




10.72277.     AR AR

The meaning of Syntalism is to fulfill dreams.  At the gentleman's  Wu had a dream to participate incognito in the creation of a new religious philosophy.  Syntalism fulfilled this dream of his.  He would have fulfilled his other dreams, but having fulfilled this dream of his, Mr.  Wu was missing.  The influence of the lord  Wu's influence on Syntalism is significant.  You can praise the merits of the master for a long time  Wu, but this will take a lot of words, so we will only note his contribution to the financing and development of Syntalism ideas.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.75714. Bread with salt.     AR AR

Painting "Blue Square"  It was painted by Olga and Soloinc, as well as inspired by Mr. WU, who said for a whole year that Syntalism needed a showcase and everything like that.  Soloinc filled  Blue square with information and wisdom.  Olga filled the blue square with magic and energy.  Mr. WU threw in a pinch of salt.  All together it turned out to be a symbol of bread and salt. 

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.50150.     AR AR

Mr. Wu once remarked that the more absurd the ritual, the more valuable it was.  The ideal ritual is a ritual that the mind cannot understand.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.80235. Zorian.     AR AR

Syntalism is a synthetic philosophy on the basis of which synthetic religions can be created.  The mission of Syntalism is to inspire.  Syntalism has long inspired Mr.  WU, and he came up with  Zorianism.  It turned out to be a sound, socially useful religious philosophy.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.80968.     AR AR

The relation of Syntalism to Zorianism is the relation of the forest to the tree.  The forest welcomes the idol tree with joy.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.80240. Almighty God.     AR AR

There is a god, and this god is a man.  And he has free will, and there is a law that this god created to rule this world.  And God himself voluntarily obeyed this law, thereby pacifying his pride.  God did it because he can't control himself.  The creator's pride is colossal and only the law can control it. 

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.80241.     AR AR

God cannot go against free will.

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10.80242. Zorianism.     AR AR

God created this world to heal himself from addiction, to pacify his pride.  God locked himself up to heal from the suffering caused by pride. 

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10.80243.     AR AR

I have a weakness and I can't control myself, so I will create a law over myself, which is a ritual and a system so that it controls me and saves me from vice.

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10.81094. A magnificent tail.     AR AR

Avatar  Soloinc suggested that Mr. WU make Zorianism the tail of the dragon of Syntalism, but Mr. WU, obsessed with pride, said that his creation could not be a tail.  "Good," said the avatar  Soloinc, - then the tail will be Syntalism."  Syntalism is the simultaneity of a point and the universe, it does not matter who it is.  More  Moreover, if Syntalism wants to be someone's  With his tail, he doesn't even need permission to do that.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.81060. The power of the shadow.     AR AR

Syntalism is a shadow.  Syntalism is a single shadow of everything.  Syntalism doesn't need permission to be a shadow of anything.  Vampires are not reflected in mirrors, but even they humble themselves before the absolute power of the shadow.

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10.83055. The unity of ice and fire.     AR AR


The ideal of Zorianism is a tree, and the ideal of Syntalism is a forest, respectively, these two will deny it differently and in different ways.  On the other hand, the forest and the tree are one, because the forest is when there are many trees.  The ideal of Syntalism is chaos, the ideal of Zorianism is order.  Uniting, these two come to a synthesis, which is the unity of extremes, that is, the truth.


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10.83125.     AR AR

Neurotic split is the division of the one into forest and trees.  Neurosis is a conflict that divides the inseparable, that is, the forest and the trees.  The cause of neurotic conflict is ignorance and the inferiority complex of the tree.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.75418.     AR AR

According to the Vedic tradition, the path to wealth leads through sacrifice to the god of wisdom, the god of war, planting trees, vegetarianism, medical care for people, kindness to people, etc.  All this increases a person's piety.

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10.74536. Plant a tree.     AR AR

The most important goal of Syntalism:  plant a trillion trees.  It should be a universal goal.  It should not be that a small group of people amuse their vanity with such a feat, but the meaning of every person's life is to plant a tree.  Moreover, these trees need to be planted not only on our planet, but also to bring life to other planets.  If every person for his life will put  from one to several thousand trees, this will save all of humanity and allow us, people, to pay our debt to nature, which gives us air, water, food.

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10.74540.     AR AR

The first derivative is when we create a free lie out of nothing.  The second derivative is the denial of falsehood, generating truth.  The third derivative is the negation of negation, generating subjective individual truth.

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10.74576. The vine.     AR AR

To serve trees is the same as, in a broad sense, it means to serve nature and people.  Syntalism considers it useful to plant trees, orchards, vineyards.  Firstly, it is a service to the nature of life, and secondly, it is food and air for people themselves.

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10.74700.     AR AR

At Christmas, Mr. WU had an epiphany, and he realized that his mission in life was to plant trees, after which he paid for the planting of half a million trees in a few days and decided that he should plant a trillion of them.  As Syntalism teaches us, the crazier the goal, the more interesting its consequences. 

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10.82184. Apple trees on Mars.     AR AR

They say the meaning of people's lives is to serve trees.  In this sense, Syntalism says that the meaning of human life is to serve the nature of life, to protect it on our planet and, among other things, to spread life to other planets.  Syntalism seeks to ensure that apple trees bloom on Mars and the moon is covered with forests. 

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10.78227.     AR AR

In the end, Mr. WU merged, but he fulfilled his mission.  Studying this person and interacting with him, Syntalism has learned a lot for itself.  Of course, Mr. WU is infinitely far from perfection or being chosen, but Syntalism regards perfection as gold, of which there is no more than 3% in gold ore.  Syntalism extracted enough gold from Mr. WU, for which I thank him. 

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10.83351.     AR AR

People are leaving, and it's sad, but we need to let people go.  Some people are replaced by other people.  A holy place is never empty.  When a person fulfills his mission, he leaves.  The role of the actor is played, new actors come on stage.  Let's applaud the old actors.  Let's welcome the new actors.

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10.81013.     AR AR

Syntalism is a forest.  The mission of the forest is to give meaning and benefit to the trees within itself.  The forest is a form that gives meaning to its content.  The form tells everyone inside of itself:  "I need you, you are useful.  I love you all as myself.  You are my heart, you are my eye, you are my little finger."

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10.81014.     AR AR

Mr. WU, who invented Zorianism, asked the avatar  Soloinc, why does Syntalism need Zorianism?  Mr. Soloinc replied that for Syntalism Zorianism is a tail.  The tail is beautiful and even useful, so Syntalism is ready to accept it.  Zorianism's interest in Syntalism is energy, movement and food.  It's good to be the tail of a dragon.

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10.81021.     AR AR

Syntalism is the dragon, and Zorianism is the tail of the dragon.  The dragon's tail is beautiful, but not only.  The dragon's tail is a deadly weapon of enormous destructive power, which also helps the dragon to fly and control flight.  However, this allegory can be presented differently.  Syntalism is a multi-headed dragon, and Zorianism is one of its heads.  The forest is strong with its trees.

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10.81040. The perfect forest.     AR AR

Mr. WU said.  Syntalism is an all-consuming and annihilating fire that burns all forests.  Zorianism is a perfect tree-yggdrasil, which is not afraid of fire.  A new perfect forest begins with it.  Avatar  Soloinc replied.  Syntalism is the perfect forest.  Having turned into a perfect forest, Zorianism will lose itself and turn into Syntalism.  By the way, one of the symbols of Syntalism is a burning bush that does not burn in the fire.  The temple of Syntalism is the tree of life and eternal flame.  By the way, since Zorianism is idolatry, its opponent is not the emptiness of Syntalism, but other idols of trees.  As for the void, it is an endless place in which idols live.  Idols squabble among themselves for the right to fence themselves a piece of endless emptiness. 

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10.83339.     AR AR

As for Zorianism, it, like any idolatrous sect, is effective in view of its limitations and goodness.  In this sense, Zorianism can be compared to such strong idols as a bull or a bear.  That is, if you need strength here and now, Zorianism will be effective. 

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10.81044.     AR AR

The idol wants to destroy everything different from himself, but the real god takes everything inside himself.  An idol is like a content that rushes to freedom, and God is a form that contains this content within itself.  The idol denies, God accepts.  God agrees with everything and everything is within him.  Everything that the idol denies is outside of it.  God is always greater than the idol, for God is the unity of what is accepted and denied by the idol.  God is the idol itself and everything that this idol denies.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.67570.     AR AR

The unity of negative and positive create a holistic ideal.  The two extremes, balancing the system, create the materiality of truth.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


10.67693.     AR AR

In a demonstration of the power of the philosophy of syntalism and the power of nothing, I have a plan to take one dollar and turn it into a trillion.  Zeros don't matter.  You can add any number of zeros to one dollar.

Oversæt: NeuronNet


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