
The barren Fig tree






5.47.   AR AR

If Jesus was a carpenter, the devil was a lumberjack.  The devil was the one who was told to cut down the barren Fig tree.  Jesus was the one who gave the trees a chance to find new life. 

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3.945.   AR AR

A   barren   fig   tree   is   the   symbol   of   true   love   and   that   of   an   invaluable   gift   for   the   possession   of   which   you   will   have   to   pay   everything   you   have.   A   chosen   one   will   give   everything   for   his   love   so   that   something   barren   becomes   alive.   The   invaluable   is   something   that   has   no   price.   Only   the   chosen   see   the   value   of   the   invaluable   and   all   others   see   only   a   worthless,   useless   and   barren   fig   tree,   considering   the   behavior   of   the   chosen   one   extremely   stupid   and   irrational.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


5.535.   AR AR

Dropping things before they're done is like having a baby and ending up with a miscarriage. All would be nothing, but it undermines health and leads to infertility. Do you still remember the fate of the barren Fig tree?

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6.928. Samoilivna for firewood.   AR AR

Depression is the suicide of a Fig tree that has ceased to bear fruit.

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3.1143.   AR AR

A barren Fig tree should be cut down for humane reasons.  Productive activity is joy, but when a person does not do his job, he suffers terribly.

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4.2081.   AR AR

A man engaged in unfruitful activity is a barren Fig tree, which will soon be cut down and burned in hell. Watch your fruitfulness, futility is sin.

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6.1800. Dried Fig tree.   AR AR

Trying to do something faster than necessary is greed. I remind you, there is nothing more dangerous for any business than greed. From the fact that you do not water the plant, it will not grow faster, but only withers.

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5.302.   AR AR

Promised three years of waiting, plus another year of special love and affection. Remember the Fig tree that was given another chance. The point is that three years is seen, whether in growth or not, if weak the business, in the fourth year it is necessary to strengthen love, if it did not help... put everything on fire.

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9.1944. Argument about unnecessary.   AR AR

Talk about unnecessary. You're doing a useless thing, killing time and wasting energy. You are like a Fig-tree, which bears no fruit and uselessly occupies a place in the garden.

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9.9838. A fig tree.   AR AR

You  will  be  taken  care  of  and  protected  as  long  as  you  are  useful,  but  you  will  be  cut  down  immediately  as  soon  as  you  start  taking  someone  else’s  place.

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7.6187.   AR AR

Barren dreams, that barren Fig tree in the Bible.

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5.730. There is hope.   AR AR

By the nature of things everything is straight, for they are beautiful, and nothing is crooked, for they are ugly. But Jesus came and brought the hope that the crooked one could straighten, the blind one could see. Even if a crooked fruitless Fig tree is cut down, it is not necessary to burn it in hell, a carpenter can easily make beautiful and useful things out of it.

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The beginning of the book

341.   AR AR

Nobody throws stones at a barren tree…
And all because …
Nothing to wish... nothing to shoot Down…
Nothing to criticize... nothing to Envy
But the fruit tree stones only to help.
Of stones can be folded around the fence and do not let the goats to the garden.

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3291. A good day.   AR AR

Sometimes  it's  internal  productiveness,  sometimes  it's  external.  Anyway,  a  productive  day  is  a  happy  day. 

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Art by Martin Anderson



3.486.   AR AR

Your  job  having  become  too  easy  and  automatic  is  a  good  reason  to  look  for  a  new  job.  You  may  want  challenging  tasks  and  you  may  want  to  be  productive.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.486.   AR AR

Ein   guter   Anlass,   den   Job   zu   wechseln,   ist   dass   er   zu   leicht   und   halb   automatisch   geworden   ist.   Man   möchte   komplizierte   Aufgaben,   Erfolg.

