




10.21840.     AR AR

In order not to stand in a dead end, deny the dead end.  You have done something, and this something is your only option.  Close your eyes and pretend it's not there.  No light at the end of the tunnel?  What are you going to do?  First, in a state of despair?  And then?  And then you will see clearly and begin to notice the starry sky and thousands of other very different options.

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10.21712. Slow judgments.     AR AR

Pride is the greed of big steps and judgments.  Dichotomous thinking is big, fast, and contrasting judgments.  If a man humbled his greed and judged in the smallest terms, the world would go from black-and-white and vile to colored and joyous.  Those who judge with moderate, slow, and small steps realize that there is no boundary between black and white.

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10.21360.     AR AR

Approach any issue from at least three sides, and then combine all three points of view into a single holistic paradox.

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10.20355.     AR AR

Hands!  Legs!  ... The main thing is the tail!  The point is that the most important things are very obscure.  What seems to be the main thing only distracts attention from the main thing, which is somewhere nearby.  The main thing is not the sun or even the earth, but life on the planet Earth.

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10.19820. Creative person.     AR AR

A hole in the wall should not be hammered with your head like a woodpecker, but with specially created tools.  Man differs from other animals in that in order to catch a bird of fortune, he can weave a net, make a bow and arrow, and generally approach the process of hunting creatively.

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10.19812. What a little.     AR AR

A reasonable person sees in an acorn not only an oak, but also, for example, mushrooms ... and deer, and woodpeckers, as well as wooden houses and even a whole city, and ships, and many other things.

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10.19719.     AR AR

We are all ignorant by default, and even I am.  No, not a single day that I don't learn something new.

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10.13245.     AR AR

Things are enslaved by their associations.  By creating an abstraction, you are freeing a thing from slavery.  On the other hand, associations were properties and all possible relationships of objects.  How do I find out about an item now that it's turned into a black hole?

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10.13242. Key object.     AR AR

Objects that correspond to the dominant idea paradigm attract attention and generate associative relationships.  The consciousness concentrated on the object begins to distinguish the associative connections of this object and integrate them into the dominant area.

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10.13237. Ask, and it will be given to you.     AR AR

It's very important what you're looking for.  In the chaos of being, you will find exactly what you are looking for.  If you're looking for proof of your idea, you'll find them.  If you are looking for a solution to a problem, you will find them.  If you're looking for refutations, you'll find them.  Fear, pain, joy, luck, and problems are searched for in the same way.

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10.13236. Goal formation.     AR AR

A paradigm is a template formed by a dominant idea on the basis of which the mind will search for (select) information from the real world.

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10.12641. Blindness.     AR AR

What is ignorance?  Not knowing what to look for, where to look, what to pay attention to, and not understanding the properties and nature of objects.

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10.12640. It's important to know what to look for.     AR AR

Love and fear is a resonator that allows you to distinguish resonating entities in the surrounding reality.

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10.12639.     AR AR

The idea of an object changes the perception of that object.  By being aware of an object in one way or another, you can use it according to your understanding of its nature.

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10.12635.     AR AR

What you are looking to increase in size.  Look at a point and it becomes the universe.  Look at a man and he will become a God.

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10.12636.     AR AR

If you use a resonator to isolate a phenomenon from the chaos and draw their attention to it, then later they will see and hear it everywhere.

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10.12629.     AR AR

A person who is not able to extract the truth from nothing that is not able to extract it from anything.

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10.12564.     AR AR

The outside world is a broadband frequency range where a signal that can be interpreted as truth and reality is repeated at certain intervals at different frequencies.  A signal that is false and an illusion fades out of its frequency range.

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10.12511. The taste of salt on his lips.     AR AR

The physical exertion of attention helps to clear the mind.  It is useful to switch attention between different senses, including touch, sight, hearing, etc.

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10.12501.     AR AR

In order to be able to concentrate attention, it is necessary not to be afraid to look at the whole during the dispersion of this attention, not to close your eyes from fear.  You need to realize that the whole is a collection of millions of faces and shades.  After seeing thousands of faces, you can consistently study them, focusing on them.

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10.12500. Rational principle.     AR AR

What is the basis of reason? 
- Willpower that can concentrate constantly dissipating attention.

