

Imagy είναι μια πρακτική που επιτρέπει το μυαλό να διαχειριστεί τα συναισθήματα και όλο το υπόλοιπο σώμα. Δεν μπορεί ένας άνθρωπος μόνος του να νικήσει μόνος του τον εαυτό του, να νικήσουμε τις αδυναμίες και κακίες; Φυσικά, μπορεί! Αλλά δεν το θέλει! Imagy είναι μια τεχνική για το πώς να εκπληρώσετε τις επιθυμίες σας, πώς να επιτύχει τους στόχους, που να βρει ενέργεια. Imagy είναι μια ολόκληρη φιλοσοφία που περιγράφει τη συσκευή του ανθρώπινου νου και της ζωής στο σύνολό της. Imagy είναι η τέχνη της διαχείρισης παρόν από το μέλλον, η τέχνη του συνδυασμού άτοπο και την επίτευξη синергетической ακεραιότητα. Τώρα μπορεί να πραγματοποιήσει οποιαδήποτε επιθυμία να γίνει ένας υπερήρωας να νικήσει το φόβο και την τεμπελιά, αντλεί το μυαλό και να φτάσει την τελειότητα του νου και του σώματος. Να ξεκαθαρίσω τις σκέψεις, μπορείτε να τραβήξετε το άγχος και την κούραση, μπορεί να είναι 100% ελέγχει τα συναισθήματά του.






3.116. Cybernetic psychotherapeutics.   AR AR

Imagy   is   cybernetic   psychotherapeutics   that   perceives   human   personality   as   a   cybernetic,   self-learning   artificial   intelligence   system.   Human   personality   is   not   directly   related   to   the   common   information   space.   However,   it   is   related   to   it   through   open   protocol   interfaces.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.5538. Imagy Goals   AR AR

Achieving a balanced order in the emotional system of the brain.  Integrity of consciousness and emotions.  Overcoming the split personality.  Harmony of ideas about yourself and the outside world.  Training communication skills with other people, achieving goals, self-control and realization of their desires.  Methods of dealing with fear and phobias, anger management, overcoming laziness and procrastination.  All this is used to combat neuroses, depression, addiction and all kinds of cognitive impairment. 

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10.5535. Theory and practice.   AR AR


The main idea of Imagy is that human consciousness is a driver who, being in the real world, drives his car.  Most of the mental disorders associated with the fact that this driver has not received a license, knows the rules of the road, does not know how to use the car.  That is, people do not understand themselves and people.  The situation generates enormous stress and fear.  To get rid of phobias, neurosis and other mental disorders, you need to understand yourself (the device of the car) and learn the rules of the road (the device of the outside world and other people).  In the second stage you need to train and travel with an instructor.


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4.471.   AR AR

The   objective   of   the   philosophy   of   Syntalism   and   of   image   therapy   is   to   teach   man   to   fight   dependencies,   temptations   and   vices.   Today’s   world   creates   excellent   temptations   and   vices.   Weak   human   intelligence   is   no   longer   able   to   resist   them.   The   thirst   for   pleasures,   lust,   avarice,   fear   and   greed   have   become   the   meaning   of   life   of   modern   man.   Games   are   beautiful   and   pleasures   cheap.   In   the   past,   vices   used   to   be   expensive   but   now   they   are   easily   affordable   and   mortally   dangerous,   so   that   it   is   almost   impossible   to   escape   them.   However,   salvation   does   exist   –   salvation   is   hidden   in   the   philosophy   of   common   sense.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.5537. Imagy philosophy.   AR AR

At the heart of all mental problems is the lack of real information about the external and internal world.  False beliefs form a picture of the world that does not correspond to reality, which causes constant stress and problems.  Fear significantly limits the ability to acquire useful skills and experience that could correct this information.  It is necessary to clarify the real picture of life and practice in turning theory into practice.  The problem is fear.  Fear is caused by lack of information and lack of experience.  Lack of information has given rise to cognitive distortions and false beliefs.  Fear gave rise to energy shortage.  Lack of experience further aggravated the situation.  The solution is to explain the real rules and theory, practical exercises and special methods of self-control.

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10.5597.   AR AR

Depression is a stop to gain energy for new growth.  The one who has not grown for a long time, accumulates a huge potential.

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3840.   AR AR

The first psychoanalyst in the world was the philosopher Socrates and his disciples - Plato, and later Aristotle. The dialectic of Socrates is the Foundation of Freud's psychoanalysis.

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3953. Tell me about your pain and it will be lighter.   AR AR

I  will  take  part  of  your  pain,  sins,  stupidities  and  doubts.  Your  burden  will  be  much  lighter  and  you  will  be  able  to  fly  again.

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8.1566.2.   AR AR

The  philosophy  of  individualism  is  not  about  being  weak  and  lonely,  but  more  about  finding  a  place  in  the  sun  free  from  a  crowd  of  opponents.  Uniqueness  (originality)  can  help  you  become  perfect  and  get  the  access  to  energy.  Otherwise,  you  will  have  to  work  on  the  competitive  market  and  stronger  opponents  will  surpass  you. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


9.9656.   AR AR

The only way to control the subconscious Is to feed it life-giving pleasures.

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9.9658.   AR AR

A lot depends on the mood. When the mood is not there, everything seems much worse than it really is.

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9.9659. Intelligence is the man’s master.   AR AR

The   It   is   the   man’s   master,   but   cunning   and   deceitful   intelligence   can   easily   deceive   its   master,   if   desired.

