




10.12630.     AR AR

The path from 80% to 100% of the level of perfection, which takes 80% of the effort, is necessary because you can either grow or degrade.  First you slowly go to perfection, then you slowly degrade.  The situation allows you to taste the fruits of your perfection and enjoy life for a long time.

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10.18777.     AR AR


In the law  Pareto talks about 80% of efforts giving 20% of income, and claims that they are useless.  This is a misconception.  The point is, prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  For the best to happen, you need to do a lot of useless work to prepare for the worst, and if you don't do it, the best will not happen.


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10.7269.     AR AR

We do the useless to make the useful work.  In order for 20% to bring 80% of the revenue, you need 80% of useless efforts that give no more than 20% of the revenue.

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10.7270. The creation of the volume.     AR AR

Pareto's law cannot be divided.  If you remove 80% of the useless effort, you just reduce the volume of the system, and it collapses.  Pareto's law is a consolation for those who ask: "Why do I make so many stupid and useless efforts?»

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10.7725. Fear is treated with joy.     AR AR

Miraculous cures work because 80% of diseases are psychosomatic in nature, that is, simply invented.

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10.8988.     AR AR

Pareto's law does not work at the "80 by 20" level, but at the Golden ratio – 68 by 32.

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10.8989.     AR AR

If you follow the Pareto law and remove 80% of the inefficient from the system, then the remaining 20% will be divided into the same 80 and 20, as a result, you will have 5 times less good.

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10.9700.     AR AR

The first 80% of the way you run, getting used to the pain, in the last 20% you give your best.  When you reach the end, you are filled with joy and delight.

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10.11560.     AR AR

Truth is good, but focusing on truth leads to the loss of up to 80% of the potential truth.  The fact is, most of what you think is false is also true.  Therefore, it is more profitable to take a lie for the truth than to deny the lie and lose the truth.

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10.12528. Lack of integrity.     AR AR

The pride is that after doing 80% of the work, spending 20% of the effort, to think that you have reached perfection and, stopping, fall into the sin of greed and stop further perfection.  Greed-spend the other 80% of the time.  Greed to find another perfection and laziness to spend energy for the remaining 20% of perfection.

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10.12561. 3 hours a day.     AR AR

The number 666 (the devil's number) is the number of days (2 years of work) that are required to reach the first level of perfection by working and focusing your attention for 3 hours a day.  We are talking about 10,000 hours needed to achieve perfection and success, with 20% of the effort giving 80% of the result.  The remaining 80% of the effort will be available only to those who have true love and perseverance.  Achieving a full level of excellence requires 10 years of work for 3 hours a day.

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The beginning of the book

5.92.     AR AR

In 80% of cases, a person pays for his sins, 20% for someone else's.  What people call an accident is 80% payback for someone else's sins and 20% for their own. 

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1565.     AR AR

Encourage  people  and  make  them  feel  confident.  It's  so  precious.  People  will  be  grateful  to  you. 
What's  more,  even  life  itself  will  be  grateful  to  you.  It's  not  a  secret  that  being  confident  of  success  guarantees  almost  80%  of  success.  And  providence  likes  things  to  get  done  and  it  will  be  grateful  to  those  who  contribute  to  it. 

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1994.     AR AR

The  good  is  especially  appreciated  when  opposed  to  the  bad. 
And  when  everything  around  is  purely  good...  and  there's  nothing  to  compare  it  with, 
then  everything  good  automatically  becomes  grey  and  usual. 

So  you  might  have  guessed  what  it  feels  like  when  everything  about  you  is  80%  good  and  20%  ho  hum.  And  being  full  of  greed  you  decide  to  get  EVERYTHING  with  your  last  strength,  to  become  totally  satisfied.  But  right  the  moment  after  you  get  it  ALL,  you  will  lose  it  ALL.  And  soon  your  life  will  become  terrible  and  you'll  have  to  start  it  all  over  again. 