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10.12489. The unity of the forest and the trees.     AR AR

Genius is the paradox of the unity of mindfulness and inattention.  Genius sees thousands of facets in every phenomenon, and is able to put them together as a whole, and concentrate on one thought for many hours.

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10.12488.     AR AR

Courage is the capacity for arbitrary attention.  After all, every time you take your attention away from the sticky trap, you feel fear and go to the pain, leaving the comfort zone.

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10.12116. Attention to detail.     AR AR

Politeness is when every action, every word, every thought requires maximum concentration and attention.

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10.12100.     AR AR

Knowledge is directly related to admiration and passion.

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10.12076. World of units.     AR AR

It is a fallacy to assume that entities are made up of details.  Only broken entities are made up of parts.  Working entities are a single monolith.  To take something from the monolith, you need to destroy it.  The world is a nondeterministic system consisting of monolithic perfect entities.

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10.12018.     AR AR

Simple thoughts can be very deep.  You don't always need to chase the number of thoughts, you can often find thousands of others inside one thought.

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10.11157.     AR AR

The concept of Learning consists of 80% of the concept of Observing.  When you watch carefully, you learn.

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10.11042.     AR AR

Feelings, emotions, fears, pain, time are all inside you...  Get out of yourself by focusing on something outside of yourself, and you will find yourself in silence.

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10.10969. Bagground.     AR AR

He who seeks will find.  As soon as you have a question, you will start finding answers everywhere.  And even if you wait passively, they will start coming to you and giving you hints.  Your task is to listen carefully and notice the background in the episodes.

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10.8747. Quiet thoughts.     AR AR

Thoughts generated by intuition live in the head for very little time.  They should be implemented quickly, or at least written down.

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10.8555.     AR AR

The most effective intuition works at night in a dream.

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10.8494.     AR AR

The system can be absolutely any, even system hiding of system attributes with replacement of system elements with non-system elements is still a system.

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10.8402.     AR AR

The free will of the human mind is that, as an observer, it can determine the essence of things, giving them any necessary characteristics.  The mind, depending on its goals, can determine for itself what is good and what is bad, what is true and what is false, what is beauty and what is ugliness, what is possible and what is not.

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7.5344.     AR AR

To make a breakthrough in the new, you need a new tool. The conquest of a new world begins with the creation of new weapons. You cannot defeat an old enemy with an old weapon, he is already used to it and knows how to fight it. For a squirrel in a wheel to break out of its circle, it needs a new tool, a new approach, a new weapon.

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7.5211.     AR AR

Truisms are a statement that is easy to agree with. By breaking down a complex idea into simple truisms, you will make your idea more conciliatory.

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8.773. Constants do not exist.     AR AR

Being  open-minded  means  realizing  that  any  constant  is  nothing  but  a  variable. 

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7.291. Why?     AR AR

Any  statement  presented  as  an  axiom  should  be  accompanied  by  an  internal  question.  Why?  And  maybe  there  are  exceptions,  or  maybe  this  is  a  misconception?

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4.929.     AR AR

Stupidity is an ingrained habit of thinking in stereotypes.

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3.329.     AR AR

All   systems   are   the   same.   If   you   come   to   a   deadlock   in   one   thing,   observe   attentively   something   else   –   something   that   you   know   well   or,   on   the   contrary,   something   new.   Having   taken   a   hard   look   at   B,   you   will   see   A.

Translate: lushchenko Marina


The beginning of the book

6.41.     AR AR

If you're in doubt about something, break it down into the simplest things that are not in doubt.  So you will know the truth and the faith.

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9.26. Information comprehension.     AR AR

Information   can   and   should   be   comprehended,   but   a   lot   depends   on   the   strength   of   the   intellect   (logic,   dialectics)   and   the   power   of   the   subconscious   (the   inner   It).   The   subconscious   refuses   to   expand   its   boundaries   as   it   is   dangerous.   Everything   new   and   unknown   is   outside   the   scope   of   the   past   experience   and   is   therefore   rejected   by   the   It.   Rejection   of   information   occurs   at   the   emotional-hormonal   level:   being   bored,   disliking,   feeling   pain,   discomfort,   aggressive   disagreement.   As   a   consequence,   re-comprehension   of   information   is   available   to   very   few   people.   It   is   difficult   to   get   rid   of   the   It's   dictate.   It`s   possible   to   solve   the   problem   by   coming   near   the   source   of   information.   In   this   case,   the   outer   social   It   is   turned   on   thus   turning   off   the   inner   It,   forcing   it   to   perceive   information.   In   addition,   direct   contact   with   information   allows   to   feel   and   understand   it,   having   received   previously   unavailable   70%   of   information.

