
Μην κρίνεις, δεν θα κριθεί.






5.6.     AR AR

Judge not, lest ye be judged, this will save you from laziness, apathy, and depression.  When an idealist judges reality, it always fails to live up to his ideal, fails to live up to his expectations and shatters his illusions.  A mismatch between expectations of reality cause cognitive dissonance and 1000 of his sins and vices.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


6.5545.     AR AR

Don't judge, don't judge, because a real judge doesn't judge, but just holds the scales steady.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


124.     AR AR

Judge  thyself  not,  that  ye  be  not  judged. 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


10.7056.     AR AR

The paradox of judgment is that whatever you choose is always wrong.

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5.10.     AR AR

Judge not, lest ye be judged ...because while you judge others, others judge you.  Trust me, you have so many sins that it is worth to know about them to anyone, you will die of shame and fear.

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10.5577.     AR AR

The commandment" do not judge " is a huge, just a giant, system - forming commandment, the correct understanding of which turns life into Paradise, and the wrong-into hell.

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10.4910. A quantum miracle.     AR AR

In fact, Schrodinger's cat is uncertainty.  The thesis" do not judge, so that you will not be judged " calls us to create uncertainty.  Uncertainty is the basis of humility, faith and wonder.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


1189.     AR AR

You  should  criticize  and  judge  only  yourself,  life  will  judge  others… 

Μετάφραση: Muhortova Natalie


3.614. Judge not, lest ye be judged.     AR AR

In   the   quantum   world,   it   is   possible   to   use   the   properties   of   an   object   without   measuring   it.   That   is,   as   long   as   you   have   not   measured,   you   can   assume   that   the   object   possesses   all   accessible   properties   of   all   of   its   states.   Do   not   ask   the   object   what   it   is   and   what   it   can.   Get   straight   to   the   object’s   methods   and   properties.   In   fact,   by   addressing   the   object’s   properties   and   methods,   you   determine   its   nature.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.6750.     AR AR

Pride is a violation of the commandment "do not judge".  When you judge, you don't just kill love, but you make love one of the deadly sins.

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10.6380.     AR AR

Breaking the commandment "do not judge" kills love.  If you look at things and don't think, but just look, you will see how beautiful they are.  To see beauty, you need to turn off your thoughts and stop judging.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.615. The point of resignation.     AR AR

The   point   of   resignation   is   not   to   judge.   Do   not   judge   whether   you   can   or   cannot   do   something.   Do   not   judge   whether   it   is   difficult   or   not,   fearsome   or   not.   Just   do   what   you   have   been   told   to   do   or   what   you   think   necessary.   When   judging,   you   define   the   superposition’s   state.   If   you   do   not   judge,   you   can   implement   any   task,   maintaining   the   simultaneity   of   states.  

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


3.616.     AR AR

Do   not   judge.   When   you   do   not   judge,   you   are   not   afraid   and   you   do   not   doubt.   When   you   have   faith,   not   fear,   in   you,   you   have   God,   not   the   devil,   in   you.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.5414.     AR AR

Don't judge.  Judgments make the world relative by tying you to things, chaining you, building walls, and creating obstruction.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.617.     AR AR

Resignation   means   this:   do   not   judge.   When   you   do   not   judge,   you   kill   the   devil   in   you   and   engender   God.   God   is   a   miracle.   God   is   the   state   of   the   quantum   superposition   X,   the   combination   of   the   incompatible   such   as   powerlessness   and   absolute   strength,   a   point   and   a   universe.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.5256.     AR AR

Do not judge, because he who judges cannot love.  Judgment kills love and breeds fear.  Love is life and fruitfulness.  Fear is death and decay.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.846. Truth is zero.     AR AR

As   soon   as   you   start   judging   that   something   is   right   and   something   is   not,   you   create   something   wrong.   The   quantum   processor   algorithm   is   simple.   A   judgment   produces   a   lie   –   it’s   one.   The   absence   of   a   judgment   produces   the   truth   –   it’s   zero.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


3.618.     AR AR

You   may   see   things   the   way   you   wish   instead   of   how   they   are   as   long   as   you   do   not   judge   or   measure.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


10.5939.     AR AR

To judge a person is to judge, including God in another person.  Who are you to judge God?  You judge reality, but God is not only what is done, but what is not done.  Perhaps God has great plans for this man, and you wish to condemn him and interfere with God's plans.  Do you realize what this means to you?

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.638.     AR AR

The   base   of   Christianity   is   a   humility.   Humility   means   don't   judge,   when   you   judge   God   you   separate   him   into   Good   God   and   the   Devil.   Your   attempt   to   judge   generates   the   devil.   Until   you   don't   judge,   there   is   just   God,   but   as   soon   as   you   refuse   humility   and   start   judging,   the   good   and   the   evil   appears.   And,   because   hubris   is   a   deadly   sin,   you   fall   down   to   hell   at   once.

Μετάφραση: Varvara Uchevatkina


3.682.     AR AR

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.  "Do not judge," but you, full of good intentions, begin to judge and go astray and come to hell.  Fair enough.  The desire to judge is a sin of pride, a mortal sin. 

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.750.     AR AR

He who loves does not judge.  If you are trying to judge the object of your love, it is pride that speaks, not love.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.810.     AR AR

Don't judge.  If boss said to do, not your concern to think, why it him and, the more, assess usefulness.  Your job is first to do, and then, if you know why and why, to offer something extra.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


3.839. Judge not, lest ye be judged.     AR AR

A   system   is   a   38   by   62   entity   in   which   you   can   choose   38   at   most,   that   is   lie,   no   matter   what   you   choose.   The   very   fact   of   choosing   makes   you   choose   the   lesser.   To   choose   the   bigger,   you   should   not   judge.   62   is   more   like   truth   but   truth   demands   resignation.   62   is   resignation   and   38   is   arrogance.

Μετάφραση: lushchenko Marina


8.4091.     AR AR

Don't judge people by what they don't have. Better look at what they have to boast.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.5428.     AR AR

Don't judge, because when you judge, you feed your demons by awakening either an inferiority complex or a megalomania.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.5163.     AR AR

"Don't judge "means" don't compete " ... you Don't need to compete with anyone, your job is to grow and bear fruit, not to be a rat on a rat race.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.5408.     AR AR

When you wait for praise, you wait for judgment, making yourself a slave.  Your request for praise is a request - put chains on me.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.5403.     AR AR

Don't judge.  Judgments create attachments and make you a slave to things and people.  When your self-esteem depends on the outside world, it is a great vulnerability and fear.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


10.5235.     AR AR

Envy is also a violation of the commandment "do not judge", and thus, pride.

Μετάφραση: NeuronNet


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