Μετάφραση: Sodmis


9.9811.   AR AR

Even  though  many  pleasures  seem  to  be  useless,  however  they  help  to  save  a  lot  of  money  by  staying  away  from  other  more  expensive  ones.   

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


9.9810. Saving on pleasures.   AR AR

People  live  for  pleasures,  whatever  they  may  do  they  do  it  for  pleasures.  On  the  other  hand,  pleasures  can  be  useful  and  useless...  And  the  presence  of  some  pleasures  can  help  to  save  on  others,  more  expensive  or  harmful  ones. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


9.9949.   AR AR

People who are too focused on their own pleasures are called addicts.

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9.9950. Seriously?   AR AR

Resistance generates pressure. The more you resist, the more you are pressed.

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9.9974.   AR AR

Fear is easy to deceive, you need only big and scary to disassemble on a small and harmless parts. Having lost understanding of the whole, the brain will also lose fear

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3959.   AR AR

Speaking  thoughts  and  ideas  aloud  is  the  first  important  filter  for  destroying  stupidity.  Stupid  ideas  spoken  aloud  really  offend  the  ear. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie



3958.   AR AR

Respect  people  not  because  they  deserve  respect 
but  because  you  deserve  respect  yourself. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie



3851. It's important to read dreams.   AR AR

Dreams   are   the   way   the   subconscious   (the   inner   It)   tries   to   show   the   brain   something   that   it   can't   see   by   itself   or   something   it   can't   notice.

Μετάφραση: Sodmis



3841.   AR AR

In  order  to  realize  the  whole  power  of  philosophy  and  logic  it's  necessary  to  know  that  the  father  of  logic  is  Aristotle.  And  as  is  known,  he  was  the  teacher  of  Alexander  the  Great. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


3839. Engineer of human souls.   AR AR

Man is always a slave to his inner SELF. It tells a person what he likes or dislikes, where he is comfortable and good, and where uncomfortable and unpleasant. It tells a person who or what to love and what to agree with and what not.

But it happens that this is IT, this subconscious for a number of reasons was set up incorrectly and now fails. It is trite deceiving people. It gets him into trouble and big trouble. Man becomes a slave to patterns and stereotypes, a wooden doll, doomed to constantly step on the same rake. Doomed to make mistakes and suffer all the time.

This doomed to eternal mistakes and suffering man must be very unhappy. Maybe someone can help him?

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3838. The cleaner of the soul.   AR AR

It's  necessary  to  clean  brains.  Otherwise,  it  may  get  stuffed  with  rubbish.  Short  term  memory  runs  out  of  its  memoryspace  and  makes  a  person's  brain  get  hung  up  and  lose  the  ability  to  think  fast  enough.  It  all  results  into  errors  that  endanger  a  person's  activities. 

It's  important  to  take  care  of  the  brain,  to  oil  and  put  it  in  the  right  state.  It's  also  necessary  to  remove  dust  and  rust  from  it  and  clean  it  from  rubbish. 

Every  machine  needs  some  service  examination  and  human  brain  is  not  an  exception.  An  analytical  psychologist  is  the  real  system  manager  of  a  human  soul. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


3837. Eight urgent reasons to visit an analytical psychologist:   AR AR

-  Low  working  efficiency.  When  it's  difficult  to  turn  mind  to  the  work  but  easy  to  get  distracted  by  anything  so  that  not  to  work.  It's  a  decline  in  strength  and  activities.
-  Fear  or  unwillingness  to  make  a  decision  or  take  responsibility  for  anything.
-  Headaches,  laziness,  apathy,  unwillingness  to  do  anything  useful.
-  Negative  feelings  like  aggression,  anger  and  annoyance  that  take  over  nice  ones.
-  A  run  of  bad  luck  of  some  decisions  and  their  consequences.
-  An  obsessive  desire  to  keep  making  the  same  mistakes.
-  Loneliness.
-  A  general  lack  of  happiness  and  positive  emotions  in  the  body.

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10.5793. Philosophical personality disorder.   AR AR

There are no mental disorders.  There is only a philosophical disorder of the mind and consequently an increased sensitivity to fear.

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3232.   AR AR

A  dream  should  be  beautiful  to  come  true. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie



10.5610.   AR AR

Imagy heals with truth, harmony and love.  The main value is the balance of internal and external, the balance of thoughts and feelings.  Ability to understand yourself and the outside world.  Abandoning struggle and fear in favour of harmony and cooperation.  There are no unsolvable problems when you know "how", everything is possible.

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10.5613.   AR AR

Imagy is a school of life where drivers are taught the rules of the road, how to use the car, Navigator, refuel and all that sort of thing.  The unity of theory and practice, we train a lot and go with an instructor, learn to overcome fears and realize their goals.

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9.8505.   AR AR

Rationality  is,  first  of  all,  knowledge  of  the  truth  about  yourself.  It  is  impossible  to  assess  the  external  world  rationally  on  the  basis  of  false  judgments  about  yourself.

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9.8563. Mission of mind.   AR AR

The   unconscious   should   be   controlled.   The   unconscious   should   be   made   conscious.

Μετάφραση: Sodmis


9.9406.   AR AR

Hopelessness helpful. Hopelessness is when all the bridges back burned and you can either forward or disappear.

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9.9436.   AR AR

There  are  less  fears  in  the  organism  in  the  morning  than  in  the  evening.  That  is  why  you’d  better  do  in  the  morning  everything  that  you  are  afraid  of  or  don’t  feel  like  doing.

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9.9439.   AR AR

You're not paying attention to the obvious and the main thing is your main problem.

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9.9640.   AR AR

Hope is joyous, and joy is medicine.

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