else needs, something that you won't get anything for.

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10.15757. Justice.   AR AR

Serving vices, you crave pleasure.  Why don't you get pleasure from virtue?  Why do you crave a reward for your virtues, while the Goths pay for your vices?  Where is the justice?

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10.15761. Gifts of fate.   AR AR

You don't look a gift horse in the mouth, so you can't criticize what Providence gives a person.  Everything that comes to you should be taken and enjoyed.  All that goes away, to give without regret to wounded pride.

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10.16012.   AR AR

Everything that is done in the hope of reward has nothing to do with love, moreover, it is the hunger of pride, the source of evil and suffering.

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10.16014. You will be disappointed.   AR AR

All that is done in the expectation of a reward is the desire to give a loan to someone who did not ask for this debt and, accordingly, does not want to give anything, especially with interest.

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10.16025.   AR AR

To demand gifts from Santa Claus and take offense at him, what could be more stupid?  To claim a reward from the fate!  Have you lost all your fear?

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10.16368. Random gifts.   AR AR

When Santa Claus gives gifts during the year, he does it gradually and ostensibly by accident.

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10.18055.   AR AR

When you give children toys and pleasures, you corrupt them.  Is it right to turn your child into a drug addict?  Is it right to kill your child's time?

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10.18953.   AR AR

A gift is always a reward or a trap.

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10.19004.   AR AR

The easiest way to attract people is to organize contests and distribute prizes.  People love hunting and they love trophies.

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10.20465. Clever man.   AR AR

One cunning person, knowing that problems are good, invented his own problems.  Then he heroically and successfully solved them ... reported to his superiors and received for this gingerbread, carrots, orders and medals.

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10.21828.   AR AR

"Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask»  it's all about the devil's temptations.  Don't believe your doubts.  Don't be afraid of your fears.  Do not ask for or desire pleasure, power, vanity, love, or rewards.

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10.21975.   AR AR

Proud people are hungry for love and want to do good, and they want to be grateful for it.  On the other hand, too much gratitude creates complacency and emotional overdose in them.  Overdose is withdrawal, fear, aggression, etc.

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The beginning of the book

260.   AR AR

What  do  they  know  about  happiness? 
some  say  it's  the  fulfillment  of  one's  desires 
others  that  it's  the  absence  of  them  at  all 
but  the  truth  is  that  happiness  is  a  reward 
the  reward  one  should  deserve... 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


732. [In brevi]   AR AR

With  all  else  being  equal,  a  happy  person  is  the  one  who  performs  the  right  mission  and  fulfills  the  goals  and  tasks  necessary  for  providence.  And  an  unhappy  person  is  the  one  refusing  to  perform  the  necessary  things  or  doing  things  badly,  or  even  biting  off  more  than  can  chew.  Hence,  happiness  is  a  reward  for  what  one  is  supposed  to  do  when  one  does  it  well. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


1578.   AR AR

If the situation or people seem to you a miracle and a gift of fate, You should carefully look, not " cheese is it in a mousetrap…»

It is necessary to understand how much you deserve miracles. Miracles don't usually just happen. Miracles must be earned.

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2002.   AR AR

-  Happiness  if  meant  for  those  who  can  wait. 
This  thought  should  be  explained.  There  is  no  doubt  that  someone  who  waits  sooner  or  later  gets  what  is  wanted.  But  the  main  word  here  is  to  get.  And  it's  not  a  passive  state.  Even  happiness  is  in  fact,  a  reward  for  right  actions.  One  who  is  wrong  gets  pain  and  one  who  is  right  gets  joy.  And  joy,  being  accumulated,  becomes  happiness.  But  on  condition  that  this  honey  won't  be  often  mixed  with  tar. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2020.   AR AR

About  the  benefits  of  egoism.  One  should  do  everything  for  oneself. 

For  instance,  a  child  should  learn  and  go  in  for  sport  for  him/herself  and  not  to  please  parents  or  impress  friends. 

Loving  someone,  taking  care  and  making  presents  for  this  person  should  be  done  without  the  desire  to  get  something  in  return  (for  instance,  love  in  reply),  but  because  it's  a  pleasure  to  love  and  comfort  a  beloved  person. 

Helping  people  and  acting  good  is  not  to  make  others  think  how  virtuous  one  is  but  because  doing  good  is  a  big  pleasure  that  is  really  nice  to  do. 

