




10.16869.     AR AR

Kindness is one of the names of love.  People who have love are kind.  The second name of kindness is humility and restraint.

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10.1872.     AR AR

When you tell a person that he is kind, he wants to believe and conform.  Everybody wants to be good, nobody likes to be bad.

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10.14302.     AR AR


Fussiness is excessive zeal from the best motives, in fact, it is the best that is the enemy of all that is good, good and bright in this world.


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10.14304.     AR AR

Out of good intentions, a person makes promises that he can't fulfill later.  In fact, this person is a coward who is afraid of upsetting people, or a drug addict who craves a moment's pleasure.  All his motives are very good, but since he is a coward and a liar, he does not have the strength to fulfill his words.

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10.16136.     AR AR

You should treat your loved one as your body, that is, kindly and taking into account his feelings.

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10.16228.     AR AR

The only sensible way to enjoy life is to do good deeds.  The giver's hand will never get tired.

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10.16579.     AR AR

Anger and anger come from impotence, because the strong are kind and restrained.

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10.17659. Benevolent angel.     AR AR

I know you've been waiting for me, and now I've come to help you.

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10.18426.     AR AR

The art of conversation is the art of loving one's neighbor.  One must love one's neighbor.  Love is honesty, benevolence, joy, usefulness, respect, tolerance, kindness, mindfulness, relaxation, and the absence of fear.

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10.19788.     AR AR

Kindness, love and fraternity in the hands of order is the most terrible weapon in this world.  Demons rule with weapons of good.  The angels who rule with a whip.

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10.21666.     AR AR

Ask and you will be given, but ask with love... that is, patiently, persistently, without aggression, in justice and goodness.

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137.     AR AR

Good  news  is  quietly 
whispered  in  the  ear 
a  cry  of  joy... 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


The beginning of the book

6.24.     AR AR

To subdue the devil, first submit to him in imaginary humility.  Then, when he falls in love with you with all his heart, remove him and bring him to good and order, having gained power over him.

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8.84. About benevolence.     AR AR

Try  to  be  less  insulting  towards  people  for  no  reason  as  there's  no  use  in  it  but  the  potential  harm  is  unlimited. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


1302.     AR AR

A  mutual  protection  leads  in  a  circle  and  each  one  and  each  other  are  friends, 
we  cannot  but  hope  that  for  us  as  well  there  is  a  couple  of  gentle  hands. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


1588.     AR AR

Forgive  women  their  little  sins.  At  least  15  days  per  month  they  are  ruled  by  hormones.  And  hormones  are  an  awful  thing.  It  means  irritation,  conflicts,  mood  swings,  getting  offended  and  crying  etc. 
But  other  15  days  it  means  being  another  person-  a  kind,  soft  and  happy  one. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


1794.     AR AR

Kindness  is  the  first  sign  of  love. 
We  are  kind  with  those  we  love. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



1842. Is it true? Is it kindly? Is it necessary?     AR AR

They  say  that  in  olden  days  all  kind  people  asked  themselves  these  three  questions  before  saying  something.  And  if  they  had  even  any  slight  doubts,  they  preferred  not  to  say  it. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



1864.     AR AR

Benevolence  towards  people  can  significantly  decrease  the  number  of  people  who  would  like  to  kill  your  mood.  But  will  also  increase  the  number  of  those  who  would  like  to  put  you  in  a  cheerful  frame  of  mind. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



1975.   AR AR

A  man  following  the  path  of  goodness  is  a  servant  of  justice  and  a  connoisseur  of  beauty  –  I  call  him  the  “bee  of  God”…  Food  is  his  honey  and  his  life  is  full  with  beautiful  flowers  from  the  Garden  of  Eden.

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2061. Working is a universal source of pleasure.     AR AR

Working  helps  one  get  satisfaction  by  various  means.  Working  is  an  original  source  of  pleasure  as  it's  possible  to  get  pleasure  right  from  the  process  of  working  or  its  results.  But  working  also  lets  one  earn  money  and  get  to  secondary  sources  of  pleasure  -  entertainment,  fun  or  food. 
There  are  even  tertiary  sources  of  pleasure.  You  may  buy  sweets  and  share  it  with  children  and  acting  this  good  way  will  bring  you  real  pleasure. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2081. [In brevi]     AR AR

When  they  serve  the  cause  of  evil  -  they  are  evil  themselves.  When  they  serve  the  cause  of  good  -  they  are  good. 
They  are  servants  to  something  stronger.  Don't  blame  them  and  show  empathy.  As  they're  already  living  in  eternal  pain  and  humiliation. 