Translate: Sodmis


1842. Is it true? Is it kindly? Is it necessary?     AR AR

They  say  that  in  olden  days  all  kind  people  asked  themselves  these  three  questions  before  saying  something.  And  if  they  had  even  any  slight  doubts,  they  preferred  not  to  say  it. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



1887.     AR AR

The  perception  of  information  largely  depends  on  one's  mood. 

Being  in  a  good  mood  one  appreciates  many  things,  be  it  enjoying  something  beautiful  and  the  delicate  scent  of  its  form  or  the  taste  of  its  content... 

While  being  in  a  bad  mood  one  doesn't  need  information  as  much  as  consolation. 

Translate: Muhortova Natalie


2721. A hunter is joyful.     AR AR

When  I  find  a  right  answer,  joy  thrills  through  my  heart. 
I'm  a  hunter  who  caught  my  goal.  I  cry  out  with  joy. 

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3.764.     AR AR

Idealism is a fairly formulaic method of thinking that prevents thinking flexibly.  They do not like everything that does not correspond to their ideal, and if they do not like, they cannot use their deeds for their own benefit.

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3.809. Relativity of logic.     AR AR

The gravity of heavy massive bodies strongly affects the logic of thinking, bending the rays of light passing near them.  Next to the sun, the light that was originally straight becomes crooked.  When approaching idols, remember that they can seriously distort your thinking, so much so that you do not even notice it.

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4.188.     AR AR

Words take the form of randomness. You yourself give the chaos form just thinking about this form. You can give the void any shape, drawing any shapes. Not knowing, that before you, you thought and word can give him any form of, creating a so mask and defining its properties.

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4.474.     AR AR

The truth is a hypothesis, which we for reasons of rationality taken for granted expertly, throwing doubt.

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5.209. Literal people.     AR AR

A reasonable person has no fear of lying or the need to be always right. A reasonable person is not afraid to change his patterns and is open to new ones. Idealists are not like that, they are cowardly and their glass templates are afraid of everything. The idealist wants to be always right and drives him crazy if you do not agree with him.

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5.212.     AR AR

A big man is a man with a literary mind, a man capable of breakthrough. A man capable of giving birth to ideas without reliance on solid ground. In fact, the big man is a dragon who has comprehended the whole and now has the ability to fly, using the gravitational forces of the entire planet without relying on lonely points of view and pieces of land under his feet.

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5.498.     AR AR

Superficial thinking is dangerous because the form is constantly changing and there is little permanence of truth in it. There is no hardness in superficial thinking, like waves in the sea, where the wind blows-there are waves.

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6.189.     AR AR

The way to draw a General conclusion based on the analysis of only a few details usually generates a lie, and therefore a sea of problems.

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7.944.     AR AR

The  ability  to  draw  conclusions  is  a  mind  property.  In  this  case,  a  good  memory  denies  the  brain  the  possibility  to  reason  and  draw  a  conclusion.  It  is  easier  for  a  lazy  brain  to  remember  something  ready  than  to  draw  a  conclusion.

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7.987.     AR AR

A  good  memory  cans  a  thought  and,  finally,  leads  to  its  deterioration  and  death.  The  opportunity  to  forget  is  an  extremely  useful  opportunity,  which  opens  the  way  for  evolution  and  all  things  new.

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8.850.     AR AR

Independent  thinking  requires  not  only  courage,  but  also  experience.

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9.506.     AR AR

A theory that cannot be confirmed or disproved is, of course, only a fantasy, but it is not a theory that needs to be studied, but the probability and possibility of its attendant circumstances.

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9.889.     AR AR

A hypothesis is not proof, bear that in mind before you take a word for it.

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9.896.     AR AR

Thinking  is  very  healthy.  I  would  like  to  teach  a  human  think.  It  seems  to  me  that  when  a  human  can  think,  it’s  both  healthy  and  joyful. 

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10.406. Imperfection of vision.     AR AR

Many things are identical, even if they don't seem to be.

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