This  sequence  of  events  is  typical  of  every  field.  People  are  social  animals  who  constantly  need  to  compare  themselves  with  what  is  near  and  what  is  far.  And  though  any  philosophy  constantly  teaches  us  that  we  should  compare  ourselves  only  with  ourselves,  does  it  really  help  anyone? 

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2739. 320% Efficiency.     AR AR

It's  necessary  to  love  your  goal.  And  goal  slightly  resembles  a  woman  in  this  sense. 
It's  difficult  to  love  two  goals  simultaneously.  Besides,  they  get  offended  by  it. 
However,  it's  possible  to  fulfil  up  to  four  goals  if  there  are  enough  resources  for  it. 
It  takes  special  strength  of  mind  and  not  everyone  is  able  to  do  it  but  probably  it's  effective. 

It's  known  that  roughly  80%  of  the  effects  come  from  20%  of  the  causes.  It's  about  that  very  good  which  enemy  is  the  best.  As  it's  meaningless  to  try  to  get  a  hundred  per  cent  result  by  means  of  exhausting  all  energy. 

It  makes  sense  to  take  four  goals  and  spend  twenty  per  cent  of  energy  and  time  for  each  of  them.  And  it  will  let  one  get  a  320%  result  by  using  80%  of  resources.  Hence,  we'll  get  a  classical  miraculous  nonsense  of  more  than  a  hundred  per  cent  efficiency.  Yes,  it's  impossible  but  however,  it  will  work  miracles.  And  20%  of  unused  time  and  resources  can  be  spent  on  the  leisure  and  control  system  arrangements. 

This  scheme  works  in  different  aspects:  one  director  can  efficiently  control  four  deputy  directors;  one  professional  can  fulfil  up  to  four  tasks,  staff  structure  consists  of  three  or  four  units;  Prophet  Mohammed  mentioned  four  wives  as  a  maximal  number.  A  perfect  number  of  children  is  three  or  four.  Even  a  regular  usual  person  can  be  devoted  up  to  four  things-  job,  family,  hobby  and  something  else.  A  typical  european  woman  has  four  tasks,  namely  a  child,  a  house,  a  job  and  a  hobby.  It's  possible  to  have  another  child  instead  of  a  hobby.  However,  children  can  be  seen  as  full  tasks  or  subtasks  of  a  particular  task. 

In  most  cases  it's  number  three  and  not  four  that  is  used  to  mitigate  any  risks.  It's  simply  because  of  the  fact  that  a  person  who  fulfils  a  goal  should  better  spend  the  remaining  twenty  per  cent  of  resources  on  controlling  oneself.  If  a  system  achieved  harmony  and  controls  itself  well,  then  it's  already  able  to  control  all  of  the  four  tasks.  But  however,  it's  better  to  take  only  three  things  to  let  the  process  of  control  be  more  balanced  and  take  the  fourth  task  as  controlling  oneself.  It  will  help  a  director  maintain  safety  and  produce  eighty  per  cent  of  results  all  by  oneself.  Besides,  not  only  the  director  will  work  on  his  own,  but  he  will  also  be  a  nice  example  for  subordinate  workers. 

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3.161.     AR AR

The point is, boundaries can be pushed.  Boundary signs usually begin to be installed on the last mile, which takes 80% of the way.

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3298. Rational time management.     AR AR

A  matter  of  sensible  differentiation  (distribution)  of  efforts. 

Everyone  knows  that  roughly  80%  of  the  effects  come  from  20%  of  the  causes,  but  not  everyone  knows  how  to  put  it  into  practice. 
This  law  says  that  it's  irrational  to  spend  more  than  20%  of  efforts  and  time  on  any  task.  And  the  level  of  the  achieved  goal  should  not  be  above  80%.  Anything  above  this  level,  disturbs  the  balance  and  leads  to  no  good. 

Harmonious  distribution  of  efforts  and  time: 
20%  for  work,  20%  for  self-improvement  and  studies,  20%  for  sport  and  rest,  20%  for  personal  life  and  hobbies.  And  20%  of  efforts  should  be  spent  on  coordinating  the  four  mentioned  aspects. 
Thus,  a  housewife  replaces  the  aspect  called  «work»  with  «Home  and  children».  It's  possible  to  sensibly  coordinate  «personal  life»  and  «rest». 

It's  important  to  maintain  the  balance.  Such  a  distribution  will  bring  good  mood,  great  workforce  productivity  and  success  at  everything. 
Usually  it's  work  that  takes  more  than  20%  of  your  energy.  It's  really  irrational  because  it  doesn't  make  sense  and  other  aspects  get  a  lot  worse.  Besides,  finally  the  work  itself  gets  worse  too  as  lacking  time  for  self-improvement  results  into  fatigue  and  doing  any  work  slowly  or  ineffectively. 

Thus,  setting  aside  20%  of  energy  for  rest  and  sport  is  a  very  profitable  investment  as  it  helps  to  recharge  energies  spent  on  other  aspects.  What's  more,  it  generally  trains  stamina.  Hence,  the  20%  meant  for  work,  will  grow  too.  Moderate  exercising  and  rest  make  a  person  beautiful  and  beauty  brings  health  and  makes  things  run  smoothly. 

Personal  life  and  hobbies  also  give  additional  energy  and  good  mood.  Besides,  it's  a  matter  of  investment.  Hobby  can  always  become  a  source  of  income  or  work.  The  ultimate  dream  of  any  person  is  to  make  some  hobby  a  job.  But  personal  life  is  an  investment  as  well  as  it  means  investing  into  happiness.  Love  is  a  source  of  beauty,  health  and  good  luck...  It's  a  deep  ocean  of  inspiration  and  stamina. 

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3300. The law of alternative. (The 3rd law of Soloinc). The consequence of Pareto's law.     AR AR

The  law  of  alternative.  (The  3rd  law  of  Soloinc).  The  consequence  of  Pareto's  law. 
20%  of  time  and  energy  spent  on  work,  bring  80%  of  income. 
While  additional  20%  spent  on  work,  bring  75%  of  loss  in  reference  to  an  alternative  model  of  investments. 


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3301.     AR AR

It's  rational  to  spend  20%  of  time  and  energy  on  work.  While  the  remaining  80%  should  be  spent  on  personal  development  and  getting  additional  energy.  In  a  quantitative  sense,  it  will  lead  to  the  exponential  growth  of  all  available  energy.  In  fact,  it  means  the  following: 

20%  of  energy  spent  on  80%  of  results  will  bring  80  result  units. 
And  spending  the  remaining  80%  of  energy  on  work,  will  bring  another  20  result  units. 
Besides,  such  a  working  mode  will  make  a  person  really  exhausted,  and  this  person's  overall  result  will  gradually  decrease  from  100  units  to  10,  so  that  finally  this  person  will  be  broken. 

But  if  a  person  spends  the  80%  of  free  energy  the  right  way,  then  the  total  amount  of  available  energy  will  increase  and  the  original  20%  of  it  will  bring  approximately  160  result  units.  What's  more,  it  will  help  a  person  remain  happy,  healthy  and  able  to  work  in  this  mode  for  a  long  time. 

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3303. A sin of energy INefficiency (The 4th law of Soloinc)     AR AR

It's  inefficient  to  spend  more  than  20%  of  efforts  and  time  on  some  particular  thing.  And  ineffective  use  of  energy  is  a  sin  that  leads  to  pain,  suffering  and  general  decrease  of  energy  level  in  the  body.  Nature  thinks  that  it's  irrational  to  give  energy,  luck  or  happiness  to  sinful  people.

Spending  more  than  20%  of  efforts  on  the  same  thing  exponentially  decreases  the  results  and  finally  destroys  the  whole  system.

