






6.5810. A good plan is always joyful.   AR AR

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3.637.   AR AR

A   plan   is   a   circle   used   to   trace   the   limits   of   uncertainty.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina


3671.   AR AR

A  skillfully  crafted  plan  implicitly  includes  all  those  unexpected  eventualities  that  may  definitely  occur. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie



3.786.   AR AR

You know what you're missing?  You're running out of time.  You're planning too hard.  You're greedy.  Greed is a sin.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5296. Tomorrow is another day.   AR AR

Plan and dream better before going to bed, then the brain all night will think about your problems, and in the morning will give solutions.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.495.   AR AR

Planning is not an attempt to guess the future. Planning is the process of creating the future. You plan your actions, which will create the future. There is no place for divination or fear in planning, you simply create a ritual that you will follow and set yourself the goal that your actions have.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.6500.   AR AR

It is difficult and energy-consuming to choose.  To save energy and time, take everything in a row without thinking.  Or make a list in advance and just follow the list.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.949.   AR AR

God did not rest on the Sabbath; he admired what he had done, pondered what he had done, and made plans for the future.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.6511. Don't lose your main goal.   AR AR

Don't go astray on any plausible pretext.  The path to hell is littered with good intentions.  This is about those who, having turned from the path of truth, perished in the underworld.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.960. Good plan.   AR AR

Your plan is over, mine is ongoing. Who plan more wins.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


7.405.   AR AR

“Trust  in  God  and  keep  your  powder  dry”  is  a  maxim  meaning  that  God  helps  one  who  goes,  that  is,  one  who  has  a  plan  and  who  sticks  to  it.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina


10.6881.   AR AR

Usually the vision of any task does not exceed 70% and at some point comes to a compromise, when you need to do not as seen in the beginning, but as it would be reasonable.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


7.543.   AR AR

The   moral   is   simple:   we   should   avoid   temptations,   enticements   and   stupidities…   We   should   establish   a   goal,   come   up   with   a   plan   …and   keep   to   it   for   long   years   in   a   fanatic   and   obstinate   manner…   totally   ignoring   any   attempt   to   seduce   us   out   of   the   right   way.

Übersetzen: Sodmis


3.871.   AR AR

The man from the horse is that the horse thinks just because a person is able to come up with a plan and follow it.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5749. A Holy place is never empty.   AR AR

You need to plan your problems in advance.  Unexpected problems occur when there are no unplanned problems.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


7.800. Order is the main thing.   AR AR

«the  order»  beat  «class».  If  there  is  order,  there  will  be  the  planned  result.  Your  Being  all  smart  and  good  isn't  as  important,  your  ability  to  maintain  the  order  and  follow  the  plan  is  much  more  important.

Übersetzen: Варвара Учеваткина


3.1155.   AR AR

The plan must have certainty based on knowledge of the past - at least 50%, everything else can be a lie and fantasy.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.2256.   AR AR

All I care about in the future is my plans, my plans are what the future creates. I'm not interested in the fears and hopes of the future.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.2433. Planning thoughts.   AR AR

You should be prepared in advance for all your thoughts and feelings. Practice and imagine everything you can think in a given situation, to prepare for this in advance and understand how to behave.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


3.36. Battery.   AR AR

Need a win without a victory in any way.  Great victory to wait a long time and you can be exhausted.  Stripped big plan into small steps and rejoice with every small victory.  When there were no victories for a long time, make a small feat and rejoice to it.   

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


8.70.   AR AR

Usually,  their  plans  for  the  future  and  their  future's  plans  for  them  do  not  coincide.  Well,  they  really  like  to  surprise  each  other. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie


8.459.   AR AR

Adventures  is  always  a  matter  of  fecklessness.  Painstaking  planning  implies  boredom. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie


3.1855. How did this happen?   AR AR

It is useful to send your mind into the future to analyze from there the past that gave rise to it.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


3.1864.   AR AR

Planning a plan to achieve your goal so that the goal was big, and there are many roads to it.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


3.1909. Point and universe.   AR AR

The trick to planning is to plan without planning.  The plan must be scalable and flexible to the point where it cannot be ignored.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


Der Anfang des Buches

7.835. Bei der Arbeitssuche.   AR AR

Das   du   gut   bist,   ist   gut,   du   brauchst   aber   einen   konkreten   Plan   zum   Gewinnen   aus   dir   des   Nutzens.   Welchen   Nutzen   bringst   du   uns?   Welchen   Plan   schlägst   du   vor?   Wo   ist   dein   Platz   im   System?

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


7.835. In search of work.   AR AR

Your  being  good  is  good,  but  a  concrete  plan  on  getting  use  of  you  is  necessary.  Which  use  will  you  bring  us?  Which  plan  do  you  offer?  Where  is  your  place  in  the  system?

Übersetzen: Варвара Учеваткина


5.3813. Wir suchen nach Gleichgesinnten.   AR AR

Wie   können   wir   es   tun?   Wie   können   wir   es   gut   machen?   Wir   sehen   das   Problem,   das   Ziel   und   haben   einen   Plan   ihrer   Lösung,   sammeln   ein   Team   der   Gleichgesinnten,   denen   es   auch   interessant   wäre,   wer   Ideen   hat,   wie   das   Problem   zu   lösen   ist.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


5.3813. We are looking for single-minded team members.   AR AR

How   shall   we   do   that?   How   shall   we   do   that   well?   We   see   a   challenge,   see   a   goal   and   have   a   plan   to   solve   it,   bring   together   single-minded   team   members   who   find   it   all   interesting   and   have   ideas   how   to   rise   to   this   challenge.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina