
Eine gesunde Familie.

"Eine gesunde Familie."  Psychologie und Philosophie der Familienbeziehungen. Die Familie ist nicht nur eine Vereinigung von zwei Menschen, es ist ein einziger symbiotischer Organismus, der synergistische Integrität erreicht hat. Dort, wo es zwei gab, wurde ein ganzes, und es ist ein ganzes um eine Größenordnung größer als die Summe seiner Details. Das Wesen der Familie ist es, genug Energie zu bekommen, um die Gattung fortzusetzen. Das Wesen der Familie sind Kinder. Harmonie in Familie und Beziehungen zu erreichen, ist eine hohe Kunst. Die Gastgeberin der Familie, eine Frau, ist es sehr wünschenswert, diese Kunst zu besitzen, davon hängt das Glück und der Erfolg der Familie und aller Ihrer Mitglieder ab.






3813.   AR AR

Dramatically reduce the number of divorces is quite easy. You need to divorce every couple forced to undergo therapy with a psychologist. People have lost the culture of family life, they do not know how to live together. Such therapy will save up to 70% of marriages.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


3820.   AR AR

People  get  married  and  divorced  for  the  same  reason  most  often  and  the  reason  is  loneliness.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina


4205. To spouses.     AR AR

Argue  and  fight  but  sleep  together  at  night. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie

Kunst von Amateur (Dotsenco)



174.   AR AR

People  can't  get  along  together  because  of  stupidity
rather  than  because  of  incompatibility,  differences,
intolerance  etc  like  most  people  think...All  these  human
little  peccadillos  are  nothing  more  than  the  result  of
the  poverty  of  intellect  in  the  body.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina


4.355.     AR AR

A storm in a glass of water is a symbol of a limited and manageable scandal to relieve tension and stress. Family and other relationships useful such scandals out of nothing, to avoid these storms.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


187.     AR AR

The  most  important  thing  in  family  relations 
is  to  spare  the  feelings  of  near  of  kin... 
After  all,  any  word  or  action 
will  be  taken  as  of  tenfold  strength... 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie


7.14.     AR AR

Love "just like that" is a hoax.  No one wants to serve anyone just like that, everyone counts on something.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


9.46.     AR AR

A  man  needs  a  woman  for  keeping  touch  with  reality.  A  man  is  a  potential  god-creator,  he  always  tries  to  create  a  new  world  and  get  lost  in  it  after  having  lost  touch  with  reality.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


9.528.     AR AR

In  order  to  help  a  man  become  a  Creator,  there  should  be  a  woman  who  believes  in  him.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


835.     AR AR

The  worst  enemy  of  a  family  is  the  parents  of 
the  spouses...  As  a  rule  with  their  good  intentions 
the  road  to  hell  is  paved... 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie


10.7036. Consensus.     AR AR

The most elegant solution to a family conflict is when a girl goes where all the girls usually go, and a boy goes where all the boys are sent.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


1547.   AR AR

A  person  gets  very  nervous  and  upset  when  they  don’t  trust  him.  Mistrust  can  be  compared  to  an  offence,  to  an  insult  .

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


2177. Love for the "Beast"     AR AR

Surely  you  also  have  to  love  the  "Beast"  of  the  one  you  love. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie

Kunst von Olesy Zaharova



10.6048.     AR AR

Usually an idealist is especially hated by all his close relatives.  The idealist worships his idol, and demands the same worship from all those dependent upon him.  Dependent people such ideological slavery is not happy.  For example, a man who is particularly fond of his parents will have serious conflicts with his wife and children.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5364.     AR AR

After the birth of a child, a woman automatically restricts a man in sex, because sex greatly distracts from work and earning money.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


2195.     AR AR

A  constant  demonstration  of  love  is  what  one  really  needs. 
Love  is  ethereal.  You're  constantly  in  fear  of  losing  it... 
And  fear  brings  pain  and  discomfort  so  you  should  overcome  it. 
Demonstrations  of  love  is  what  can  help  you  get  rid  of  fears  to  be  happy. 

Love  is  a  very  precious  thing.  The  presence  of  love  brings  pain  because  one  is  constantly  afraid  of  losing  it.  "My  dear-  you  say  to  it.  -  You'll  be  forever  mine".  But  you're  talking  to  an  invisible  thing  and  that's  why  you  need  demonstrations  of  it.  Otherwise  you'll  simply  go  mental  from  fear  and  painful  feeling  that  you've  lost  it. 

