




10.12939. The soul is God.   AR AR

Soloinc   was   modesty   itself,   he   called   himself   a   prophet,   although   according   to   Syntalism,   anyone   who   has   a   soul   is   God.

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10.14425. The Burning Bush.   AR AR

Pride is power, and the one who has more pride is stronger.  Pride is the fire of love.  He who burns in the fire of pride suffers greatly.  You are a proud man, you call yourself a PROPHET who sees the future.  But I'm stronger than you.  In my pride, I call myself GOD.  How can I call myself God and not go mad with hellish suffering?  It's simple!  Humility makes the fire of hell in the divine Grace.  You have no humility, so you howl in pain.  I have humility in me, so I can allow myself to be God. 

What is humility? 
- The realization that God is everything.  God is love.

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10.14633. Believe in the prophets.   AR AR

If you believe in the prophet of truth, you will find love for the truth.  Truth is absolute power.  The angels of truth are joyful.

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10.14711.   AR AR

I am the truth.  I am the prophet of truth, who loved me-will find the wings of an angel.

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10.14715. Through the looking glass.   AR AR

I am the prophet of lies.  In a world where all words are reversed, the realization of truth comes through the denial of lies.  The God of our world is a lie, but he who comprehends a lie will also comprehend the truth.  God is everything.  God is the unity of positive and negative.  Love a lie and you will love the truth, for everything is a lie.

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10.14725.   AR AR

Soloinc   is   a   prophet   not   of   the   new   God,   but   of   the   old   God,   the   God   who   created   this   world.

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10.14863.   AR AR

The idea is God.  I wasn't there, I made myself up.

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10.17756.   AR AR

Every night I Wake up at three o'clock and talk to God... God never answers me back.  God is silent.  But I can feel the approval in his breath.  His silence inspires me.  As long as he doesn't interrupt me, I know... everything is going well, everything is going according to plan. 

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10.17782.   AR AR

I have seen all the beauty of the world.  I have seen all the pleasures of the world.  I saw those who created them and even helped them... they showed Me everything and told me to go and do the same.  And I went to create inspired.

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10.18054.   AR AR

The power of reason is such that it decides what is beauty.  Similarly, the mind can decide what ugliness is.  But if you ask God, he will answer you: everything is beauty.

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10.18227. The 12 apostles of light.   AR AR

One righteous man is worth an entire nation.

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10.18356. Who besides me?   AR AR


I wanted to create a religion.  I also like all the current religions, but I don't like the contradictions between them.  Controversies  I removed everything, added a lot of new things... it turned out beautifully...  I like it.  You'll ask me why  I did it... I will answer you because I wanted to.  The mind can afford to do what it wants.


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10.18357.   AR AR

I suggest that we gather in a mighty group and form a gravitational center.

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10.18845.   AR AR

I myself came up with.  Until I invented myself, I wasn't even in the plans.  When I invented myself, I created myself.  Until I created myself, I wasn't there.

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10.19746.   AR AR

It is not God who created man, but man who created man  God.  Reason determines what is beauty and truth.

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10.19912.   AR AR

The point of striving for excellence is to adapt yourself to the tasks that correspond to the goals that you set and solve.

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10.19913.   AR AR

The devil thinks he's God, and I think I'm God, but there's a difference.  The devil thinks only of himself as God, and I believe that everything is God.  There is nothing special about being a God.  I am God, You are God, every grain of sand and drop of dew is God…  Together we are God.

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10.21380.   AR AR

By defining myself as a genius, I didn't just commit an act of vanity and pride.  No!  It was much trickier.  Having defined myself, I created myself.  When I defined an object, I automatically defined its properties and methods.  I needed the methods and properties available to the genius object.  I needed a tool to find the truth.  That is, you called yourself a bunch, get in the basket.  All objects are the same; the free will of the mind is such that it can determine the objects ' goals.

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10.21416.   AR AR

Light is an illusion of the mind, it is the mind that invented light.  In the same way, reason invented money, beauty, and love.

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10.21688.   AR AR

They say that we live in the consciousness of God... but I thought, is this true?  One day I noticed that it was not I, but God, who lived in my mind.

