




10.19202.   AR AR

A blank white sheet can include infinitely many different forms.  A blank black sheet can exclude infinitely many different forms.

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10.19214. I can love for a long time.   AR AR

Love is an infinite source of energy, and a person in love is the equivalent of a perpetual motion machine.

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10.19378. The unity of the finite and the infinite.   AR AR

Truth is something that can be served indefinitely, for truth is unknowable.  Truth is the infinite source of love, that is, power and energy.

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10.20740.   AR AR

The real idea is impracticable and like hope.  Hope is one of the names of truth, and truth is unknowable.  The idea evolves endlessly.  You follow your idea, and it follows the infinite path of perfection.

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10.20745.   AR AR

The principle of negation of negation allows us to infinitely increase the strength of the initial basis.  Taking the basis as one, we first negate it, and then, by negating the negation, we create zero.  By combining one and zero, we create ten.  However, one can be endlessly denied.  The search for truth takes place by denying lies.  By taking a reference basic entity and endlessly negating it, we can easily create a universe from a point.

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10.21129.   AR AR

There are no Windows of opportunity, just sticky tapes for flies.  There are endless possibilities around, they are not needed by anyone and are invisible to anyone.

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10.21709.   AR AR

There is an infinite amount of free space, because freedom is boundless.  The occupied space has a form and is limited.  What is fenced in is small, but the darkness is endless.

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10.21743.   AR AR

Lovers do not notice the clock, because love is time.  Lovers are given an infinite amount of time.  Time is a form of energy.  If lovers take the trouble to convert their endless time into forms of energy like money, they will become rich.

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10.21776.   AR AR

There are an infinite number of options, your job is to relax and just flow in the direction of your goal.

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10.21779.   AR AR

Being is limited and non-being is unlimited, it is a great honor to become a reality.  All forms of reality are equal to each other.

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10.21811.   AR AR

It is impossible to know the truth, for the truth is infinite non-existence.  But it is possible to know a lie, a lie is limited to the real world and therefore quite knowable.  Another question is that lies are constantly growing, filled with information from the infinite non-existence of truth.

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10.21947. Restrain your greed.   AR AR

Truth (perfection, love and beauty)  inexhaustible if you draw them with restraint.  You drive more quietly, you'll go further.  At low speed, perfection is an inexhaustible source of energy that feeds the perpetual motion machine.  However, greedy pride can empty everything around it and the source will perish.

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10.22018.   AR AR

The truth is infinitely extended in time lie.  The act of faith is the creation of extension.

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10.22024.   AR AR

Zero is not as small as you think, connect two zeros and you create infinity.

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10.22395. Infinite love.   AR AR

Truth is reality, and reality is energy distributed over time.  An illusion is an energy locked in an instant.  The energy of the moment is huge, but to turn it into truth and the real world, you need to destroy the moment and turn it into infinity.

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10.22399.   AR AR

To achieve infinity, you should limit yourself as much as possible.  Limitation is humility.  The greater the humility, the greater the power.

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10.22400. The opposite is true.   AR AR

Haste and impatience are murder  God who is time.  Quick is murder.  Time wishes  To be.  Time wants extension.  Love is patience and an act of faith, that is, infinite movement.  The longer and more thoroughly an entity is made, the more truth there is in it.

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10.22482.   AR AR

Work generates the growth of the system.  If the goal of the work is control and order, which is unlimited, then this generates an infinite growth and complexity of the system.

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10.22515.   AR AR

Humility is the realization that ideal, truth, order, love, beauty, and hope are infinite and inexhaustible.  In other words, the desire to achieve an ideal and the desire for power (control)  there is pride over the essences of love.

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The beginning of the book

2867. The same mistake made twice, goes to infinity.   AR AR

It's  not  a  mistake  itself  but  its  repeat  that  is  scary. 

The  same  mistake  repeated  several  times,  becomes  reinforced  like  a  skill  and  may  go  to  infinity  in  its  repeats...  Two  repeats  usually  involve  the  third  one,  and  then  one  after  another  again. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Amateur (Dotsenco)



3613. Suffering makes time drag on.   AR AR

A  tip  for  sucking  sinners-  infinity  in  hell  drags  on  and  seems  intolerable. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



4364. A golden section.   AR AR

A   newborn   person   is,   in   fact,   1.6Gb   of   information   coded   in   parents'   DNA,   namely   800   megabytes   taken   from   mother   and   father.   An   interesting   number   that   resembles   the   golden   section   of   1.61.