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3.385.     AR AR

The ideal is unattainable.  The normal level of the ideal 80%, at the stage last mile begin to act repulsive force.  If they are overcome, there will be a fusion, but the ideal will be destroyed and something new will arise.

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3702. A proper goal setting.     AR AR

It's  important  to  set  such  a  goal  that  after  achieving  its  80%  result,  it  would  be  не  стыдно  было  вовремя  остановиться  и  зафиксировать  прибыль. 

Everything  made  to  be  more  than  80%  perfect,  slows  down  this  process  and  leads  to  death.  Any  thought  going  like  this  «well,  that's  all.  I  have  done  everything  and  now  can  relax  and  sleep  a  peaceful  sleep»  is  the  thought  occurring  a  second  before  the  end.  Besides,  it's  also  a  thought  leading  to  troubles  and  problems.  Recollect  the  «last  mile  problem»  or  the  fact  that  the  final  20%  of  income  result  from  80%  of  your  efforts. 

The  conclusion.  Always  leave  some  space  for  growth.  There  should  always  be  an  unrealized  plan  of  growth.  However,  after  having  achieved  80%  of  growth,  it's  important  to  stop  suddenly  and  avoid  any  changes  or  stop  any  progress.  And  it  will  save  you  from  many  problems. 

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3.820. A displaced cycle.     AR AR

The   point   is   that   everything   is   the   other   way   round.   The   last   mile,   i.e.   20%   of   the   road   and   80%   of   time,   is   the   beginning,   in   reality.   At   the   beginning,   we   accumulate   critical   mass   and   move   slowly   and   stubbornly   towards   an   explosion.   Then,   when   explosive   growth   takes   place,   we   walk   80%   of   the   road   in   20%   of   time.   That   is,   your   last   mile   is   not   the   completion   of   your   current   job   but   preparation   for   a   new   stage.   Explosive   growth   following   the   last   mile   is   the   growth   of   something   new.

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3.891. Giving all of your blood to the revolution.     AR AR

Look   what   the   point   is.   If   you   give   it   100   percent,   you   stoop   to   a   new   low   and   give   100%,   going   in   a   circle.   This   is   what   is   called   a   second   wind.   If   you   give   it   80%,   it   means   you   just   lost   80%   of   your   energy   and   time   and   remained   empty   and   weakened.   There   has   been   no   breakthrough   either.   A   breakthrough   is   a   second   wind.

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5.888.     AR AR

Angel is a barrel of honey fly, and the demon this fly with honey. Angel 80% good, and demon is 80% bad. Idealists are people who, in an attempt to get rid of tar and achieve complete perfection in one thing, degrade very seriously in everything else.

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6.537.     AR AR

Idealists simply do not know that in the gold nugget of gold percent 80%, and in the gold ore is not more than 3%. Idealists think that a barrel of honey spoils a spoon of honey and it should be thrown away.

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9.282.     AR AR

The  sky  is  really  full  of  money,  it  fell  on  earth  in  rain,  watering  its  fields.  It  rains  for  harvest.  But  there  is  enough  money  below  the  ground  and  on  the  ground...  Liquid  money,  vapory  money,  solid  money.  Every  living  thing  consists  of  money  at  80%.

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9.948.     AR AR

If  you  managed  to  get  a  customer’s  attention  and  to  draw  him  into  a  conversation,  you  have  managed  80%  of  your  sale,  the  rest  being  mere  formality.

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9.966.     AR AR

Politeness  and  repentance  resolve  80%  of  conflicts.  Just  apologize  and  ask  for  forgiveness.

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3.1004.     AR AR

Curiously, a 20% chance of winning versus 80% of losing can easily win if the time and place are right.  There are always four of them...  he, maps, time and place...  All this makes it very difficult to understand the theory of probability.  Volume probabilistic model.

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3.1535.     AR AR

An   exponential   dependence   describes   the   system’s   balance   stability.   Any   efforts   are   impeded   the   first   80%   of   the   road   but   then   an   exponentially   explosive   growth   takes   place.

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