Übersetzen: Muhortova Natalie

Kunst von Olesy Zaharova



3675.   AR AR

The  biggest  threat  to  marriage  and  relationships  is  the  resentment  of  their  side.

Übersetzen: lushchenko Marina


10.1265.     AR AR

Wives demand attentiveness, inattention to wives breeds fear in wives and turns them into standard fairy witches.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.1353.     AR AR

What is an unhappy family? 
- Two dead men in one coffin.  The unfortunates toss, push and snore, preventing each other from sleeping.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.357. Family ritual Number 6.     AR AR

Once a boy and a girl got married, but the marriage quickly collapsed. The reason was cognitive dissonance and an irresistible pattern. The girl in the family dad gave mom money, and she went shopping, buying food. And the boy in the family had money from his father, and they went shopping with his mother, together chose and dad paid. In General, the boy could not give her his money, and she could not stand the fact that the money was not given to her.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.630.     AR AR

In a family conflict, the best solution to cognitive dissonance is to run away for half an hour, and then whoever is smarter and stronger should come, apologize, maybe give flowers or some other gift, and reduce it to sex. Such a scenario will further strengthen the family. It is necessary to extinguish the desire to escape and encourage yourself with hope. The man usually gives flowers and gifts to apologize, and the woman cooks food or seduces with sex. The other side should support reconciliation.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.2477.     AR AR

If   girls   aged   12-16   read   the   book   "Variothoughts"   (family,   relationships,   arrangement   of   men   and   women),   their   experience   of   relationships   and   family   life   would   not   be   as   miserable   and   nightmarish   as   99%   of   other   women.   I   know   very   few   women   who   are   happy   in   their   relationships,   but   men   are   also   happy   in   their   relationships.

Übersetzen: SD


9.121.     AR AR

When  a  person  serves  what  he  loves,  he  is  a  hero  and  when  he  serves  everyone,  he  is  a  slave.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


9.50. Love and paranoia.     AR AR

A  woman  should  understand  that  most  men  are  paranoid  and  the  only  thing  that  can  make  them  sane  is  female  love  and  gentleness.  Otherwise,  a  man  may  become  a  loose  cannon  who  will  plunge  into  anger  and  grumpiness.  That's  why  it's  very  dangerous  for  a  woman  to  get  offended  by  a  man  and  show  her  irritation  or  indignation  to  him...  This  way  a  man  will  see  her  as  an  enemy  with  all  consequences  it  may  involve  (anger,  aggression,  attempts  to  get  rid  of  the  aggressor)...

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


Der Anfang des Buches

3845.     AR AR

Ein   schönes   Familienmausoleum   oder   eine   Krypta   ist   Voraussetzung   für   den   Wohlstand   lebender   Familienmitglieder.   Denn   diejenigen,   die   den   Toten   Tribut   der   Schönheit   zahlen,   werden   vom   Leben   selbst   geliebt.  

Je   schöner   und   uniques   Haus   der   Toten   ist,   desto   mehr   Chancen,   dass   die   guten   Engel   die   in   ihm   eingeschlafenen   Seelen   nicht   vergessen.   Mehr   als,   Marmor   und   Granitstein   sind   eine   Art   der   Gedächtnismodule,   ein   ausgezeichnetes   Lager   der   Archive   der   toten   Seelen.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


7.266. Verdorbene Person.     AR AR

Arroganz   verdirbt   Leute   sehr   und   stört   sie,   im   Team   zu   arbeiten.   Die   Leute,   die   der   Arroganz   verfallen,   passen   schlecht   für   Freundschaft,   Familie   und   Arbeitsteams.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


8.4671. Wer lügt, dem kann man nicht vertrauen.     AR AR

Vertrauen   war   die   Quelle   von   Vergnügen,   Freude   und   Ruhe…   Glauben   ist   das,   was   die   Angst   tötet.   Jetzt,   wo   Vertrauen   uns   verlassen   hat,   ist   Angst   zurückgekehrt…   Zurück   sind   Unsicherheit,   Zweifel,   Schmerz   –   all   diese   sehr   unangenehme   Gefühle…   Und   selbst   der   Mensch,   dem   man   nicht   mehr   glauben   kann,   ist   uns   äußerst   unangenehm.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko