




10.16360.     AR AR

The source of power is the goals that a person pursues.  Especially strong is the one whose goals are good. 

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10.17728.     AR AR

Start doing a good job and people will follow you.

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10.17775.     AR AR

A good deed is joyous, so the doer of good deeds will never be left alone.

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10.18495.     AR AR

The essence of brotherly love is that everyone should try to help everyone in the service of their love.  If you see love in a person, help them to serve it in any way you can.

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10.18557.     AR AR

Do good and throw it in the water is a metaphor for overcoming the fear generated by external desires.  All I want is to do my job productively, and I'm not interested in anything else.

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10.18724. Do good.     AR AR

When you aim to help other people, you are like a windmill through which energy flows.  Some of this energy will be left to you as a reward.

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10.18991.     AR AR

It's terrible when a person doesn't have enough meaning in life.  Meaning is good, we all want to do good.  And the reason for all our suffering is that we do not see the opportunity to do this.

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10.19075.     AR AR

A good person is someone who does good things.  If there are no good deeds, then there is no person.

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10.19626. Force of habit     AR AR

If a person is used to doing good, then he does good.  If a person is used to doing evil, then he does evil.

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10.19967.     AR AR

If you don't get enough attention, find yourself a good cause.  Do good and throw it in the water.  The idea that you can get all your attention-seeking from one person (your marriage partner)  or your children, turn you into a vampire, sucking other people's energy.  Attention is time, and time is energy.

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10.20022. I'm good.     AR AR

Volunteering and charity work is almost the only real way for many people to stay sane and maintain their self-esteem.  Volunteering is especially good for women and children from rich families.

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10.21589.     AR AR

Use your talents for the good of people and people will pay you for it.  If you can't work on your own, put down your megalomania (pride)  and get a job.  If you are committed to your talents, life will appreciate you.

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10.21703.     AR AR

Do good and throw it in the water, because water is everything…  The rains water your land and good grows on it.  Take some for your living, and give the rest to the water... and the water will come back to you in rain.

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10.21835. Do good.     AR AR

It is very effective to fulfill other people's wishes.  When people hope, love, and believe in you, they delegate their power to you, thus multiplying your power.  The main thing is that you believe in yourself, otherwise multiplying by zero generates zero.

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10.21972.     AR AR

When there is no financial interest, work is joyous and easy, because greed breeds fear and anxiety.  Fear is heavy.

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10.21977.     AR AR

Doing good is joyous, but spreading good is hard.  Therefore, good should be done and thrown into the water.

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10.22234. Do good.     AR AR


Pride wants to take over the world, but we must understand what it means to take over the world.  The most realistic way to take over the world is to serve beauty, goodness, order, or utility.


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10.22236.     AR AR


Doing good and throwing it in the water is the only way to succeed without burning out.


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10.22262. A heavenly place.     AR AR

When you do good, don't be afraid to just throw it around.  It doesn't matter that no one needs it and no one takes it.  Sooner or later, flies will fly into the soup and turn it into a Paradise.

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The beginning of the book

2563. When it's cheaper to buy.     AR AR

Doing  something  good  in  order  to  get  gratitude  for  it  is  like  selling  it  to  get  money. 

Besides,  this  desire  is  even  more  selfish  as  buying  something  for  money  means  seeing  the  exact  price  while  the  notion  of  gratitude  is  very  ethereal  and  time-unlimited. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.153.     AR AR

Resignation   is   finding   out   you   don’t   have   to   wait   for   anything.   Do   what   you   have   to   and   come   what   may.   Do   good   and   throw   it   into   the   water.   Your   job   is   to   do   your   job   and   NOT   to   wait,   hope   or   be   afraid.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.201.     AR AR

Do   good   and   throw   it   in   the   water   is   a   metaphor   for   a   river   flowing   into   the   sea.   Single   things   like   a   stone   thrown   in   the   water   generate   just   a   splash.   Permanent   things   are   more   prominent.

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina


3.211. Saint spirit is salt, human is bread     AR AR

Do   good   and   throw   it   in   the   water   is   a   metaphor   for   a   сеятеля.   A   sower   should   be   patient   and   remember   that   not   all   the   seeds   will   fall   on   a   fertile   soil.