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10.21700.   AR AR

Light is something that is invented and created by darkness.  Light is a fantasy and an ideal.  Light is a picture on TV, a dream of a sleeper.  There is no light... but there is you who deny yourself.  You are darkness, everything is darkness.  You were bored, you came up with his light, to rejoice.

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10.21824. The religion of the mind.   AR AR

I   want   to   build   a   new   religion.   If   you   are   interested,   I   invite   you   to   cooperate.   To   create   a   religion,   you   need   apostles,   prophets,   and   high   priests.   The   goal   is   very   interesting   and   ambitious.   Given   all   the   squalor   and   lack   of   meaning   of   life   that   are   present   in   the   current   reality,   this   goal   is   interesting,   useful,   high   and   beautiful.   The   philosophy   of   Syntalism   today   is   sufficiently   progressive   and   perfect   to   build   a   new   religion   on   the   basis   of   it.   The   task   is   not   easy   and   lengthy   in   time,   but   this   is   the   whole   point.

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10.21881.   AR AR

The Saviour is the love that man finds within himself.  The Saviour does not come from without, but from within, and goes without, finding beauty in the outer world.  The Saviour through man loves and saves the world.

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10.21903.   AR AR

The suppression of pride does not reduce the power of pride, but, on the contrary, like a dam, increases its power a hundredfold.  Humble pride is not capable of all that ordinary pride only dreams of and lies about.

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10.21918.   AR AR

Let's be honest, I'm not really looking forward to being a prophet.  My Legion of vices and shortcomings raise a lot of questions, but on the other hand, less is more... you can scrape together a mustard seed of Holiness in me.

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10.22191. Brothers and sisters in Christ.   AR AR

The idea of  Jesus as incarnation is the idea that every person is a potential incarnation and the Son of God.  If  Jesus was  Son  I can also do miracles by God's faith, for I am his brother.

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10.22200.   AR AR

I don't know what you're praying for, but I've always prayed for the Holy spirit to come to me.  I always do  I wanted to become a home for the Holy spirit.  It always seemed to me that it is very good to have an eternal fire burning in the hearth of your house.

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The beginning of the book

1284.   AR AR

A  fate  crept  up  silently  curved  like  a  horn  of  a  goat, 
it  told  everyone  it  was  a  prophet  but  turned  out  to  be  God. 

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1367.   AR AR

Every  prophet  going  on  stage  speaks  words 
that  usually  don't  differ;  and  all  in  all  it  doesn't  even  matter  and  for  the  system,  intonation...  defines  the  importance  of  information 
in  giving  a  subject  treatment. 

Meaningful  silence  often  has  more  meaning, 
than  heavy  slobbering. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


4390. Invented by the prophet.   AR AR

On   the   occasion   of   a   good   mood,   God   invented   a   new   angel   and   named   it   Soloinc.

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5.471. Who is Soloinc?   AR AR

Logically,   it   can   be   argued   that   in   the   Christian   tradition   Soloinc   is   a   Prophet   (or   at   the   same   time   an   angel),   in   the   Buddhist   tradition-a   Buddha,   in   Confucianism   and   Taoism   –   a   Big   Man   or   a   Dragon,   in   Hinduism-a   Brahman,   in   Islam   –   a   Saint,   in   atheism   a   genius,   etc.   Logically,   Soloinc   is   a   mind   that   has   attained   the   perfection   of   truth,   found   love,   hope,   faith,   and   achieved   harmony   of   mind   and   soul.  

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5.994. Moses ' Self-Determination.   AR AR

A prophet is someone who believes that he can and should save people. I believe that I can and should save people, therefore I am a prophet. Faith is love of truth. 

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6.766.   AR AR

God created man by the power of his mind, just as man created God. The more powerful the mind, the more powerful God it can invent and the more power it will receive from this God.

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6.814.   AR AR

Rules is good rules make our life a good. However, rules can be broken, if you know why, rules can be broken consciously, because God is the mind and God can do anything. Accordingly, unconscious or aimless violation of the rules is a terrible sin and immersion in the very depths of hell.

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10.204.   AR AR

Many follow false prophets, many say, " I am Jesus."  But when a real prophet comes, three go with him, seven meet him, and twelve follow him.