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3.944. A barren fig tree.   AR AR

Love   is   true   resignation   because   he   who   is   truly   in   love   knows   no   fear.   He   who   is   truly   in   love   will   stop   at   nothing   for   his   love…   True   love   is   a   Gift   for   which   one   will   have   to   sacrifice   everything   one   has   to   obtain   something   invisible.   Nobody,   except   for   the   loving   person,   understands   the   value   of   his   love.   Others   see   stupidity,   nothingness   and   losses…   In   fact,   this   is   the   same   situation   when   someone   gives   all   his   money,   time   and   property…   for   what?   For   a   barren   fig   tree.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


4.102. Grow as high and long.   AR AR

There is no need to hurry in fruitfulness. While you learn, you grow like a tree trunk up. It is better to grow taller, and then go horizontal branches. Hurrying, you risk and remain a Bush or dwarf Apple tree.

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4.244.   AR AR

No need for the tree to hurry to bear fruit. It is extremely difficult to grow and bear fruit at the same time. Before starting to bear fruit, you'll end up a dwarf.

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4.645.   AR AR

The most accessible source of pleasure is overcoming obstacles. Overcoming obstacles is pleasant, joyful, fruitful and marks the growth of personality. To such pleasure almost there is no habituation, such pleasure can be stretched for life.

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4.657.   AR AR

Work improves health. If you want to be healthy, work productively.

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4.661. For a higher purpose.   AR AR

Effective and fruitful will be those actions that you will do to harm the circumstances. You know you can't do it, you know it's wrong and wrong, but you're going to do it because you think it SHOULD be done, even though you know it's going to end badly. There is no hope of success in you, that is, there is, but it is hope against hope.

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5.436. Unproductive activities.   AR AR

Greed and greed is a product of Masturbation, you want everything at once, but Masturbation is not sex and children do not happen from it.

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5.680.   AR AR

True love is a process stretched over time and fruitful, and passion is Masturbation-fast and fruitless.

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5.721.   AR AR

A crooked man is a crooked tree. A straight man is a straight tree. Angels and demons are the ones who woke up... Demons cut wood for firewood, angels take care of those who bear fruit and make sure that demons do not abuse. The image of Jesus was an image of salvation for sinful souls, a metaphor for the idea that the barren Fig tree has a chance and can be saved from the hyena of fire. Wood is not only firewood, but also beautiful and useful wood products. A sinner can go to heaven if he gives his soul to God, and thus communicates himself to the beauty and benefit of being. By the way, the soul is the body, that is, the wood of the tree.

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5.732.   AR AR

The maternal instinct makes a woman automatically love everything beautiful, growing and fruitful.

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5.939. Service to beauty.   AR AR

He who guards and cares for the Fig tree will eat its fruits.

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5.947.   AR AR

The wise are restrained, he does not pour out his anger uselessly, but uses it for the benefit of the cause, directing energy to fruitful activity.

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6.247.   AR AR

Knowledge and fruitful creative activity is the most joyful and pleasant thing in this world.

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6.348. Lie unproductive. Truth is fruitful.   AR AR

A lie is something that doesn't grow and therefore doesn't work. Truth is like a good grain that grows and therefore works. For the grain to grow, you need good grain, the right place and time.

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6.643. Grain and chaff.   AR AR

The fundamental difference between the joy of the mind (virtue) and the pleasures of the body (Vice) is that the pleasures of the body consume energy (time, money, etc.) and no matter how cheap they cost, they consume it irretrievably and fruitlessly. In fact, the pleasure of the body is a radiator that removes excess heat.

The joys of the mind are material and like grains. No matter how expensive these grains initially cost, something always grows out of them, which gives an income of tens and hundreds of times more than invested.

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3.1017.   AR AR

The cure for pride and conflict, obviously, is a fruitful activity. 

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3.1074. I do not have faith in that apple of yours.   AR AR

Chronic   skepticism   is   incompatible   with   growth   and   fruitfulness.   You   cannot   sow   or   reap   without   having   faith   in   what   you   do.   A   chronic   sceptic   is   so   accustomed   to   have   no   faith   in   anything   that,   even   when   dying   of   hunger,   he   will   not   stretch   out   his   hand   to   take   the   apple.   The   skeptic   will   blab   a   lot   about   the   apple   of   sin   and   about   this   being   an   illusion   and   a   metaphor.   Skepticism   engenders   laziness.   Where   there   is   no   faith,   there   is   fear.   In   reality,   sceptics   are   just   cowards   afraid   of   taking   an   apple   out   of   fear   that   something   would   happen.

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