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina


3515. Do good around.     AR AR

One  of  the  main  duties  of  a  churchman  is  to  know  the  troubles  and  misfortunes  of  his  parishioners. 
And  his  second  duty  is  to  galvanize  stronger  and  more  successful  people  into  helping  those  who  need  help.  And  this  help  can  be  different. 
Even  helping  underprivileged  but  apt  children  to  graduate  from  school  or  college  is  a  great  reason  for  charity.  Or  sponsoring  some  sports  section  for  children  to  support  it  by  alms-gift  of  the  church. 

There  are  many  possible  things  to  do.  Including  the  construction  and  beauty  of  places  of  faith  (churches  and  temples).  As  the  greatness  of  faith  gives  people  strength  to  live.  It's  also  necessary  to  help  widows  and  orphans  and  a  priest  can  help  a  lot. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


3.708.     AR AR

You're suffering because you're an uncut sheep, you're hot as hell...  do a good deed, give the Golden fleece to a good deed and joy will fill your soul.

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3.712.     AR AR

Especially effective, doing good, throw it into the water, asking nothing from anyone in return, but do not hide their problems, guided by the principle of "the card loves crying."  But you can not ask and be upset that they did not help, too, you can not, in fact, most people would like to help if they could, and help on occasion a good person, but starting to demand from them, you can spoil everything.

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3.742.     AR AR

Your most valuable asset is the people you were able to help.  Therefore, make every effort to find people who can be helped and help them.  Do good and throw it in the water.

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3.942. The sacrifice of love.     AR AR

Love   does   not   obey   the   direct   rational   choice   criterion.   At   the   initial   stage,   love   is   unprofitable,   stupid   and   extremely   disadvantageous.   Love   will   become   profitable   only   when   it   takes   on   critical   mass   and   be   tempered.   The   chosen   ones   serve   love.   Others   are   physically   incapable   of   spending   years   on   a   stupid   and   unprofitable   job,   sacrificing   themselves   and   the   world   around   them   to   their   passion.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


4.517.     AR AR

He who does good need not fear shame. Honesty and a just cause of shame is not afraid.

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6.700.     AR AR

To loosen the Vice and strengthen the virtue, so that virtuous happened in the order plan and often rather vicious - random, happens rarely. Let the good will be order and chaos by accident. Or bring chaos to order, he doesn't like it either.

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6.893.     AR AR

Choosing the lesser of two virtues, you do evil and deceive those who had hopes for you.

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3.1104.     AR AR

Do   not   judge   also   means   do   not   look   at   something   growing.   Do   good   and   throw   it   into   the   water   and   do   not   judge   the   value   thereof.   Just   do   what   you   have   to   and   come   what   may.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


3.1187. Do good and throw it in the water.     AR AR

It is better not to wait for the results of your actions, because you can not influence the process of growth, but only kill time.  While the old grows, it is necessary to plant the new...  You are a sower and a Reaper.  God himself helps growing your business to sow and reap the harvest.

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3.2847. Best is the enemy of good.     AR AR

Poverty   stems   from   violation   of   the   commandment   judge   not».   Things   are   the   same   and   one   should   take   things   he   is   given   and   don't   strive   for   the   things   he   isn't   given.   .But   a   person   judges,   he   starts   to   judge,      is   it   beneficial   or   not,   is   it   good   or   bad,   is   it   beautiful   or   ugly   and   as   a   result,   always   choosing   the   best,   he   chooses   the   devil.   The   devil   is   proud.   He   fancies   himself   better   than   God.

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina


3.2852.     AR AR

Such notions as profitable or unprofitable, right or wrong are inherently false.  In fact, there is only love and its absence.  Love makes you attentive and persistent, everything that a person loves is right and profitable, and everything that does not love is not profitable and wrong.

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3.2906.     AR AR

The most valuable is the smallest...  Notice the most valuable can only be in love, all others will say-unprofitable, uninteresting, stupid and meaningless.

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3.3183.     AR AR

The strategy of "do good and throw it into the water" is based on the belief that the strategy of good in the long term generates a victory in the war, regardless of the results of individual battles in which a large share of chance and uncertainty.

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4.1087.     AR AR

Do good and throw it in the water. The point is that do what you think is right, kind and beautiful, not expecting anything in return, not looking into the reaction. Your task is to create beauty.

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4.1531.     AR AR

Are   you   afraid   for   yourself?      You   want   safety,   don't   you?      Do   good   deeds.   It   is   said   that   whoever   goes   somewhere   to   do   a   good   deed   or   returns   from   it,   God   protects   him.

Translate: Varvara Uchevatkina