

Die gefährlichste Krankheit der Menschheit. (Neurose-Management).






10.6177.     AR AR

The essence of managing a neurosis is that you can come out of a neurosis or depression as a new person.  You can be what you want to be.  Everything will be as you want, if everything is done correctly.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.56.     AR AR

Neuroticism is useful, the neurotic is able to concentrate his attention and love on his goal and fanatically serve it.  Plus neurotics are vain, which makes them reference careerists, mad scientists and stars of show business.  The only question is what exactly he will concentrate his love on.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.81. Who Am I?     AR AR

The cause of neurosis is the inability or inability to be oneself.  The inability to perform well its purpose.

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4.192.     AR AR

The cure for neurosis is to teach man to control chance and to think by free Association.

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10.6175.     AR AR

Depression and neurosis are a great chance to change and become better.  In fact, both depression and neurosis are two signals of varying degrees of anxiety that you need to improve and change for new goals and circumstances.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


5.969. A cure for fear.     AR AR

Flow is aspiration to the goal, a state of growth. Growth is joyful. Lack of growth breeds fear and neurosis. The flow is the cure for fear.

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10.6169. Fear of growth.     AR AR

Neurosis is a situation associated with growth problems.  The person does not understand what is happening, is afraid, tries to control the process, resists it.  In some cases, it does not grow.  And this problem.  In others, it grows and turns into an unknown thing.  Neurosis is not a disease, it does not need to be treated and feared, but it needs to be managed.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.324.     AR AR

For the neurotic rituals are very important, they give them peace and joy. In dealing with a neurotic should observe the ritual of communication. Neurotics are very suspicious and touchy, once they feel a deviation from the script, they will be seized with anxiety and bitter resentment.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


5.615.     AR AR

Neurotics have a split personality by default: I am bad and I am good.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.3188.     AR AR

Neurosis always produces a split personality. By creating perfect images within, the mind is forced to piece them together. For example, one I - poor, other - good, or just one perfect partner no, need two or three to collect. Under each piece of the ideal is formed its semi-independent personality. Each personality of their own loves and hates, has its own preferences and tastes, usually in conflict and criticizes other personalities.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.82.     AR AR

Freud saw the cause of neurosis in suppressed sexuality.  Erickson – the inability to fulfill your destiny.  Adler is in a lust for power that stems from sexual instinct.  Still it is possible to say that neurosis is a discrepancy between his view of himself or a growth problem.  In General, we can say that the definition of Erickson wider than all other ideas.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.83.     AR AR

When society prevents a person from being himself, fulfilling his destiny, there is a neurosis.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


4.98.     AR AR

Psychosis is despotism...  Neurosis is a thirst for power.  Psychosis degenerates into schizophrenia.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.38.     AR AR

Allowing the child to sit on his hands for a long time, sleep with his mother, the mother concentrates it on his love and turns into a neurotic.  Now, when a child is separated from his mother, he feels fear and anger.  Now the child will be paranoid with delusions of vanity.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.46.     AR AR

Neurotic need to treat accustom him to order, to loving yourself and your neighbors, to other businesses, Hobbies, sports, etc. Not be disturbed to allow to concentrate the love, you need to break it.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.68.     AR AR

Neurotics like to start a lot, even more throwing, not bringing to the end.  They are looking for the perfect love, but perfect in this world only their dreams.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.6027.     AR AR

"Neurosis" - a medical concept and" neuroticism " in psychologists are different concepts.  Moreover, the concept of neurotic is outdated, and today is replaced by a gradation of 6 different cognitive personality disorders.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.327.     AR AR

Psychosis is an extreme form of neurosis. Metastasis of neurosis. Chronic neurosis in the case of some sharp emotional shock develops into psychosis.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5741.     AR AR

The tale of Ilya Muromets gives hope to all people who have lost a lot of time on entertainment, vices, entertainment, depression and depression.  Blessed are the poor in spirit, because they are like a coiled spring that has been coiled for a long time.  The energy stored in the point is enormous.  Even our universe is said to have originated from a point.  If the Genie is released from the bottle, he will be capable of miracles.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5697.     AR AR

Idealism always breeds a split personality and chronic neurosis.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5769. The force of deterrence.     AR AR

The lack of growth and movement leads to the release of energy, which can be accumulated by stretching, like a bowstring or spring.  The stored energy can be used for explosive growth.  To do this, you need to have a specific goal and avoid energy leakage.  Fear and joy are radiators to release excess energy.  In addition, the energy can leave through parasitic actions that are kind of calming.  Any activity, including thoughts, leads to a drain of energy.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5782.     AR AR

When a person stops in growth and fruitfulness, the unrealized energy is partially transformed into fear and seeks a way out.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5797.     AR AR

Your problem is, you feel like feeling bad is terrible.  In fact, there is nothing wrong with that.  Pain is a normal state of the body.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5936.     AR AR

Black-and-white dichotomous thinking breeds obstruction.  Man seems to lock himself on the border of these two environments.  To gain freedom, you need to destroy everything and prove that the razor blade is an illusion of the mind.  Black and white are one, and no different from each other.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5995. The law of conservation of energy.     AR AR

This truth is the unity of potential and realized energy.  Therefore, the less a person realized himself, the more potential energy remained inside him.  Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their potential is enormous.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.6078. You to me, I to you.     AR AR

If the conscious mind does not take into account the interests of the subconscious in its actions and does not listen to feelings, this will provoke a great conflict and sabotage.  If you lose contact with the subconscious, you will be left without the energy of love and inspiration.  Laziness, apathy, fear, anger, neurosis and other delights of life will become your eternal companion.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.6176.     AR AR

Neurosis is the resistance or impossibility of change and growth.  Nature encourages us to grow and change, but consciousness or external circumstances prevent this.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


10.5638. The principle of Aikido.     AR AR

It's not a big deal that things are bad for you.  The easier it will be for you to deal with this problem.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


6.48.     AR AR

The neurotic cannot lie, a lie causes their paranoia.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


5.266. The most miserable man on earth.     AR AR

The perfect man is the master idealist neurotic. In fact, this is a terribly unhappy, burning in hell of eternal suffering. What do we know about him other than that his life is eternal hell? – We also know that he always pretends to be very smart and good and happy. That's terrible. When does he cry? - Usually when very drunk or at night.

