
3.255.     AR AR

If a man torments a woman with uncertainty and fear, a woman subconsciously wants to send him to hell and leave.  The point is, if she leaves and he is left without the love that is God, he will instantly fall into hell and go crazy.  And if it doesn't and will not fail, therefore, love was not in it so especially it is not needed.

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3.413.     AR AR

Although you are terribly afraid of uncertainty, it must be admitted that uncertainty does not exist.  Chance is an illusion and a lie.

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3.505.     AR AR

The uncertainty of the quantum position is due to the fact that it moves at the speed of time, is simultaneously everywhere.

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10.79. The program crashes? Virus?     AR AR

Once there was an animal, like all other animals, working on a given algorithm, and then there was a failure in the program, and the animal lost understanding of what to do.  The animal fell into fear and uncertainty, began to try to figure out what to do, what is good and what is bad, what is good and what is evil.  Yeah, that's right, you're the animal.

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10.15234.     AR AR

Love is a unity of order and uncertainty to believe in.  It's all about faith.  If there is no uncertainty, faith will die.

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10.15306.     AR AR

Uncertainty is a random generator that allows love to live forever, for love is knowledge.

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10.15911.     AR AR

The whole point of love is uncertainty.  You kill uncertainty, you ruin love.  Uncertainty requires humility in the name of love.

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10.16715.     AR AR

Faith requires courage.  When you train your faith, you train your courage.  Cowards are afraid to believe.  Cowards are afraid of uncertainty and their ignorance.  Cowards are inexperienced and inexperienced.

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10.16783.     AR AR

Uncertainty is not infinite; rather, it is the consequence of a limited point of view.

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10.18371. X Factor.     AR AR

Life is a differential equation where uncertainty and randomness are expressed by factor X. Any attempt to determine factor X is automatic  it will also destroy life.

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10.18453.     AR AR

Any uncertainty is beautiful because it can be turned into certainty.  Uncertainty is the raw material, the gold ore from which gold is extracted.  Gold is a certainty.

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10.20598.     AR AR

The uncertainty is frightening…  Certainty pleases.  We can control everything we understand through our behavior.

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10.21194.     AR AR


Until you define a system, it can remain indefinitely in a state of uncertainty.  On the other hand, the state of certainty is finite, and sooner or later it goes back to the state of uncertainty.


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10.21195.     AR AR

Humility is what allows you to keep the paradox intact without cutting it  The Gordian knot.  The Gordian knot is a figure of eight, an energy loop, an infinite source of energy that ensures the integrity of the system.

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10.21314.     AR AR

The essence of the uncertainty principle is that until the system is defined, you can designate it as X and use it as you like.

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10.51185.     AR AR

The development of the uncertainty principle is the rejection of the concept of confidence.  We're not sure of anything.  More  moreover, we don't need confidence.  Confidence is the desire to be right, it is pride and thirst for power.  Confidence and self-confidence are the same thing.  We can live in an uncertain world just by assuming the truth.  Truth is probability.  Too much confidence interferes with knowledge of the world and blinds self-confidence.

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10.51461.     AR AR

Syntalism is quantum philosophy, truth according to syntalism is Schrodinger's cat.  There is a certain phenomenon locked in a black box, which we accept as true and leave undefined.  When it is useful to us, we consider this essence to be the truth.  When we don't need it, it disappears and turns into a lie.  The cat seems to be there, but we did not check and will not check, because it is not important.

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10.51693.     AR AR

The uncertainty principle is a situation where we turn an illusion into a Schrodinger cat.  We can take a function of X even if we don't know the value of X.  Function is movement.  Movement is life.  Movement generates energy, results and joy.

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10.51694.     AR AR

God does not want to be understood.  God wants to surprise and remain unexpected.  Accidents need to be loved, not tried to control them.  In this sense  God is very much like a woman.  There must be mystery and uncertainty in a woman.  You can not steal a woman's riddle, you can not organize it, requiring sex on schedule and duty smiles.  Love and joy must be free.

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10.52158.     AR AR

The point of the uncertainty principle is to use uncertainty without violence, until the object itself determines itself.  There is no need to define phenomena, they themselves will do it better than us.

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10.52878.     AR AR

The uncertainty principle is the integrity principle.  Uncertainty is wholeness.

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10.59197.     AR AR

Quantum thinking is thinking in the style of realizing that everything is good, and therefore we can act according to the principle of uncertainty, that is, allowing the grain and chaff to determine their own nature.

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10.59329.     AR AR

The uncertainty principle allows us to avoid collapse of the wave function until a choice is made.  We will not make a choice, we will wait until the choice makes itself.

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10.64635.     AR AR

The commandment "Thou shalt not judge, and thou shalt not be judged" is the realization of the syntactic principle of uncertainty.

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10.67236.     AR AR

The philosophical basis of quantum superposition is the uncertainty principle.

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10.67670.     AR AR

Uncertainty equalizes everything.  Uncertainty equals uncertainty.  Uncertainty is Infinity.  Uncertainty turns everything into Infinity.

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10.68234.     AR AR

The synthalistic uncertainty principle allows us to solve the problem of neurosis and schizophrenia, that is, to allow two or more contradictory beliefs and desires to exist simultaneously. 

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10.77755.     AR AR

Uncertainty is nothing, but you can define uncertainty by turning it into anything.

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10.73263. Transparent borders.     AR AR

The uncertainty principle is the principle of open borders, which exist, which must be respected and the laws of their crossing must be known, but at the same time these borders are open, like borders within the Schengen union.  In fact, we are talking about the dialectical simultaneity of the presence and absence of borders.  Such borders are very flexible, tolerant and transparent.

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10.73339.     AR AR

The principle of uncertainty is negation with the preservation of certainty.  That is, certainty is part and content of uncertainty.  Uncertainty is a superstructure of form, and certainty is the basis of content.  For example, the universal of the horse category is uncertainty, the white horse is its definite content.

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10.74019.     AR AR

Certainty is negation, and uncertainty is agreement.  The uncertainty principle is total agreement  with everything by default, because everything is God, and God is the truth.

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10.74793.     AR AR

The essence of the syntactic uncertainty principle is that there is no uncertainty.  The existence of certainty in our world is impossible.

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10.75252.     AR AR

The syntactic principle of uncertainty correlates in its meaning with the Taoist concept of Tao.  The development of the universe takes place in accordance with certain patterns and principles that cannot be clearly defined.  The uncertainty principle is realized through the methods of randomness, unintentional activity, disinterestedness or uselessness.

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10.76508.     AR AR

What is uncertainty?  This is a probability.  The uncertainty principle is the same as probability theory.

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10.81861.     AR AR

The uncertainty principle, among other things, speaks of uncertain goals.  There is no need to clearly define the goal right away.  You can build a goal gradually, revealing its details like pieces of a mosaic.  The target can be determined in the course of movement.  Movement is primary, movement generates and opens up new goals.  Changing and correcting goals is the most important element of freedom of the spirit. 

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