Doing  one's  job  well  is  not  for  the  boss  but  because  it's  pleasure  to  do  a  good  job.  It  nurtures  useful  skills  and  brings  useful  experience. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.118. A miracle is a reward, not support.   AR AR

A   hamster   in   its   wheel   hopes   for   a   miracle.   The   hamster   does   not   know   that   a   miracle   is   an   add-on   over   the   basis   of   reality   and   is   only   possible   as   a   super   bonus   for   those   who   can   do   everything   on   their   own.   A   miracle   is   a   reward   for   what   is   done.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.119.   AR AR

A   miracle   is   not   help   for   outsiders   but   a   reward   for   winners.   The   best   one   will   win   and   will   get   a   Miracle   as   a   reward.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.244.   AR AR

He was married, she wasn't.  He courted her passionately.  She likes it.  Then he performs a feat for the sake of love and leaves his wife.  He wants awards, he wants her admiration, but she did used to admire her and are very unhappy with the weakening of passion, he is also dissatisfied with the lack of rewards.  The end.

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3.245.   AR AR

It is passionate, it takes passion.  All rejoice.  Then he gives her a huge gift, hoping for a huge passion in response, but she did not need gifts from him, and his passion, she's waiting for passion.  The situation when the passion required of her, she's not interested.

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3426.   AR AR

Beauty  likes  to  get  presents  and  bring  joy. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.670.   AR AR

Humility is when you really want the Nobel prize, but when you get it, you refuse.  ....ooh, that's pain.  When your vanity and greed burn in this pain, humility grows within you.

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3723.   AR AR

Everything  the  devil  may  give  to  a  person  is  just  like  lending  money  at  usury.  All  freebies,  gifts  and  other  handout  will  finally  turn  out  to  cost  too  much. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


4175. A recipe for success.   AR AR

Foster  fanaticism  in  your  nature  and  be  faithful  to  your  desires  up  to  the  end. 

Desires  resemble  women:  they  like  faithfulness  and  bring  faithful  people  luck  and  joy.  But  those  who  leave  things  undone  and  often  get  passing  fancies...  are  very  disliked. 
Besides,  the  weaker  a  desire  is,  the  stronger  the  laziness...  It's  laziness  that  stops  a  person  from  fulfiling  goals.  There  are  no  unachievable  goals.  But  desires  can  be  so  weak  that  laziness  overcomes  them. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


4277.   AR AR

One  must  throw  a  child  into  water  to  make  this  child  learn  to  swim. 
One  must  throw  a  nestling  out  of  the  nest  to  make  this  nestling  learn  to  fly. 
One  must  kick  a  teenager  out  of  the  house  to  make  this  teenager  learn  to  live. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


4.286.   AR AR

Pleasure is the reward for a good deed, relaxation after exertion. Pleasure without a good cause is a terrible poison and drug. Anyone who offers you pleasure for nothing makes you a drug addict.

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4.430.   AR AR

You say you do good to people, but you don't feel grateful to them? What good do you do them? Do you, like the devil, tempt them with pleasures and gifts? Give them entertainment and things? Interfering with their work and their duty? Yes, in hell you burn, vile you being, not gratitude.

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5.247.   AR AR

Thinking sensibly, I came to the conclusion that I do not need any Nobel prize, because then I, as a warrior of light, will be able to inspire myself with a crusade against hypocrisy and ignorance. The world, mired in darkness lies, needs in light of and defaming of truth there is a fine reason for Armageddon.

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5.303. Everything is done by itself.   AR AR

Your work can be done by anyone, and you do it by the grace of God, taking only a place. This place is a grace to you and a reward for your love for your work. This place is an ecological niche, so that you could get your daily bread and not perish from hunger. So rejoice in how God loves you, allowing you to do what anyone could do and what could not be done at all or done by itself. But remember, once you lose the love of your work, you lose everything.

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5.840.   AR AR

Friends, I confess, I need the Nobel prize, I'm sure I deserve it. I understand that it is immodest, conceited and reminds pride, but you have to forgive me all my little weaknesses, because the symbol of beauty is the bread with salt, and, if from the barrel of honey to remove all the tar, everything will become sickly sweet and would be too much. There is much beauty and much truth in me, and I will not conceal that there is a salt of vices, lies made me dream, vanity made me grow, hunger gave rise to movement. 

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5.989.   AR AR

Indeed, love is more joyful than any reward, but the reward is a symbol of love. No one has ever loved me and therefore I had no awards. The endless desire for love, stretched over decades, transformed in me into a desire for rewards. That's why I wanted to earn the Nobel prize. I thought, well, I'll get this award and then just love me. I did not know then that the thirst for love is vanity, and that love must come not from without, but from within. To receive love from the outside, you must first give birth to it within yourself.

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