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4.2648.   AR AR

God   is   love   and   God   is   reason.   Animals   live   in   eternal   fear   and   this   fear   drives   them   crazy.   The   ability   to   love   has   created   the   human   mind.   In   the   absence   of   love,   a   person   goes   mad   and   turns   into   a   beast   full   of   agony,   pain   and   vice.

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4.2766.   AR AR

Being a prophet requires special courage and fortitude. The prophets are thrown stones, the prophets are shut up in madhouses and crucified... However, martyrdom has always been the lot of the saints, and the prophet is the standard Saint.

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4.2836. Useful idea.   AR AR

I believe I'm a prophet. And it's not about pride or vanity, hallucinations or schizophrenia... Not at all. I just like being a prophet. I like the idea, this idea inspires me and gives me strength to live and work. This idea allows me to conquer fear, laziness and do many things, some of which are very reminiscent of miracles. This is a very useful idea and I love it. And this is a completely conscious choice. I don't hallucinate, I don't need power or money or universal love. I want nothing but my own mission in life and the opportunity to serve it.

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4.3859. A man who's always been right.   AR AR

After carefully analyzing all my feelings about the past life, I realized that I personally have always been right in the beginning, but when I listen to someone else's opinion and change my desire, there was a big problem. Exceptions to this rule I could not remember. My problem was that I was too exposed to other people's opinions.

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4.4026.   AR AR

When you analyze your life, put all the puzzles in one puzzle, you realize that there was nothing superfluous. Everything went according to plan and obeyed a single goal, which, whether you yourself, or someone in heaven invented for you. The idea that everything is going according to plan is joyful. When everything goes according to plan, you are not afraid of the future, you do your job and you feel good.

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5.1694.   AR AR

The enlightened one sees signs and believes in prophets and angels of salvation. The enlightened one believes in salvation, but the fallen do not.

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5.1861.   AR AR

You need to define yourself, you need to believe in yourself and fill it with content. For example, I was born an idiot, then I got tired of being an idiot and decided to define myself as a genius. Of course, at first I was filled with doubts, and I had to read and work a lot to make the content fit the form. Then I chose the appropriate genius goals and decided that since I'm a genius I need a Nobel prize and, accordingly, need to solve the problems for which they are given, it took a few more years of training and work. Then I began to create things worthy of genius, then I believed that I was a genius, then some people even began to agree with me, and 50 years after my death I was generally recognized as the light of mankind, the prophet ...put a beautiful statue, in General, it was, of course, nice. And it's not even about vanity, and in the mechanics of the process, well I agree, it's nice?

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5.1986.   AR AR

He who believes in the true God believes in his messengers. God's messengers are angels and prophets. God helps those who love him. Love is faith. He who raises his hand against the servants of God will be cursed.

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5.1991.   AR AR

A prophet is higher than an angel, for one can be an angel without realizing it, and a prophet is an angel who has realized his mission.

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5.2357. The chosen one is an angel.   AR AR

The chosen one never works. I am the chosen one, and I have never really worked a day in my life, and yet I have received everything miraculously. All my life I have served my dreams and not a day for anything else. Nothing can stop the chosen one until he fulfills his purpose or his desire. The chosen are the servants of Providence who fulfill God's order by serving their dreams. Dreams and ideas in my head favourites is the order of God that chosen one inevitably performs. They say the chosen one an angel, and maybe an Avatar. Avatar is a player from the real world who decided to brighten up their leisure time to play "games that people play."

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5.3110.   AR AR

To deceive the prophet as to deceive God. Throwing stones and insulting the prophet is like blaspheme to God.

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5.3583. Invented by the prophet.   AR AR

Soloinc   is   the   prophet   of   lies   and   illusions.   A   false   prophet,   a   made-up   prophet.   A   prophet   of   thousands   of   little   words,   each   of   which   is   a   lie,   for   there   are   no   words   that   can   describe   the   truth,   you   can   describe   God.   God   is   infinite.   God   is   everything.   Only   liars   can   lie   about   knowing   words   that   can   describe   God.   Words   are   limited,   words   are   a   form.   God   is   unlimited   and   any   attempt   to   give   him   form   is   pride   and   a   thirst   for   power   over   God.

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