Be  kind,  fair  and  honest  -  and  people  will  appreciate  you. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2115.     AR AR

A  woman  wants  and  admires  a  strong  smart  man. 
Her  instincts  simply  scream  out:  I  need  his  power  and  wits, 
….  I  will  be  both  strong  and  smart  with  him... 
No  person  will  ever  offend  me  or  laugh  at  me. 
Now  everyone  will  admire  me  and  be  scared  of  me. 
And  my  children...  my  wonderful  children  will  derive  only  the  best  from  both  of  us... 

There  is  one  more  demand:  he  should  be  kind  with  her.  Firstly,  because  we're  kind  with  those  we  love  and  secondly,  we  remember  that  demons  cause  pain  while  noble  people  are  kind. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2350.     AR AR

My  angel,  my  kind  angel...  she  attracted  money  and  good  luck  to  me,  she  was  my  muse  and  my  personal  demon...  It  was  so  strange  to  see  the  Angel  and  the  Demon  in  a  single  person,  especially  that  she  was  my  sweetheart... 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2354.     AR AR

Any  child  is  a  small  vessel.  The  task  of  parents  is  to  contribute  to  their  childrens'  harmonious  growth  and  introduction  to  kindness,  wisdom  and  power.  Self-awareness  is  the  size  of  the  vessel.  The  task  is  to  make  the  vessel  rather  full  than  empty  but  the  way  so  that  its  content  would  not  spill  and  smear  everything  around. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2592. The lesser evil.     AR AR

The  problem  of  democracy  is  that  it's  only  stupidity  and  evil  of  all  kinds-  from  tiny  to  gigantic,  that  they  bring  to  a  vote…  It's  not  clear  why  but  wisdom  and  kindness  never  take  part  in  a  vote.  Some  say  that  they  don't  even  get  the  minority  of  votes.  But  what  this  minority  looks  like  and  how  to  get  it,  no  one  really  knows…  It's  a  mystery  just  as  strange  as  the  mythological  majority  that  no  one  has  ever  seen. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2653. Work.   AR AR

The working group is somewhat like a family. And in the family should flourish mutual respect, goodwill, hard work and common goals. Family members should be happy. The child of such work is the purpose of our work, this is the benefit that we bring to the system. This child should be healthy, intelligent and full of light.

A family that thrives anger, hatred, laziness, stupidity is a deeply flawed family, and children in such a family grow up to be degenerates, full of flaws.

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2762.     AR AR

Beauty  requires  kindness.  To  deny  in  kindness  to  beauty  is  a  sin.  But  those  who  are  kind  to  her,  beauty  bestows  luck  and  joy. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2862. Sometimes it's important.     AR AR

Any  kind  person  is  angry  at  something  and  any  angry  person  is  kind  at  something. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Irina Tsurupina



2863. Be kind to the decent.     AR AR

Soft  kindness  is  not  kindness  but  weakness  that  is  scared  of  everything  and  hence,  smiles  at  everything. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3045. A kind doctor.     AR AR

Pills  are  bitter  and  unpleasant  for  being  swallowed  when  something  hurts.  Extra  pain  brings  no  joy.  However,  if  one  puts  up  with  the  taste,  pills  will  probably  nip  a  Worm  of  the  disease  in  the  bud. 

But  there  is  one  great  threat  -  a  pill  can  easily  turn  into  poison.  It's  not  only  a  Worm  of  the  disease  that  dies  of  the  pill  but  also  lots  of  useful  creatures  as  well.  It's  easy  to  choose  wrong  pills.  As  pills  are  a  dangerous  thing. 

So  what's  to  be  done?  -  an  ill  reader  may  ask  me. 
It's  obvious:  visit  a  good  doctor. 

The  doctor  who  can  heal  your  soul...  Self-treatment  can  hardly  bring  any  health.  As  self-treatment  only  makes  a  disease  chronical  and  worsens  its  course,  giving  complications  and  side  effects. 

A  doctor...  a  doctor...  a  doctor...  a  doctor...  a  doctor...  To  find  a  doctor. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Atatanah (Ruslan Shaumetov)



3.317.     AR AR

Syntalism   is   a   cult   of   truth   and   beauty,   of   science   and   art.   Our   main   values   are   the   novelty   and   perfection   of   truth.   Among   our   other   values   are   common   sense,   resignation,   love,   faith   and   home.   We   say   that   the   union   of   love,   beauty   and   intelligence   will   save   the   world.

Translate: lushchenko Marina