




10.70271.   AR AR

The essence of the business can be expressed by the slogan "We make our customers' lives easier."

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.71618. A light in the dark.   AR AR

What does Galactica Corporation and the philosophy of Syntalism offer to its followers?  A moment of joy of light.  Darkness is infinite and perfect, but it lacks joy and life.  Syntalism offers light, passion, life, joy.  Of course, all this is in a limited and safe amount.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.72188.   AR AR

I love impossible goals because they don't create blinding desires.  Faith in a miracle is very small and modest, like a lottery ticket, like a barely noticeable guiding star in the night sky.  Too much light in the Dark is blinding.


The power of the spirit is the power of love that fills a lover when he loves and cares about what he loves.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.77810.   AR AR

As befits the real truth, the Galaxy Corporation is created from nothing.  The idea is primary.  Everything starts with an idea, everything else is already details.  Consciousness determines being.  The idea, passing through the stages of self-development, reaches perfection.  A perfect idea acquires a quality that allows it to structure energy, giving it its own form.  Matter is information about the form of energy.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.73703.   AR AR

Any idea is nothing, which takes the first step towards being.  The first stage of movement  from nothing to being is called the emergence and birth of an idea.  Nothing aspires to being and inevitably reaches it.  In this sense, any manifested idea is potentially possible in reality.  Moreover, the manifestation of an idea into reality is expressed in its comprehension and self-awareness and continues in its formation.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.77816.   AR AR

The Galaxy Corporation does not exist, it is a figment of my imagination.  I'm a crazy visionary. I came up with the Galactica Corporation.  I've loved science fiction since I was a kid.  I love this idea because it is very beautiful and inspiring.  I came up with an idea, and now my goal is to turn this idea into reality.  My goal:  turn illusion into matter.  What is matter?  Information about the form of energy.  Information is an idea, knowledge, illusion, dream…  We live in a world of ideas where the primary idea is fantasy and a mind that has the courage to dream and create.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.73052. Water.   AR AR

To create the Galactica Corporation, I zeroed out.  I dropped below zero.  I had to learn how to lie on the water and not be afraid of drowning.  I needed to learn how to breathe underwater.  I had to learn not to be afraid of water and to love water.  That's why I burned all my money and possessions.  I have concentrated all my energy and knowledge within myself.  I gave up everything superfluous.  To become everything, I became nothing.  I have created a tension in the system and a condition for creating overcompensation and exponential explosive growth. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.73053.   AR AR

The experience of being in nothingness has revealed to me that the devil is not as terrible as he is painted.  There is life, happiness and joy in nothing.  More  That nothing is little distinguishable  from everything or from any of its parts.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.73103.   AR AR

Why does Syntalism create its own corporation?  Money is freedom.  Money is the energy to turn your dreams into reality.  When you don't have your own money, it's slavery.  You have to beg, beg for money from oligarchs, idols or the state.  The meaning of Syntalism is the freedom and independence of the human spirit, so it implies freedom from idols and begging.  More  Moreover, dependence is passivity that generates fear, and the primary mission of Syntalism is the pacification of fear.  It should also be  To say that although a synthalist  He is able to live by the holy Spirit alone, but in order to turn dreams into reality, free pure energy is needed.  The primary value of Syntalism is creation, and creation needs energy. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.82629. The theory of the Miracle.   AR AR

So, Galactica Corporation is an outstanding experiment that will allow us to test the syntalistic theory of the miracle in practice.  Construction  The Galaxy Corporation starts with a hole in the pocket.  Initially, we have a hole.  Moreover, the holes are interchangeable, you can take a hole from a bagel.  You can supplement the hole with faith and a couple of kilograms of brains.  Theoretically, this is enough to start with.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.81402. Consciousness and being.   AR AR

Galactica Corporation is a corporation made of shit and sticks.  Initially, we have nothing, and the goal is to create a world out of nothing with the power of thought.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.81651.   AR AR