Besides.   there's   also   number   8   as   an   infinity   symbol.   It's   not   for   nothing   that   many   peoples   appreciate   this   symbol.

Translate: Sodmis


9.303.   AR AR

The   source   of   the   truth   knowledge   endlessness   is   in   the   endlessness   of   circumstances   variety.

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9.458.   AR AR

If   a   cylinder   is   stretched   infinitely,   it   will   turn   into   a   line   sooner   or   later,   keeping   its   volume,   while   its   circle   will   turn   into   a   point.

Translate: Sodmis


10.296.   AR AR

The truth is zero, then there is something that can go in a circle.  Truth is not afraid of time.  Truth is infinity.  

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10.734. The limit of perfection.   AR AR

Infinity requires humility.  The ideal is unattainable, but requires an infinite approximation to itself.  Movement is life.  The idealist needs an ideal in order to continue the endless movement towards it.

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10.855.   AR AR

The pursuit of infinity is the pursuit of zero.  Dividing the segment into the best and the worst half, you simultaneously rush to zero and infinity.

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10.856.   AR AR

Infinity is zero, the limit from zero is infinity.

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3.1286. Lotus flower.   AR AR

Variothoughts   implements   in   itself   the   concept   of   the   union   of   the   incompatible.   The   forest   and   trees,   the   point   and   the   universe,   the   constant   and   the   variable   –   all   in   one.   Variothoughts   is   a   book   divided   into   hundreds   of   books.   Variothoughts   is   a   book   that   has   a   beginning   but   no   end.   The   book   of   truth   and   lie.   The   book   in   which   lie   is   limitless   and   truth   endless.


To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.1733.   AR AR

Eye   of   a   needle   at   the   Gates   of   heaven   is   a   symbol   of   idealism,   symbol   of   the   word   No.   The   one   who   separated   the   God   into   Yes   and   No,   created   an   obstruction,   where   always   only   a   half   can   go   through   and   never   more.   Even   if   you   will   cut   one   of   your   ears,   you   will   be   told   to   cut   a   half   of   the   second   one,   and   then   a   half   of   a   half   of   a   second   one   and   so   on   forever.  

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina


3.2166.   AR AR

Yin and Yang is a dance of fire and shadows, where fire is reality and shadows are its subjective reflection in the human mind.  These two mutually complement and expand into each other, turning into a multidimensional infinity of being.

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3.2168.   AR AR

I would say that the immensity of the objective and the immensity of the subjective in harmonious fusion form infinity.

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3.3140.   AR AR

The essence of the infinite suffering of the human mind is that the animal can avoid suffering by eating gingerbread, and the human mind is doomed to suffer in any case.

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4.1728.   AR AR

They   say   that   God   can   not   be   understood,   God   is   said   to   be   incomprehensible.   That   sounds   to   be   true.   But   there   is   another   truth.   The   meaning   of   human   life   is   to   comprehend   God.   That   is   why   God   is   incomprehensible,   so   that   the   meaning   of   human   life   never   ends.   God   is   the   world,   it   is   reality.   Knowledge   of   the   real   world   is   endless.   The   meaning   of   human   life   is   the   infinity   knowledge.

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina


4.2441.   AR AR

They say death and decay is bad, but it's a lie. To achieve immortality, you need to be able to live, and die, and grow, and wither. The essence of the infinity of life in this alternation of birth and death.

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4.2764.   AR AR

Eternity is simultaneity, and infinity is the absence of information about the coordinate system. Space is not marked. Space is integral and indivisible.
The destruction of the boundaries gives rise to infinity.

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4.2775.   AR AR

Infinity is simultaneity. You just think you're alive. Life is an illusion of the mind, in fact, you are simultaneous with all your past and future selves.

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4.4208. Gulliver's Depression.   AR AR

Gulliver is a toy hero, on the example of which we see the evolution of consciousness from megalomania to inferiority complex. Borderline personality disorder causes pride in the patient, filling with a sense of boundless power. Little tiny men limit the Titan, trying to lead them. Gulliver easily defeats the entire army. Then, when addiction occurs, megalomania is replaced by an inferiority complex and the patient falls into depression. Now he is weak and insignificant. More than anything, Gulliver wants to become a normal person.

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5.1807.   AR AR

1 plus 1 equals 2 only in an ideal world. In the real world, the result can be from zero to infinity.

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