




3.59.     AR AR

Lie is a shadow of truth, to find gold, you should look for its accompanying minerals and circumstances.

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2348.     AR AR

I  remember  that  the  most  unexpected  and  wonderful  things  happened  really  fast  and  as  if  in  a  fog.  I  was  barely  able  to  think  and  acted  mostly  intuitively.  And  the  most  wonderful  thing  about  it  was  that  everything  went  really  smoothly  and  ended  well. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


3623. They didn't see the bed through cloudy water and called it vasty deep.     AR AR

Mist  and  clouds  evoke  fears  and  wild  guesses… 
Cloudy  water  seems  bottomless  and  very  deep  but  it's  a  delusion. 
Bottomless  water  can't  become  cloudy  as  the  deeper  water  is  the  clearer  it  is. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie

Art by Martin Anderson



8.3439.     AR AR

Hope, like a Mirage, scattered to the winds. But it's okay, we'll come up with new ones.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


8.3464.     AR AR

Fog, darkness and masks will hide all your secrets and allow you to remain unrecognized, to be yourself.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


8.3868.     AR AR

The  truth  is  like  a  stone,  it  can  be  painfully  thrown  in  the  face.  And  a  lie  is  like  fog  -  it's  in  the  air,  enveloping  everything  around,  making  it  difficult  to  see  the  stones  flying  at  you.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


8.3908. Fog resembling a lie.     AR AR

The  person,  detached  from  reality  is  like  fog.  He’s  too  intangible.   

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


8.5938.     AR AR

Light without shadow generates the wilderness.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


8.7247.     AR AR

Vague  words  can  be  interpreted  in  an  arbitrary  fashion,  which  on  the  one  hand  makes  them  lose  any  meaning,  but  on  the  other  hand  fills  them  with  any  desired  meaning.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.7685. Shadow of an ideal.     AR AR

Plato said that man lives in the cave of the mind and sees only the shadows of reality.  This is true, but you should know that reality also lives in a cave, its mind, where it can only see the shadows of ideal images generated by the human mind.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.10128.     AR AR

A bird in the hand is a reality, and a crane in the sky is an illusion and a Mirage.  No need to run after a crane in the sky, wait until it becomes a tit.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.12669. The ground fog.     AR AR

Distracted attention is essentially blindness, an intermediate state between focusing on details and the whole.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.12753.     AR AR

What, in fact, different antidepressants, and tranquilizers from drugs and alcohol?  They also cloud the brain, plunging it into a state of unnatural illusions.  Here and there, chemistry takes control of the brain, depressing the human mind.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.12946.     AR AR

When a person develops beliefs in his head that do not correspond to reality, there is a collision between the fog of illusions and the firmness of reality.  Illusions are broken, causing pain, which generates fear and avoidance of reality.  Dreamers are very afraid of pain and do not like reality.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.13231. A vague idea.     AR AR

An idea is a dominant goal.  The lack of clear and understandable goals tells us about the lack of integrity in the idea.  A holistic idea is a solid, bright goal that resembles a star.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.13482.     AR AR

Greatness can only be judged by those who are already dead, for the living can still grow up.  Moreover, the greatness of many people is only a fog of illusions, which, when dispelled after death, will show who is who.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.14397.     AR AR

Curiously, the red and white roses have the same gray shadow.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.15503. Rotten does not tolerate touch.     AR AR

Pride is touchy, lies are like fog.  Liars and cowards crumble to dust, they burn with fire, the unfortunate are unrestrained in words.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.16361. A lie is a diffraction of truth.     AR AR

There is no smoke without fire.  Thus, truth is one, but reflections of her many it's the fog of lies.  However, if you look at the white perfection, you can see at least 64,000 colors and shades inside it.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.17038.     AR AR

The bigger the person, the bigger the shadow.  The shadows of the titans plunge the world into darkness. 

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.19931.     AR AR

A mental disorder is a situation where everything in your head is in a fog.  The real world is a shadow on the wall of the cave of the mind, but in the fog of lies and illusions, everything becomes very bad.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.17274.     AR AR

A lie also loves the truth and follows it like a shadow.  A lie hides the truth from the fools.  Truth is not a toy for fools.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


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