The meaning of Syntalism is to connect shit and sticks.  Another option is to mix shit with sticks.  Why?  The bottom line is that it all starts with shit and sticks.  Shit and sticks are the primary element and foundation of everything.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.71588.   AR AR

There is no reason to buy shares of Galaxy Corporation, except for one thing.  Buy if you really want to.  You can do anything if you really want to.  Otherwise, I can rationalize and dissuade you from participating in corporate affairs for a very long time.  The ideology of Syntalism says that all words are the other way around, so the Galactica corporation will do everything as it cannot and as wrong.  We will make every effort to make all possible mistakes and do everything we can wrong.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.71614. The mission of life.   AR AR

Although Galactica Corporation declares financial goals, this is just an attempt to pay tribute to the integrity of all human needs.  The main goal and mission of Galaktika Corporation are creative goals related to the spread of life outside the planet Earth, the preservation of life on Earth, the creation of virtual worlds and space colonies, the development of technology and the creation of jobs, the health of the human soul and body.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.71615.   AR AR

The mission of Syntalism is to spread life and intelligence in the universe.  Our goal:  to carry life into space and to the nearest planets.  Our goal:  create virtual worlds out of nothing and bring life and reason there.  The meaning of reason and life is expansion into nothingness.  The purpose of light is to seek darkness, realizing its need to become light.  Darkness is infinite, and the variety of limited light pleases her.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.78038.   AR AR

I won't ask you for what you can.  It's not interesting.  I'm going to ask you for what you can't, but you want.  I will ask you for something that is not allowed, but I really want to.  The truth is when you can't, but really want to.  Truth is a hope that denies reality.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.78042.   AR AR

I'm not asking you for what you can and don't want, because that's sadomasochism.  I'm not asking you for what you can and want, because it's boring and not interesting.  I'm asking you for what you can't, but you want, because that's what passion is.  I'm asking you for passion.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.72398.   AR AR

Investments in the Galactica Corporation and forecasts for the profitability of these investments come from the syntalistic idea of faith with a mustard seed.  The meaning of human life is to plant a garden.  Huge trees grow from small seeds.  We are talking about millions of percent growth.  The weight of one grain is 2 grams, the weight of an adult tree can reach several tons.  One ton contains 1,000,000 grams.  I will say more, how much does a fertilized egg weigh?

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.72399.   AR AR

Galaktika Corporation does not promise you to earn a lot and quickly.  Only cats breed fast here.  We work expensive and slow.  Our goal is to plant and grow a garden.  This garden will begin to bear fruit in 7-12 years.  Young trees should not bear fruit.  Young trees should grow.  On the other hand, Syntalism called Schrodinger's cat a symbol of God, so everything is possible in the Danish Kingdom.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70417. Energy Corporation.   AR AR

Galactica Corporation is an energy corporation whose purpose is the conversion and extraction of energy.  Energy sources are hydrogen, helium-3, nature, knowledge, technology, change, and other sources.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70645.   AR AR

The philosophy of syntalism believes that the meaning of the existence of mankind is to spread life outside the planet Earth.  It is for this purpose that nature created the mind.  Galactica Corporation's mission is to carry the seed of life into space.  To achieve this goal, we need cheap energy and Technology, respectively, these are the Tuesday goals of the corporation. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70642.   AR AR

The financial plan of Galactica corporation within 13 years to reach the energy capacity of the asset value of 6 trillion dollars.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.72726.   AR AR

The 6 trillion plan is the maximum plan.  The minimum plan is a billion, and the average plan is the gradient between the minimum and maximum. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.73041. Abnormal distribution.   AR AR

Financial goals of Galaktika Corporation.  Goal: at least $1 billion.  The goal is average:  $16 billion.  The maximum goal:  6 trillion dollars.  Such an abnormal location of targets is necessary to create an asymmetric center of mass at the level of the golden section.  This is necessary for the formation of acceleration  in an elliptical orbit.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70692.   AR AR