Übersetzen: NeuronNet


Der Anfang des Buches

3.727. Gefallen sind wenig gefragt.     AR AR

Eine   Person,   die   als   Kind   übertrieben   geliebt   wurde,   hat   es   schwierig,   eine   gute   Arbeit   zu   finden,   denn   sie   denkt,   alle   müssen   ihr   Gefallen   tun.   Arbeitssuch   ist   niedriger   ihrer   Würde,   sie   denkt,   die   Arbeit   wird   ihr   angeboten.   Sie   denkt,   dass   tut   das   Gefallen,   wenn   für   jemand   arbeitet.   Aber   nicht   alle   Arbeitgeber   brauchen   ihr   Gefallen.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


4.447.     AR AR

Seine   ersten   Gelder   macht   ein   reicher   Mensch   mit   Hilfe   eines   Zaubers   im   Spieleifer   wegen   der   Ausgangslosigkeit.   Das   Kapital   verdient   zu   haben,   behält   er   einen   Wunsch   zu   verdienen,   wählt   aber   einen   leichten   Weg,   das   Geld   nicht   mit   der   Spende   seiner   Zeit   und   seines   Kopfs,   sondern   mit   seinem   Kapital   zu   verdienen.   Es   ist   ihm   schade,   seine   Zeit   auszugeben,   denn   er   sehnt   nach   Vergnügung   und   Genuss.   Bzw.   auf   einer   tieferen   Ebene   die   Zeit   für   etwas   mit   Reproduktion   Verbundene   zu   spenden,   z.B.   Sex.   Es   bleibt   ein   leichterer   Weg   –   das   Kapital,   es   ist   aber   bange,   das   Kapital   zu   riskieren,   er   kann   auch   nicht,   denn   sein   Geld   wurde   von   der   Zeit,   nicht   vom   Kapital   verdient.   Die   Situation   gebärt   Angst.   Im   Ergebnis   kommt   der   nicht   realisierte   Wunsch   hervor,   und   das,   was   ihn   bremst.   Alles   zusammen   bringt   eine   Neurose   und   Unzufriedenheit   von   der   Seele,   die   zum   Amoklaufen   führen.   Die   Entscheidung   ist   leicht   –   auf   Mängel   zu   verzichten   und   Zeit   der   Arbeit   und   Erkenntnis   zu   widmen,   erneut   das   Geld   mit   Hilfe   des   Zaubers   zu   verdienen   und   dieses   Geld   für   Schöpfung,   Kinder   und   Sex   ausgeben.

Übersetzen: Oksana Shevchenko


3.2272. Solch ein kleines Detail.     AR AR

Mangel   an   Liebe   zum   Detail   gebärt   außerordentliche   Verallgemeinerungen,   die   zu   schwarz-weißem   dichotomischem   Denken   führen,   das   Idealismus   und   Neurosen   erzeugt,   die   Hölle   und   Paradies   gebären,   dabei   Hölle   und   Leiden   bleiben   im   Menschen,   während   Himmel   und   Glück   in   der   Spiegelwelt   und   Träumen.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


4.2602.     AR AR

Manager   haben   daran   zu   denken,   die   Mehrheit   der   Leute   Neurotiker   sind   (u.a.   auch   Manager   selbst).   Betrügen   und   enttäuschen   Neurotiker   ist   sehr   unerwünscht,   denn   danach   verlieren   sie   Engagement,   geraten   in   die   Faulheit   und   Apathie,   danach   ist   es   äußerst   schwierig,   sie   arbeiten   lassen.   Besonders   schlecht   beeinflusst   es   die   Leute,   in   deren   Arbeit   sollen   Initiative   und   Kreativität   enthalten.  

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


4.3188.     AR AR

Ein   Neurotiker-Idealist   kann   nicht   für   die   arbeiten,   die   ihn   betrügen.   Wenn   du   nur   einmal   einen   solchen   Menschen   betrogen   hast   bzw.   seine   Erwartungen   missbilligen,   wird   er   im   Augenblick   kaputt   und   sein   KPI   um   98%   senkt.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


5.1030. Begeisterung vom Leben.     AR AR

Stille   Schönheit   ist   tote   Schönheit.   Darum   schließt   die   „Stadt   der   Toten“,   u.a.,   Denkmale   von   der   Architektur   und   Kunst   ein.   Bildhauerei,   Architektur,   Freskos,   Malerei.   Angst   vor   dem   Tod   gebärt   Sozialneurosen   und   Tod   selbst.   Angst   vor   dem   Tod   gekämpft   zu   haben,   werden   Leute   auch   den   Tod   selbst   siegen,   damit   die   ewigen   Seelen   erhalten.   Sieg   über   die   Angst   vor   Tod   begeistert   Menschheit,   um   zu   leben.

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko


5.2324.     AR AR

Neurose   ist   Erzeugnis   von   hochgeschraubten   Sozialerwartungen,   die   von   Eltern,   Gesellschaft   und   Schule   gestellt   sind.  

Übersetzen: Oxana Shevchenko