




10.21570.   AR AR

People are daytime predators who were blinded by the idol of the sun.  People have poor eyesight, people don't see anything at night.  Meanwhile, night residents know that it is quite light at night, and the sky is pure white.

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10.21315.   AR AR

The meaning of double standards is that what is good at night is bad during the day... on the contrary, respectively, too.  The values of chaos and order are different.

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10.20750. There is always hope.   AR AR

After examining it carefully  Yin and  Yan, I have noticed that there is always light in the dark, and there is always darkness and shadow in the light.  Day-dwellers will always find hope for light in the night, and night-dwellers will find darkness in the day.

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10.20749.   AR AR

The source of all your fears is that you think the dark is bad.  You are very afraid of the night.  But why be afraid of her?  The night is good and kind, moreover, there is quite a lot of light in the darkness.

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10.20638.   AR AR

The meaning of enlightenment is to love darkness at night and light during the day.  And don't forget to take a pinch of light in the night and a pinch of darkness in the day to sell to those who do the opposite.

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10.17837.   AR AR

If a person ceases to control himself, he will switch to a nocturnal lifestyle.  Control and order is a day.  Lack of control is darkness and night.

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10.9309.   AR AR

The evening inspires us to dream, the morning inspires us to feats and work.  Everything has its place and time.

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10.9307.   AR AR

You can't get excited all the time, you will get used to it, and then break down, and you will die of depression.  Our world has a wave nature, where night should be replaced by day, and day at night.

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10.8630.   AR AR

Humility is not when you are doing well.  When you're doing well, it's an addiction.  True humility is when you know the rules of the game and realize that the night is very necessary and useful.

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10.8587.   AR AR

Humility is the realization that good needs the contrast of black.  If the black is removed, the white is automatically divided into black and white.  Again you will remove the black,... and everything will happen again as long as your not white will be very small and will disappear.

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10.8586.   AR AR

Humility is when you know what the night is for.

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10.8573.   AR AR

During a difficult period, we rest, watch dreams, search for the truth, improve and wait for the arrival of a new day when it's time to Wake up and return to reality.

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10.8571. Joyful adversity.   AR AR

The night is joyful, the night is a time of rest and illusions.  When night comes, we go to sleep in joyful anticipation of a new day.

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The beginning of the book

10.8572.   AR AR

Night is not a time of fear, but a time when fear is killed.  When the night of illusions is over, you will Wake up in the morning, forgetting all your fears of yesterday.

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10.19997.   AR AR

Night is the time when the grain grows underground.  Morning is the time when the first faint sprouts of hope are rising.

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10.20637. The newfound one does not need light.   AR AR

A candle in the night is pride.  Moths fly into the fire and die.  Why do you need light at night?  There's so much darkness around, take as much as you want.  A huge barrel of honey, eat – I don't want to, and you, a fool, spend all your strength on a war for a fly in the ointment.  There are billions of stars in the night, but the blind create their idols and pray on them, and try to bite each other's throats out of jealousy.

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10.20785.   AR AR

Those who worship light and those who worship darkness are two opposite but essentially identical types of idolaters.  Normal people rightly believe that everything is good.  Day and night are one and inseparable.  Eternal day and eternal night are equally disastrous in their consequences.

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10.20954.   AR AR

They say, fear the one who has found the truth.  Why?  I looked around and saw lights everywhere.  Everything is light, even me.  But I tell you, fear those who find lies.  But I say to you, rejoice in those who have found the lie, for now we will turn darkness into light.  But I say day follows night, and night follows day, and that is the truth.

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10.21662. Paradise lost.   AR AR

The Epiphany is to realize that pain is useful and cannot be rejected.  Once I had been in Paradise for a thousand years, I had exhausted all my joy, and my joy turned into a hellish pain.  Unable to endure thousands of years of pain, I ran away from Paradise.  The point is, I was wrong.  If I did not run away from pain, but humbly rejoiced in the night, I would wait for the morning of a new day.

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10.21705.   AR AR

Points on the characters  Yin and Yang tell us that we need to rest a little during the day and a little at night  study and work.  However, in General, night is a time of rest, and day is a time of work.  Those who seek rest during the day do not sleep at night.  One who rests both day and night fills his life with endless suffering.

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10.22085.   AR AR

Night is the time of perfection, and day is the time of creation and construction of the dream.

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10.24431.   AR AR

When it rains at night, isn't that the joy?  A sleeper in the night dreams of a rainbow and is happy.

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10.24435.   AR AR

What is light?  Day.  What is darkness?  Night!  During the day, the earth looks at the sun, and at night, the earth looks at the moon and stars.  Anyone who denounces this system is an ignoramus and a fool.

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10.24597.   AR AR

The candle is a symbol of learning and knowledge, through which the darkness of night is overcome and the light of day comes.

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10.24631.   AR AR

Perfection is the time of night.  Perfect people love the night.  On the other hand, perfection is a light in the night that attracts stupid moths to devour them.  So keep track of what you crave more in the night – perfection or pleasure.  If your value is pleasure, you will be devoured and you are a moth.

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10.24814.   AR AR

Misfortunes are like the night, and one who runs away from them is like one who sleeps in the night.  At night you need to sleep, in the morning you need to Wake up.  Some will run so far from reality that they will forget to Wake up.

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10.24984. Immortal light.   AR AR

Darkness allows us to see the stars.  During the day, the stars are not visible.  Many of these stars died millions of years ago, but we still see their light.

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10.26008.   AR AR

A person lives in the darkness of the night, because too much light kills him.  Alcoholics and drug addicts are greedy moths who wanted more fire.  The thirst for power over fire destroyed their sinful souls.

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10.26009.   AR AR

Who Am I?  I am fire in the night.  I am night fire.  During the day the sun will awaken and I will die, but the next night will come and I will rise again.

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10.26533.   AR AR

Do you think that if you open your eyes, you will see?  The problem is that if you open your eyes, you go blind.  Night dwellers should not look at the sun, night dwellers should sleep during the day.  More  moreover, fire in the night is also a drug that will drive you crazy.

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10.26977.   AR AR

When a person knows that everything is beauty and is able to see this beauty, he becomes immune to beauty.  Such a person turns out to be half-blind, but he can see during the day.  Night dwellers are not immune to light.

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10.27122.   AR AR

They revel in evil, evil gives them pleasure.  During the day they pretend to be good, and at night they do evil.

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10.27944.   AR AR

Nightmares are good because against their background the day becomes joyful.

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