What is Galactica Corporation to its investors?  This is a chance to fulfill your mission in life.  It is the hope of turning a dream into a reality.  It's gambling and adrenaline.  This is a chance to make a lot of money.  This is fun, pacifying boredom.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.76768.   AR AR

As an investment in Galactica Corporation, we only accept easy money.  Honestly earned hard money we do not accept, because they are heavy and grow poorly.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70652.   AR AR

What guarantees investments in the capital of Galactica Corporation?  Nothing.  There are no guarantees.  "It's pride and lust for power.  There is only hope for a miracle.  There is love of truth.  There is faith the size of a mustard seed.  You can lose ten dollars, and you can earn a lot of money and participate in the colonization of space.  It's a dream.  We are idealists.  We believe that the idea is primary, and money is nothing.  Energy is nothing.  Information is a form that, being filled with nothingness, gives shape to our world.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70664.   AR AR

If you love me, you'll believe me.  Where there is love and faith, there is hope for truth, life and growth.  If you don't believe me, then you don't love me, and then there's no hope.  And I'll tell you:  "I'm a liar, always a liar."  Guarantees don't matter.  The source of wonder is the humility of pride.  Love me, trust me, control your pride, that's the whole point.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70670.   AR AR

You don't believe me?  I don't want you to believe me.  I need faith the size of a mustard seed, it's a very small faith, very much like a faint hope.  It is said, Do not believe, do not be afraid and do not ask.  I want you to be driven by passion and love of life.  I want you to believe not in me, but in miracles.  Field of wonders in the land of Fools, remember?  Syntalism is a philosophy of Fools and miracles.  Are you ashamed to be a fool?  Shame is pride.  I want you to put down your pride.  That's the gist of it.  To have hope for a miracle, you need to smash your rationalism to hell.  I argue that the field of miracles exists and being a fool is good, but being smart is bad.  Smart people are timid, and where there is fear, there is no strength and luck. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70671.   AR AR

Of course I'm lying.  I'm talking about the future.  The future will not be exactly as I picture it, but when we have a goal, we have a great chance that if we focus our efforts long and long on what is available, we will create something similar to our idea.  The idea evolves, matures, adapts to reality.  She will look different from what we see now, when she is still a small child, but I believe that in any case she will be beautiful.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70699.   AR AR

What is Galactica investing in?  Create virtual worlds.  City  The dead.  The lunar program.  Extraction of helium-3, hydrogen and conversion of solar energy.  Educational projects.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.70700. Luna Park.   AR AR

The primary mission of Galactica Corporation in space exploration is the most modest of all possible.  Our goal:  colonization of the Moon and mining on it, starting with  from helium-3 onwards.  It is planned to develop tourism on the moon, as well as create an energy and production cluster for mining and processing asteroids.  Everything is very modest.  We want to build a Moon Park and spread life to our nearest satellite.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.72911.   AR AR

Colonization of the moon can save humanity from unforeseen catastrophes.  For example, if an accidental disruption of the Earth's magnetic field suddenly occurs and life on planet Earth is destroyed, then it will be able to survive in protected lunar cities.

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.82142.   AR AR

The meaning of people's life is to serve nature, to serve trees.  All animals serve plants, and plants serve animals.  Syntalism believes that nature created people to bring life to other planets and the essence of human sacrifice to nature is to spread life to other planets.  The very nature of life will bless those people who will serve it.  The activity of Galaktika Corporation and those people who help it is pleasing to God, increases karma, gives health and good luck. 

ترجم: NeuronNet


10.76754.   AR AR

The goal is the icing on the cake.  Cherry is good, but, firstly, it is possible without Cherries.  Secondly, cherries are interchangeable.  You can cookies, roses, raspberries.  The end goal, which will decorate the cake, does not really matter.

ترجم: NeuronNet


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